--- title: Rancher --- <span class="badge badge--primary">Support level: authentik</span> ## What is Rancher From https://rancher.com/products/rancher :::note An enterprise platform for managing Kubernetes Everywhere Rancher is a platform built to address the needs of the DevOps teams deploying applications with Kubernetes, and the IT staff responsible for delivering an enterprise-critical service. ::: ## Preparation The following placeholders will be used: - `rancher.company` is the FQDN of the Rancher install. - `authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik install. Under _Customization_ -> _Property Mappings_, create a _SAML Property Mapping_. Give it a name like "SAML Rancher User ID". Set the SAML name to `rancherUidUsername` and the expression to the following ```python return f"{user.pk}-{user.username}" ``` Create an application in authentik. Set the Launch URL to `https://rancher.company`, as Rancher does not currently support IdP-initiated logins. Create a SAML provider with the following parameters: - ACS URL: `https://rancher.company/v1-saml/adfs/saml/acs` - Audience: `https://rancher.company/v1-saml/adfs/saml/metadata` - Issuer: `authentik` - Service Provider Binding: `Post` - Property mappings: Select all default mappings and the mapping you've created above. - Signing Certificate: Select the authentik self-signed certificate. You can of course use a custom signing certificate, and adjust durations. ## Rancher In Rancher, navigate to _Global_ -> _Security_ -> _Authentication_, and select ADFS. Fill in the fields - Display Name Field: `http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name` - User Name Field: `http://schemas.goauthentik.io/2021/02/saml/username` - UID Field: `rancherUidUsername` - Groups Field: `http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/Group` For the private key and certificate, you can either generate a new pair (in authentik, navigate to _Identity & Cryptography_ -> _Certificates_ and select Generate), or use an existing pair. Copy the metadata from authentik, and paste it in the metadata field. Click on save to test the authentication.