### Custom CSS To further modify the look of authentik, a custom CSS file can be created. Creating such a file is outside the scope of this document. import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; Create a `docker-compose.override.yml` file and add this block to mount the custom CSS file: ```yaml version: "3.2" services: server: volumes: - ./my-css-file.css:/web/dist/custom.css ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes. Create a ConfigMap with your css file: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: authentik-custom-css namespace: authentik data: custom.css: | ... ``` Then, in the helm chart add this to your `values.yaml` file: ```yaml volumes: - name: custom-css configMap: name: authentik-custom-css volumeMounts: - name: custom-css mountPath: /web/dist/custom.css subPath: custom.css ``` Afterwards, run the upgrade commands from the latest release notes.