* run prettier Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens.langhammer@beryju.org> * add scim to comparison Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens.langhammer@beryju.org>
473 lines
22 KiB
473 lines
22 KiB
import React from "react";
import { Check, X, AlertTriangle } from "react-feather";
function Comparison() {
return (
<section className="">
<div className="container">
<h2 id="correctness">Why authentik?</h2>
<div className="table-responsive">
<table className="comparison">
<th className="authentik">authentik</th>
<th>Microsoft ADFS</th>
<th>Microsoft Azure AD</th>
<thead className="group">
<th>Protocol Support (as a provider)</th>
<td className="row-label">SAML2</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">OAuth2 and OIDC</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">LDAP</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">SCIM</td>
<td className="result failed authentik">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<thead className="group">
<th>Federation support</th>
<td className="row-label">SAML2</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">OAuth2 and OIDC</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">OAuth1</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">LDAP</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="row-label">SCIM</td>
<td className="result failed authentik">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<thead className="group">
<td className="row-label">Authentication</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="row-label">Enrollment</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="row-label">Self-service</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<thead className="group">
<td className="row-label">MFA</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="row-label">
Conditional Access
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="row-label">Open-source</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="row-label">Application Proxy</td>
<td className="result passed authentik">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result warning">
<td className="result passed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result failed">
<td className="result warning">
export default Comparison;