"""Time utilities"""
import datetime

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _


def timedelta_string_validator(value: str):
    """Validator for Django that checks if value can be parsed with `timedelta_from_string`"""
    except ValueError as exc:
        raise ValidationError(
            _("%(value)s is not in the correct format of 'hours=3;minutes=1'."),
            params={"value": value},
        ) from exc

def timedelta_from_string(expr: str) -> datetime.timedelta:
    """Convert a string with the format of 'hours=1;minute=3;seconds=5' to a
    `datetime.timedelta` Object with hours = 1, minutes = 3, seconds = 5"""
    kwargs = {}
    for duration_pair in expr.split(";"):
        key, value = duration_pair.split("=")
        if key.lower() not in ALLOWED_KEYS:
        kwargs[key.lower()] = float(value)
    return datetime.timedelta(**kwargs)