"""passbook HIBP Models""" from hashlib import sha1 from logging import getLogger from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from requests import get from passbook.core.models import Policy, User LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) class HaveIBeenPwendPolicy(Policy): """Check if password is on HaveIBeenPwned's list by upload the first 5 characters of the SHA1 Hash.""" allowed_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) form = 'passbook.hibp_policy.forms.HaveIBeenPwnedPolicyForm' def passes(self, user: User) -> bool: """Check if password is in HIBP DB. Hashes given Password with SHA1, uses the first 5 characters of Password in request and checks if full hash is in response. Returns 0 if Password is not in result otherwise the count of how many times it was used.""" # Only check if password is being set if not hasattr(user, '__password__'): return True password = getattr(user, '__password__') pw_hash = sha1(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # nosec url = 'https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/%s' % pw_hash[:5] result = get(url).text final_count = 0 for line in result.split('\r\n'): full_hash, count = line.split(':') if pw_hash[5:] == full_hash.lower(): final_count = int(count) LOGGER.debug("Got count %d for hash %s", final_count, pw_hash[:5]) if final_count > self.allowed_count: return False, _("Password exists on %(count)d online lists." % {'count': final_count}) return True class Meta: verbose_name = _('Have I Been Pwned Policy') verbose_name_plural = _('Have I Been Pwned Policies')