* cleanup pylint comments Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io> * remove more Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io> * fix url name Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io> * *: use ExtractHour instead of ExtractDay Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io> Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
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"""authentik outpost signals"""
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db.models import Model
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed, post_save, pre_delete, pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from structlog.stdlib import get_logger
from authentik.core.models import Provider
from authentik.crypto.models import CertificateKeyPair
from authentik.lib.utils.reflection import class_to_path
from authentik.outposts.models import Outpost, OutpostServiceConnection
from authentik.outposts.tasks import CACHE_KEY_OUTPOST_DOWN, outpost_controller, outpost_post_save
from authentik.tenants.models import Tenant
LOGGER = get_logger()
@receiver(pre_save, sender=Outpost)
def pre_save_outpost(sender, instance: Outpost, **_):
"""Pre-save checks for an outpost, if the name or config.kubernetes_namespace changes,
we call down and then wait for the up after save"""
old_instances = Outpost.objects.filter(pk=instance.pk)
if not old_instances.exists():
old_instance = old_instances.first()
dirty = False
# Name changes the deployment name, need to recreate
dirty += old_instance.name != instance.name
# namespace requires re-create
dirty += old_instance.config.kubernetes_namespace != instance.config.kubernetes_namespace
if bool(dirty):
LOGGER.info("Outpost needs re-deployment due to changes", instance=instance)
cache.set(CACHE_KEY_OUTPOST_DOWN % instance.pk.hex, old_instance)
outpost_controller.delay(instance.pk.hex, action="down", from_cache=True)
@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=Outpost.providers.through)
def m2m_changed_update(sender, instance: Model, action: str, **_):
"""Update outpost on m2m change, when providers are added or removed"""
if action in ["post_add", "post_remove", "post_clear"]:
outpost_post_save.delay(class_to_path(instance.__class__), instance.pk)
def post_save_update(sender, instance: Model, created: bool, **_):
"""If an Outpost is saved, Ensure that token is created/updated
If an OutpostModel, or a model that is somehow connected to an OutpostModel is saved,
we send a message down the relevant OutpostModels WS connection to trigger an update"""
if instance.__module__ == "django.db.migrations.recorder":
if instance.__module__ == "__fake__":
if not isinstance(instance, UPDATE_TRIGGERING_MODELS):
if isinstance(instance, Outpost) and created:
LOGGER.info("New outpost saved, ensuring initial token and user are created")
_ = instance.token
outpost_post_save.delay(class_to_path(instance.__class__), instance.pk)
@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Outpost)
def pre_delete_cleanup(sender, instance: Outpost, **_):
"""Ensure that Outpost's user is deleted (which will delete the token through cascade)"""
cache.set(CACHE_KEY_OUTPOST_DOWN % instance.pk.hex, instance)
outpost_controller.delay(instance.pk.hex, action="down", from_cache=True)