"""SAML Request Parse/builder""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from defusedxml import ElementTree from signxml import XMLVerifier from passbook.crypto.models import CertificateKeyPair from passbook.providers.samlv2.saml.constants import ( NS_SAML_ASSERTION, NS_SAML_PROTOCOL, SAML_ATTRIB_ACS_URL, SAML_ATTRIB_DESTINATION, SAML_ATTRIB_ID, SAML_ATTRIB_ISSUE_INSTANT, SAML_ATTRIB_PROTOCOL_BINDING, ) from passbook.providers.samlv2.saml.utils import decode_base64_and_inflate if TYPE_CHECKING: from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element # nosec # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class SAMLRequest: """SAML Request data class, parse raw base64-encoded data, checks signature and more""" _root: "Element" acs_url: str destination: str id: str issue_instant: str protocol_binding: str issuer: str is_signed: bool _detached_signature: str def __init__(self): self.acs_url = "" self.destination = "" # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.id = "" self.issue_instant = "" self.protocol_binding = "" @staticmethod def parse(raw: str, detached_signature: Optional[str] = None) -> "SAMLRequest": """Prase SAML request from raw string, which can be base64 encoded and deflated. Optionally accepts a detached_signature, as from a REDIRECT request.""" decoded_xml = decode_base64_and_inflate(raw) root = ElementTree.fromstring(decoded_xml) req = SAMLRequest() req._root = root # pylint: disable=protected-access # Verify the root element's tag _expected_tag = f"{{{NS_SAML_PROTOCOL}}}AuthnRequest" if root.tag != _expected_tag: raise ValueError( f"Invalid root tag, got '{root.tag}', expected '{_expected_tag}." ) req.acs_url = root.attrib[SAML_ATTRIB_ACS_URL] req.destination = root.attrib[SAML_ATTRIB_DESTINATION] req.id = root.attrib[SAML_ATTRIB_ID] req.issue_instant = root.attrib[SAML_ATTRIB_ISSUE_INSTANT] req.protocol_binding = root.attrib[SAML_ATTRIB_PROTOCOL_BINDING] req.issuer = root.find(f"{{{NS_SAML_ASSERTION}}}Issuer").text # Check if this Request is signed if detached_signature: # pylint: disable=protected-access req._detached_signature = detached_signature return req def verify_signature(self, keypair: CertificateKeyPair): """Verify signature of SAML Request. Raises `cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature` on validaton failure.""" verifier = XMLVerifier() if self._detached_signature: verifier.verify( self._detached_signature, x509_cert=keypair.certificate_data ) else: verifier.verify(self._root, x509_cert=keypair.certificate_data)