--- categories: - Authentication - SSO questions: - default: "true" variable: config.error_reporting type: boolean description: "Enable error-reporting to sentry.services.beryju.org" group: "passbook Configuration" label: "Error Reporting" #################################################################### ### PostgreSQL #################################################################### - variable: postgresql.enabled default: true description: "Deploy a database server as part of this deployment, or set to false and configure an external database connection." type: boolean required: true label: Install PostgreSQL show_subquestion_if: true group: "Database Settings" subquestions: - variable: postgresql.postgresqlDatabase default: "passbook" description: "Database name to create" type: string label: PostgreSQL Database - variable: postgresql.postgresqlUsername default: "passbook" description: "Database user to create" type: string label: PostgreSQL User - variable: postgresql.postgresqlPassword default: "" description: "password will be auto-generated if not specified" type: password label: PostgreSQL Password - variable: externalDatabase.host default: "" description: "Host of the external database" type: string label: External Database Host show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false" group: "Database Settings" - variable: externalDatabase.user default: "" description: "Existing username in the external DB" type: string label: External Database username show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false" group: "Database Settings" - variable: externalDatabase.password default: "" description: "External database password" type: password label: External Database password show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false" group: "Database Settings" - variable: externalDatabase.database default: "" description: "Name of the existing database" type: string label: External Database show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false" group: "Database Settings" - variable: externalDatabase.port default: "3306" description: "External database port number" type: string label: External Database Port show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false" group: "Database Settings" - variable: postgresql.persistence.enabled default: false description: "Enable persistent volume for PostgreSQL" type: boolean required: true label: PostgreSQL Persistent Volume Enabled show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true" show_subquestion_if: true group: "Database Settings" subquestions: - variable: postgresql.master.persistence.size default: "8Gi" description: "PostgreSQL Persistent Volume Size" type: string label: PostgreSQL Volume Size - variable: postgresql.master.persistence.storageClass default: "" description: "If undefined or null, uses the default StorageClass. Default to null" type: storageclass label: Default StorageClass for PostgreSQL - variable: postgresql.master.persistence.existingClaim default: "" description: "If not empty, uses the specified existing PVC instead of creating new one" type: string label: Existing Persistent Volume Claim for PostgreSQL