title: Release 2021.1.2

## Headline Changes

- Managed objects

    Objects like property mappings can now be marked as managed, which means that they will be created, updated and deleted by authentik.

    Currently, this is used to update default property mappings, and mark tokens and users generated by outposts.

## Fixes

- core: Fix application cache not being cleared correctly (and not being ignored for searches)
- events: add send_once flag to send webhooks only once
- providers/saml: fix imported provider not saving properties correctly
- stages/consent: fix wrong widget for expire

## Upgrading

This release does not introduce any new requirements.

Due to the switch to managed objects, some default property mappings are changing. This affects only the SAML Provider.

The change affects the "SAML Name" property, which has been changed from an oid to a Schema URI to aid readability.

The integrations affected are:
- [NextCloud](../integrations/services/nextcloud/index)
- [Sentry](../integrations/services/sentry/index)
- [GitLab](../integrations/services/gitlab/index)
- [Ansible Tower/AWX](../integrations/services/awx-tower/index)

### docker-compose

Download the latest docker-compose file from [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BeryJu/authentik/version-2021.1/docker-compose.yml). Afterwards, simply run `docker-compose up -d` and then the standard upgrade command of `docker-compose run --rm server migrate`.

### Kubernetes

Run `helm repo update` and then upgrade your release with `helm upgrade passbook authentik/authentik --devel -f values.yaml`.