--- title: ProFTPD --- Support level: Community ## What is ProFTPD > ProFTPD is a high-performance, extremely configurable, and most of all a secure FTP server, featuring Apache-like configuration and blazing performance. > > -- From http://www.proftpd.org This integration leverages authentik's LDAP for the identity provider to achieve an SSO experience. See [ldap provider generic setup](../../../docs/providers/ldap/generic_setup) for setting up the LDAP provider. ## Preparation The following placeholders will be used: - `authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik install. ## authentik Configuration ### Step 1 - Service account Create a new user account _(or re-use an existing one)_ for ProFTPD to use for LDAP bind under _Directory_ -> _Users_ -> _Create_ and give the account a name, such as `ldapservice`. :::note On default provider settings, the DN of this user will be `cn=ldapservice,ou=users,dc=ldap,dc=goauthentik,dc=io` ::: This user must be part of a group which allows LDAP search queries. If you don't have a group for that yet, create one (e.g. `LDAPServiceUsers`) and add the user `ldapservice` to that group. You can specify that group during the provider creation below. :::note _If you are unfamiliar with LDAP_: A bind account is used for authentication against the LDAP server itself - similar to an API key in modern applications. ::: ### Step 2 - LDAP Provider In authentik, create a LDAP provider (under _Applications/Providers_). This is an example for the settings: - Name : `provider-ldap` - or choose any - Bind DN : `DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io` - Search group : `LDAPServiceUsers` - Certificate : `authentik Self-signed Certificate` ### Step 3 - Application In authentik, create an application (under _Resources/Applications_) with these settings : - Name: `FTP` - or choose any - Provider: Choose the provider you created in _Step 2_ ### Step 4 - Outpost If not done yet, create an outpost (under _Applications/Outposts_) of type `LDAP` that includes the LDAP Application you created in _Step 3_. You can also use an existing outpost, just make sure to edit it and to also include the just created application in the respective field. ### Step 5 - Create a group for restricting access _Optionally_, create a new group like `ftpusers` to scope access to the ftp server. ## ProFTPD configuration Ensure that the ProFTPD LDAP plugin is installed, which may be included in the distribution package `proftpd-ldap`. Check that `LoadModule mod_ldap.c` is not commented out in `/etc/proftpd/modules.conf`. Edit your ProFTPD configuration, usually located under `/etc/proftpd.conf`. You can use the following LDAP configuration as a starting point. ```bash DefaultRoot /your/ftp/storage/dir LDAPAuthBinds on # Replace this with the server-url:port of your LDAP outpost LDAPServer authentik.company:389 # The LDAP Bind account must be specified here LDAPBindDN cn=ldapservice,ou=users,dc=ldap,dc=goauthentik,dc=io PASSWORDOFLDAPSERVICE # The second parameter is optional # In this case I am restricting access to the group ftpusers # Instead you could also create bind policies in your created authentik application LDAPUsers ou=users,dc=ldap,dc=goauthentik,dc=io (&(objectClass=user)(cn=%u)(memberOf=cn=ftpusers,ou=groups,dc=ldap,dc=goauthentik,dc=io)) # In this example, I am forcing the permission of all files to the system user/group 1000 LDAPDefaultUID 1000 LDAPDefaultGID 1000 LDAPForceDefaultUID on LDAPForceDefaultGID on # This way I am making a shared folder, which all ftp users share LDAPGenerateHomedir on LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix /your/ftp/storage/dir LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername on LDAPLog /var/log/mod_ldap.log RequireValidShell off LDAPAttr uid cn LDAPSearchScope subtree ``` In this example, every user shares a single folder. If you want to have separate folders for each user, you can adapt the `LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefixNoUsername` setting. Additionally, note that each file will have Linux user and group ID `1000`. Beforehand, make sure that the respective Linux user exists (usually the first Linux user created receives ID `1000`). Check `/etc/passwd` and create a user if necessary. If you do not set `LDAPForceDefaultUID`/`LDAPForceDefaultGID`, Authentik's `uidNumber` field will be used. If you do not set `LDAPGenerateHomedir`, Authentik's `homeDirectory` field will be used (`/home/$username`). For more information about default attributes provided by Authentik, refer to the [LDAP Provider documentation](../../../docs/providers/ldap). Make sure to read ProFTPD's [available LDAP options](http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_ldap.html). Finally, after adding the configuration, restart ProFTPD. :::note If login fails, make sure to check the logs of the LDAP plugin: `tail -f /var/log/mod_ldap.log`. :::