module.exports = { docs: [ { type: "doc", id: "index", }, { type: "category", label: "Installation", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Installation", slug: "installation", description: "Everything you need to get authentik up and running!", }, items: [ "installation/docker-compose", "installation/kubernetes", "installation/beta", "installation/configuration", "installation/reverse-proxy", "installation/automated-install", "installation/air-gapped", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Core Concepts", collapsed: false, items: [ "core/terminology", "core/applications", "core/tenants", "core/certificates", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Providers", items: [ { type: "category", label: "OAuth2 Provider", link: { type: "doc", id: "providers/oauth2/index", }, items: [ "providers/oauth2/client_credentials", "providers/oauth2/device_code", ], }, "providers/saml", { type: "category", label: "Proxy Provider", link: { type: "doc", id: "providers/proxy/index", }, items: [ "providers/proxy/custom_headers", "providers/proxy/forward_auth", ], }, { type: "category", label: "LDAP Provider", link: { type: "doc", id: "providers/ldap/index", }, items: ["providers/ldap/generic_setup"], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Outposts", link: { type: "doc", id: "outposts/index", }, items: [ "outposts/embedded/embedded", { type: "category", label: "Integrations", items: [ "outposts/integrations/docker", "outposts/integrations/kubernetes", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Running and upgrading", items: [ "outposts/manual-deploy-docker-compose", "outposts/manual-deploy-kubernetes", "outposts/upgrading", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Flows", link: { type: "doc", id: "flow/index", }, items: [ "flow/layouts", "flow/inspector", { type: "category", label: "Examples", items: ["flow/examples/flows", "flow/examples/snippets"], }, { type: "category", label: "Executors", items: [ "flow/executors/if-flow", "flow/executors/user-settings", "flow/executors/headless", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Stages", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Stages", slug: "flow/stages", description: "Overview of all available stages", }, items: [ "flow/stages/authenticator_duo/index", "flow/stages/authenticator_sms/index", "flow/stages/authenticator_static/index", "flow/stages/authenticator_totp/index", "flow/stages/authenticator_validate/index", "flow/stages/authenticator_webauthn/index", "flow/stages/captcha/index", "flow/stages/deny", "flow/stages/email/index", "flow/stages/identification/index", "flow/stages/invitation/index", "flow/stages/password/index", "flow/stages/prompt/index", "flow/stages/user_delete", "flow/stages/user_login", "flow/stages/user_logout", "flow/stages/user_write", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Policies", link: { type: "doc", id: "policies/index", }, items: ["policies/expression"], }, { type: "category", label: "Property Mappings", link: { type: "doc", id: "property-mappings/index", }, items: ["property-mappings/expression"], }, { type: "category", label: "Events", link: { type: "doc", id: "events/index", }, items: ["events/notifications", "events/transports"], }, { type: "category", label: "Interfaces", items: [ { type: "category", label: "User", items: ["interfaces/user/customization"], }, { type: "category", label: "Admin", items: ["interfaces/admin/customization"], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Users & Groups", items: ["user-group/user", "user-group/group"], }, { type: "category", label: "Release Notes", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Releases", slug: "releases", description: "Release notes for recent authentik versions", }, items: [ "releases/v2022.10", "releases/v2022.9", "releases/v2022.8", { type: "category", label: "Previous versions", items: [ "releases/v2022.7", "releases/v2022.6", "releases/v2022.5", "releases/v2022.4", "releases/v2022.2", "releases/v2022.1", "releases/v2021.12", "releases/v2021.10", "releases/v2021.9", "releases/v2021.8", "releases/v2021.7", "releases/v2021.6", "releases/v2021.5", "releases/v2021.4", "releases/v2021.3", "releases/v2021.2", "releases/v2021.1", "releases/v0.14", "releases/v0.13", "releases/v0.12", "releases/v0.11", "releases/v0.10", "releases/v0.9", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Troubleshooting", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Troubleshooting", slug: "troubleshooting", description: "Troubleshooting various issues", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "Forward auth", items: ["troubleshooting/forward_auth/general"], link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Forward auth troubleshooting", slug: "troubleshooting/forward_auth", description: "Steps to help debug forward auth setups with various reverse proxies.", }, }, "troubleshooting/access", "troubleshooting/emails", "troubleshooting/login", "troubleshooting/image_upload", "troubleshooting/missing_permission", "troubleshooting/missing_admin_group", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Security", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Security", slug: "security", }, items: [ "security/policy", "security/CVE-2022-46145", "security/CVE-2022-46172", ], }, ], };