* root: initial rename * web: rename custom element prefix * root: rename external functions with pb_ prefix * root: fix formatting * root: replace domain with goauthentik.io * proxy: update path * root: rename remaining prefixes * flows: rename file extension * root: pbadmin -> akadmin * docs: fix image filenames * lifecycle: ignore migration files * ci: copy default config from current source before loading last tagged * *: new sentry dsn * tests: fix missing python3.9-dev package * root: add additional migrations for service accounts created by outposts * core: mark system-created service accounts with attribute * policies/expression: fix pb_ replacement not working * web: fix last linting errors, add lit-analyse * policies/expressions: fix lint errors * web: fix sidebar display on screens where not all items fit * proxy: attempt to fix proxy pipeline * proxy: use go env GOPATH to get gopath * lib: fix user_default naming inconsistency * docs: add upgrade docs * docs: update screenshots to use authentik * admin: fix create button on empty-state of outpost * web: fix modal submit not refreshing SiteShell and Table * web: fix height of app-card and height of generic icon * web: fix rendering of subtext * admin: fix version check error not being caught * web: fix worker count not being shown * docs: update screenshots * root: new icon * web: fix lint error * admin: fix linting error * root: migrate coverage config to pyproject
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