87 lines
2.6 KiB
87 lines
2.6 KiB
import { t } from "@lingui/macro";
import { customElement, html, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element";
import { AKResponse } from "../../api/Client";
import { Table, TableColumn } from "../table/Table";
import { Event, EventsApi } from "authentik-api";
import "../forms/DeleteForm";
import "../Tabs";
import "../buttons/ModalButton";
import "../buttons/SpinnerButton";
import "../buttons/Dropdown";
import "../../pages/events/EventInfo";
import { PAGE_SIZE } from "../../constants";
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "../../api/Config";
import { EventWithContext } from "../../api/Events";
export class ObjectChangelog extends Table<Event> {
expandable = true;
order = "-created";
targetModelPk!: string | number;
targetModelApp!: string;
targetModelName!: string;
apiEndpoint(page: number): Promise<AKResponse<Event>> {
return new EventsApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).eventsEventsList({
action: "model_",
page: page,
ordering: this.order,
pageSize: PAGE_SIZE,
contextModelApp: this.targetModelApp,
contextModelName: this.targetModelName,
contextModelPk: this.targetModelPk.toString(),
columns(): TableColumn[] {
return [
new TableColumn(t`Action`, t`action`),
new TableColumn(t`User`, t`enabled`),
new TableColumn(t`Creation Date`, t`created`),
new TableColumn(t`Client IP`, t`client_ip`),
row(item: EventWithContext): TemplateResult[] {
return [
${item.user.on_behalf_of ? html`<small>
${t`On behalf of ${item.user.on_behalf_of.username}`}
</small>` : html``}`,
renderExpanded(item: Event): TemplateResult {
return html`
<td role="cell" colspan="4">
<div class="pf-c-table__expandable-row-content">
<ak-event-info .event=${item as EventWithContext}></ak-event-info>
renderEmpty(): TemplateResult {
return super.renderEmpty(html`<ak-empty-state header=${t`No Events found.`} icon="pf-icon-module">
<div slot="body">
${t`No matching events could be found.`}