title: Release 2023.5
slug: "/releases/2023.5"

## Breaking changes

-   Removal of deprecated LDAP fields

    This version removes the deprecated LDAP fields `goauthentik.io/ldap/active` and `goauthentik.io/ldap/superuser`.

    Additionally, any custom fields based on user attributes will only be represented with their sanitized key, removing any slashes with dashes, and removing periods.

-   Renamed docker-compose environment variables

    To better distinguish settings that configure authentik itself and settings that configure docker-compose, the environment variables `AUTHENTIK_PORT_HTTP` and `AUTHENTIK_PORT_HTTPS` have been renamed to `COMPOSE_PORT_HTTP` and `COMPOSE_PORT_HTTPS` respectively.

## New features

## Upgrading

This release does not introduce any new requirements.

### docker-compose

Download the docker-compose file for 2023.5 from [here](https://goauthentik.io/version/2023.5/docker-compose.yml). Afterwards, simply run `docker-compose up -d`.

### Kubernetes

Update your values to use the new images:

    repository: ghcr.io/goauthentik/server
    tag: 2023.5.0

## Minor changes/fixes

_Insert the output of `make gen-changelog` here_

## API Changes

_Insert output of `make gen-diff` here_