# Login Flow This document describes how a simple authentication flow can be created. This flow is created automatically when passbook is installed. 1. Create an **Identification** stage > Here you can select whichever fields the user can identify themselves with > Select the Template **Default Login**, as this template shows the (optional) Flows > Here you can also link optional enrollment and recovery flows. 2. Create a **Password** stage > Select the Backend you want the password to be checked against. Select "passbook-internal Userdatabase". 3. Create a **User Login** stage > This stage doesn't have any options. 4. Create a flow > Create a flow with the delegation of **Authentication** > Assign a name and a slug. The slug is used in the URL when the flow is executed. 5. Bind the stages to the flow > Bind the **Identification** Stage with an order of 0 > Bind the **Password** Stage with an order of 1 > Bind the **User Login** Stage with an order of 2 ![](login.png) !!! notice This flow can used by any user, authenticated and un-authenticated. This means any authenticated user that visits this flow can login again.