title: pgAdmin
Support level: Community
## What is pgAdmin
> pgAdmin is a management tool for PostgreSQL and derivative relational databases such as EnterpriseDB's EDB Advanced Server. It may be run either as a web or desktop application.
> -- https://www.pgadmin.org/
This is based on authentik 2022.3.3 and pgAdmin4 6.19
## Preparation
The following placeholders will be used:
- `pgadmin.company` is the FQDN of pgAdmin.
- `authentik.company` is the FQDN of authentik.
### Step 1: Create authentik Provider
In authentik, under _Providers_, create an _OAuth2/OpenID Provider_ with these settings:
**Provider Settings**
- Name: pgAdmin
- Client ID: Copy and Save this for Later
- Client Secret: Copy and Save this for later
- Redirect URIs/Origins: `http://pgadmin.company/oauth2/authorize`
- Signing Key: Select any available key
### Step 2: Create authentik Application
In authentik, create an application which uses this provider. Optionally apply access restrictions to the application using policy bindings.
- Name: pgAdmin
- Slug: pgadmin
- Provider: pgAdmin
- Launch URL: https://pgadmin.company
### Step 3: Configure pgAdmin
All settings for OAuth in pgAdmin are configured in the `config_local.py` file. This file can usually be found in the path `/pgadmin4/config_local.py`
More information on that file can be found in the official pgAdmin [documentation](https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/development/config_py.html)
Copy the following code into the `config_local.py` file and replace all placeholders and FQDN placeholders
If the `config_local.py` file does not exist, it needs to be created in the `/pgadmin4/` directory.
AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES = ['oauth2', 'internal']
'OAUTH2_NAME' : 'authentik',
'OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL' : 'https://authentik.company/application/o/token/',
'OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_URL' : 'https://authentik.company/application/o/authorize/',
'OAUTH2_API_BASE_URL' : 'https://authentik.company/',
'OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT' : 'https://authentik.company/application/o/userinfo/',
'OAUTH2_SERVER_METADATA_URL' : 'https://authentik.company/application/o//.well-known/openid-configuration',
'OAUTH2_SCOPE' : 'openid email profile',
'OAUTH2_ICON' : '',
In the code above the following placeholders have been used:
- ``: The name that is displayed on the Login Button
- ``: The Client ID from step 1
- ``: The Client Secret from step 1
- ``: The App Slug from step 2, it should be `pgadmin` if you did not change it
- ``: An icon name from [fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com). Only brand icons seem to be supported. This icon is displayed in front of the ``. E.g.: _fa-github_.
- ``: Sets the color of the Login Button. Should be in Hex format, E.g.: _#fd4b2d_
To only allow authentication via authentik set `AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES` to _['oauth2']_. This should **only** be done once at least one user registered via authentik has been made an admin in pgAdmin.
To disable user creation on pgAdmin, set `OAUTH2_AUTO_CREATE_USER` to _False_
Finally, restart pgAdmin to apply the changes.
pgAdmin needs to be restarted **every** time changes to `config_local.py` are made