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"""API Authentication"""
from typing import Any, Optional
from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication, get_authorization_header
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
from rest_framework.request import Request
from structlog.stdlib import get_logger
from authentik.core.middleware import CTX_AUTH_VIA
from authentik.core.models import Token, TokenIntents, User
from authentik.outposts.models import Outpost
from authentik.providers.oauth2.constants import SCOPE_AUTHENTIK_API
LOGGER = get_logger()
def validate_auth(header: bytes) -> Optional[str]:
"""Validate that the header is in a correct format,
returns type and credentials"""
auth_credentials = header.decode().strip()
if auth_credentials == "" or " " not in auth_credentials:
return None
auth_type, _, auth_credentials = auth_credentials.partition(" ")
if auth_type.lower() != "bearer":
LOGGER.debug("Unsupported authentication type, denying", type=auth_type.lower())
raise AuthenticationFailed("Unsupported authentication type")
if auth_credentials == "": # nosec # noqa
raise AuthenticationFailed("Malformed header")
return auth_credentials
def bearer_auth(raw_header: bytes) -> Optional[User]:
"""raw_header in the Format of `Bearer ....`"""
from authentik.providers.oauth2.models import RefreshToken
auth_credentials = validate_auth(raw_header)
if not auth_credentials:
return None
# first, check traditional tokens
key_token = Token.filter_not_expired(
key=auth_credentials, intent=TokenIntents.INTENT_API
if key_token:
return key_token.user
# then try to auth via JWT
jwt_token = RefreshToken.filter_not_expired(
refresh_token=auth_credentials, _scope__icontains=SCOPE_AUTHENTIK_API
if jwt_token:
# Double-check scopes, since they are saved in a single string
# we want to check the parsed version too
if SCOPE_AUTHENTIK_API not in jwt_token.scope:
raise AuthenticationFailed("Token invalid/expired")
return jwt_token.user
# then try to auth via secret key (for embedded outpost/etc)
user = token_secret_key(auth_credentials)
if user:
return user
raise AuthenticationFailed("Token invalid/expired")
def token_secret_key(value: str) -> Optional[User]:
"""Check if the token is the secret key
and return the service account for the managed outpost"""
from authentik.outposts.apps import MANAGED_OUTPOST
if value != settings.SECRET_KEY:
return None
outposts = Outpost.objects.filter(managed=MANAGED_OUTPOST)
if not outposts:
return None
outpost = outposts.first()
return outpost.user
class TokenAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
"""Token-based authentication using HTTP Bearer authentication"""
def authenticate(self, request: Request) -> tuple[User, Any] | None:
"""Token-based authentication using HTTP Bearer authentication"""
auth = get_authorization_header(request)
user = bearer_auth(auth)
# None is only returned when the header isn't set.
if not user:
return None
return (user, None) # pragma: no cover