This repository has been archived on 2024-05-31. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Jens L 4915205678
WIP Use Flows for Sources and Providers ()
* core: start migrating to flows for authorisation

* sources/oauth: start type-hinting

* core: create default user

* core: only show user delete button if an unenrollment flow exists

* flows: Correctly check initial policies on flow with context

* policies: add more verbosity to engine

* sources/oauth: migrate to flows

* sources/oauth: fix typing errors

* flows: add more tests

* sources/oauth: start implementing unittests

* sources/ldap: add option to disable user sync, move connection init to model

* sources/ldap: re-add default PropertyMappings

* providers/saml: re-add default PropertyMappings

* admin: fix missing stage count

* stages/identification: fix sources not being shown

* crypto: fix being unable to save with private key

* crypto: re-add default self-signed keypair

* policies: rewrite cache_key to prevent wrong cache

* sources/saml: migrate to flows for auth and enrollment

* stages/consent: add new stage

* admin: fix PropertyMapping widget not rendering properly

* core: provider.authorization_flow is mandatory

* flows: add support for "autosubmit" attribute on form

* flows: add InMemoryStage for dynamic stages

* flows: optionally allow empty flows from FlowPlanner

* providers/saml: update to authorization_flow

* sources/*: fix flow executor URL

* flows: fix pylint error

* flows: wrap responses in JSON object to easily handle redirects

* flow: dont cache plan's context

* providers/oauth: rewrite OAuth2 Provider to use flows

* providers/*: update docstrings of models

* core: fix forms not passing help_text through safe

* flows: fix HttpResponses not being converted to JSON

* providers/oidc: rewrite to use flows

* flows: fix linting
2020-06-07 16:35:08 +02:00

306 lines
11 KiB

"""Core OAauth Views"""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.http import Http404, HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.generic import RedirectView, View
from structlog import get_logger
from passbook.audit.models import Event, EventAction
from passbook.core.models import User
from passbook.flows.models import Flow
from passbook.flows.planner import (
from passbook.flows.views import SESSION_KEY_PLAN
from passbook.lib.utils.urls import redirect_with_qs
from passbook.sources.oauth.clients import BaseOAuthClient, get_client
from passbook.sources.oauth.models import OAuthSource, UserOAuthSourceConnection
from passbook.stages.password.stage import PLAN_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND
LOGGER = get_logger()
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class OAuthClientMixin:
"Mixin for getting OAuth client for a source."
client_class: Optional[Callable] = None
def get_client(self, source: OAuthSource) -> BaseOAuthClient:
"Get instance of the OAuth client for this source."
if self.client_class is not None:
# pylint: disable=not-callable
return self.client_class(source)
return get_client(source)
class OAuthRedirect(OAuthClientMixin, RedirectView):
"Redirect user to OAuth source to enable access."
permanent = False
params = None
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def get_additional_parameters(self, source: OAuthSource) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"Return additional redirect parameters for this source."
return self.params or {}
def get_callback_url(self, source: OAuthSource) -> str:
"Return the callback url for this source."
return reverse(
kwargs={"source_slug": source.slug},
def get_redirect_url(self, **kwargs) -> str:
"Build redirect url for a given source."
slug = kwargs.get("source_slug", "")
source = OAuthSource.objects.get(slug=slug)
except OAuthSource.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Unknown OAuth source '%s'." % slug)
if not source.enabled:
raise Http404("source %s is not enabled." % slug)
client = self.get_client(source)
callback = self.get_callback_url(source)
params = self.get_additional_parameters(source)
return client.get_redirect_url(
self.request, callback=callback, parameters=params
class OAuthCallback(OAuthClientMixin, View):
"Base OAuth callback view."
source_id = None
source = None
def get(self, request: HttpRequest, *_, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse:
"""View Get handler"""
slug = kwargs.get("source_slug", "")
self.source = OAuthSource.objects.get(slug=slug)
except OAuthSource.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Unknown OAuth source '%s'." % slug)
if not self.source.enabled:
raise Http404("source %s is not enabled." % slug)
client = self.get_client(self.source)
callback = self.get_callback_url(self.source)
# Fetch access token
token = client.get_access_token(self.request, callback=callback)
if token is None:
return self.handle_login_failure(
self.source, "Could not retrieve token."
if "error" in token:
return self.handle_login_failure(self.source, token["error"])
# Fetch profile info
info = client.get_profile_info(token)
if info is None:
return self.handle_login_failure(
self.source, "Could not retrieve profile."
identifier = self.get_user_id(self.source, info)
if identifier is None:
return self.handle_login_failure(self.source, "Could not determine id.")
# Get or create access record
defaults = {
"access_token": token.get("access_token"),
existing = UserOAuthSourceConnection.objects.filter(
source=self.source, identifier=identifier
if existing.exists():
connection = existing.first()
connection.access_token = token.get("access_token")
connection = UserOAuthSourceConnection(
user = authenticate(
source=self.source, identifier=identifier, request=request
if user is None:
LOGGER.debug("Handling new user", source=self.source)
return self.handle_new_user(self.source, connection, info)
LOGGER.debug("Handling existing user", source=self.source)
return self.handle_existing_user(self.source, user, connection, info)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def get_callback_url(self, source: OAuthSource) -> str:
"Return callback url if different than the current url."
return ""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def get_error_redirect(self, source: OAuthSource, reason: str) -> str:
"Return url to redirect on login failure."
return settings.LOGIN_URL
def get_or_create_user(
source: OAuthSource,
access: UserOAuthSourceConnection,
info: Dict[str, Any],
) -> User:
"Create a shell auth.User."
raise NotImplementedError()
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def get_user_id(
self, source: UserOAuthSourceConnection, info: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return unique identifier from the profile info."""
if "id" in info:
return info["id"]
return None
def handle_login_flow(self, flow: Optional[Flow], user: User) -> HttpResponse:
"""Prepare Authentication Plan, redirect user FlowExecutor"""
if not flow:
raise Http404
# We run the Flow planner here so we can pass the Pending user in the context
planner = FlowPlanner(flow)
plan = planner.plan(
self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] = plan
return redirect_with_qs(
"passbook_flows:flow-executor-shell", self.request.GET, flow_slug=flow.slug,
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def handle_existing_user(
source: OAuthSource,
user: User,
access: UserOAuthSourceConnection,
info: Dict[str, Any],
) -> HttpResponse:
"Login user and redirect."
"Successfully authenticated with %(source)s!"
% {"source":}
user = authenticate(
source=access.source, identifier=access.identifier, request=self.request
return self.handle_login_flow(source.authentication_flow, user)
def handle_login_failure(self, source: OAuthSource, reason: str) -> HttpResponse:
"Message user and redirect on error."
LOGGER.warning("Authentication Failure", reason=reason)
messages.error(self.request, _("Authentication Failed."))
return redirect(self.get_error_redirect(source, reason))
def handle_new_user(
source: OAuthSource,
access: UserOAuthSourceConnection,
info: Dict[str, Any],
) -> HttpResponse:
"Create a shell auth.User and redirect."
was_authenticated = False
if self.request.user.is_authenticated:
# there's already a user logged in, just link them up
user = self.request.user
was_authenticated = True
user = self.get_or_create_user(source, access, info)
access.user = user
EventAction.CUSTOM, message="Linked OAuth Source", source=source
if was_authenticated:
_("Successfully linked %(source)s!" % {"source":}),
return redirect(
kwargs={"source_slug": self.source.slug},
# User was not authenticated, new user has been created
user = authenticate(
source=access.source, identifier=access.identifier, request=self.request
"Successfully authenticated with %(source)s!"
% {"source":}
return self.handle_login_flow(source.enrollment_flow, user)
class DisconnectView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
"""Delete connection with source"""
source = None
aas = None
def dispatch(self, request, source_slug):
self.source = get_object_or_404(OAuthSource, slug=source_slug)
self.aas = get_object_or_404(
UserOAuthSourceConnection, source=self.source, user=request.user
return super().dispatch(request, source_slug)
def post(self, request, source_slug):
"""Delete connection object"""
if "confirmdelete" in request.POST:
# User confirmed deletion
messages.success(request, _("Connection successfully deleted"))
return redirect(
kwargs={"source_slug": self.source.slug},
return self.get(request, source_slug)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def get(self, request, source_slug):
"""Show delete form"""
return render(
"object": self.source,
"delete_url": reverse(
kwargs={"source_slug": self.source.slug},