* api: fix types for config API * api: remove broken swagger UI * admin: re-fix system task enum * events: make event optional * events: fix Schema for notification transport test * flows: use APIView for Flow Executor * core: fix schema for Metrics APIs * web: rewrite to use generated API client * web: generate API Client in CI * admin: use x_cord and y_cord to prevent yaml issues * events: fix linting errors * web: don't lint generated code * core: fix fields not being required in TypeSerializer * flows: fix missing permission_classes * web: cleanup * web: fix rendering of graph on Overview page * web: cleanup imports * core: fix missing background image filter * flows: fix flows not advancing properly * stages/*: fix warnings during get_challenge * web: send Flow response as JSON instead of FormData * web: fix styles for horizontal tabs * web: add base chart class and custom chart for application view * root: generate ts client for e2e tests * web: don't attempt to connect to websocket in selenium tests * web: fix UserTokenList not being included in the build * web: fix styling for static token list * web: fix CSRF Token missing * stages/authenticator_static: fix error when disable static tokens * core: fix display issue when updating user info * web: fix Flow executor not showing spinner when redirecting
73 lines
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73 lines
2.1 KiB
import { customElement, html, LitElement, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element";
import FlowChart from "flowchart.js";
import { loading } from "../../utils";
import { FlowsApi } from "../../api";
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "../../api/Config";
export const FONT_COLOUR_DARK_MODE = "#fafafa";
export const FONT_COLOUR_LIGHT_MODE = "#151515";
export const FILL_DARK_MODE = "#18191a";
export const FILL_LIGHT_MODE = "#f0f0f0";
export class FlowDiagram extends LitElement {
_flowSlug?: string;
set flowSlug(value: string) {
this._flowSlug = value;
new FlowsApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).flowsInstancesDiagram({
slug: value,
}).then((data) => {
this.diagram = FlowChart.parse(data.diagram || "");
@property({attribute: false})
diagram?: FlowChart.Instance;
fontColour: string = FONT_COLOUR_DARK_MODE;
fill: string = FILL_DARK_MODE;
createRenderRoot(): Element | ShadowRoot {
return this;
constructor() {
this.addEventListener("ak-refresh", () => {
if (!this._flowSlug) return;
this.flowSlug = this._flowSlug;
window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)").addEventListener("change", (ev) => {
if (ev.matches) {
this.fontColour = FONT_COLOUR_LIGHT_MODE;
this.fill = FILL_LIGHT_MODE;
} else {
this.fontColour = FONT_COLOUR_DARK_MODE;
this.fill = FILL_DARK_MODE;
render(): TemplateResult {
if (this.diagram) {
this.diagram.drawSVG(this, {
"font-color": this.fontColour,
"line-color": "#bebebe",
"element-color": "#bebebe",
"fill": this.fill,
"yes-text": "Policy passes",
"no-text": "Policy denies",
return html``;
return loading(this.diagram, html``);