* web: expressing success Ever see an idiom that just, I dunno, *annoyed* you? Automated tools for the win. * web: repetition, repetition, repetition! [throws chair] * web: giving the de-duplication treatment to policy mappings. * Created a BaseStageForm with success message and canonical primary key type for for Providers, Sources, and Stages.
184 lines
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184 lines
8.8 KiB
import { BasePolicyForm } from "@goauthentik/admin/policies/BasePolicyForm";
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "@goauthentik/common/api/config";
import { first } from "@goauthentik/common/utils";
import "@goauthentik/elements/forms/FormGroup";
import "@goauthentik/elements/forms/HorizontalFormElement";
import "@goauthentik/elements/forms/SearchSelect";
import { msg } from "@lit/localize";
import { TemplateResult, html } from "lit";
import { customElement } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { ifDefined } from "lit/directives/if-defined.js";
import {
} from "@goauthentik/api";
export class EventMatcherPolicyForm extends BasePolicyForm<EventMatcherPolicy> {
loadInstance(pk: string): Promise<EventMatcherPolicy> {
return new PoliciesApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).policiesEventMatcherRetrieve({
policyUuid: pk,
async send(data: EventMatcherPolicy): Promise<EventMatcherPolicy> {
if (data.action?.toString() === "") data.action = null;
if (data.clientIp?.toString() === "") data.clientIp = null;
if (data.app?.toString() === "") data.app = null;
if (data.model?.toString() === "") data.model = null;
if (this.instance) {
return new PoliciesApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).policiesEventMatcherUpdate({
policyUuid: this.instance.pk || "",
eventMatcherPolicyRequest: data,
} else {
return new PoliciesApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).policiesEventMatcherCreate({
eventMatcherPolicyRequest: data,
renderForm(): TemplateResult {
return html` <span>
"Matches an event against a set of criteria. If any of the configured values match, the policy passes.",
<ak-form-element-horizontal label=${msg("Name")} ?required=${true} name="name">
value="${ifDefined(this.instance?.name || "")}"
<ak-form-element-horizontal name="executionLogging">
<label class="pf-c-switch">
?checked=${first(this.instance?.executionLogging, false)}
<span class="pf-c-switch__toggle">
<span class="pf-c-switch__toggle-icon">
<i class="fas fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="pf-c-switch__label">${msg("Execution logging")}</span>
<p class="pf-c-form__helper-text">
"When this option is enabled, all executions of this policy will be logged. By default, only execution errors are logged.",
<ak-form-group .expanded=${true}>
<span slot="header"> ${msg("Policy-specific settings")} </span>
<div slot="body" class="pf-c-form">
<ak-form-element-horizontal label=${msg("Action")} name="action">
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<TypeCreate[]> => {
const items = await new EventsApi(
return items.filter((item) =>
query ? item.name.includes(query) : true,
.renderElement=${(item: TypeCreate): string => {
return item.name;
.value=${(item: TypeCreate | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.component;
.selected=${(item: TypeCreate): boolean => {
return this.instance?.action === item.component;
<p class="pf-c-form__helper-text">
"Match created events with this action type. When left empty, all action types will be matched.",
<ak-form-element-horizontal label=${msg("Client IP")} name="clientIp">
value="${ifDefined(this.instance?.clientIp || "")}"
<p class="pf-c-form__helper-text">
"Matches Event's Client IP (strict matching, for network matching use an Expression Policy.",
<ak-form-element-horizontal label=${msg("App")} name="app">
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<App[]> => {
const items = await new AdminApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).adminAppsList();
return items.filter((item) =>
query ? item.name.includes(query) : true,
.renderElement=${(item: App): string => {
return item.label;
.value=${(item: App | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.name;
.selected=${(item: App): boolean => {
return this.instance?.app === item.name;
<p class="pf-c-form__helper-text">
"Match events created by selected application. When left empty, all applications are matched.",
<ak-form-element-horizontal label=${msg("Model")} name="model">
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<App[]> => {
const items = await new AdminApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).adminModelsList();
return items
.filter((item) => (query ? item.name.includes(query) : true))
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) return -1;
if (a.name > b.name) return 1;
return 0;
.renderElement=${(item: App): string => {
return `${item.label} (${item.name.split(".")[0]})`;
.value=${(item: App | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.name;
.selected=${(item: App): boolean => {
return this.instance?.model === item.name;
<p class="pf-c-form__helper-text">
"Match events created by selected model. When left empty, all models are matched.",