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"""Outpost models"""
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from uuid import uuid4
from dacite import from_dict
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models.base import Model
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from guardian.models import UserObjectPermission
from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
from passbook.core.models import Provider, Token, TokenIntents, User
from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG
class OutpostConfig:
"""Configuration an outpost uses to configure it self"""
passbook_host: str
passbook_host_insecure: bool = False
log_level: str = CONFIG.y("log_level")
error_reporting_enabled: bool = CONFIG.y_bool("error_reporting.enabled")
error_reporting_environment: str = CONFIG.y(
"error_reporting.environment", "customer"
class OutpostModel(Model):
"""Base model for providers that need more objects than just themselves"""
def get_required_objects(self) -> Iterable[models.Model]:
"""Return a list of all required objects"""
return [self]
class Meta:
abstract = True
class OutpostType(models.TextChoices):
"""Outpost types, currently only the reverse proxy is available"""
PROXY = "proxy"
class OutpostDeploymentType(models.TextChoices):
"""Deployment types that are managed through passbook"""
# KUBERNETES = "kubernetes"
CUSTOM = "custom"
def default_outpost_config():
"""Get default outpost config"""
return asdict(OutpostConfig(passbook_host=""))
class Outpost(models.Model):
"""Outpost instance which manages a service user and token"""
uuid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True)
name = models.TextField()
type = models.TextField(choices=OutpostType.choices, default=OutpostType.PROXY)
deployment_type = models.TextField(
"Select between passbook-managed deployment types or a custom deployment."
_config = models.JSONField(default=default_outpost_config)
providers = models.ManyToManyField(Provider)
channels = ArrayField(models.TextField(), default=list)
def config(self) -> OutpostConfig:
"""Load config as OutpostConfig object"""
return from_dict(OutpostConfig, self._config)
def config(self, value):
"""Dump config into json"""
self._config = asdict(value)
def health_cache_key(self) -> str:
"""Key by which the outposts health status is saved"""
return f"outpost_{self.uuid.hex}_health"
def health(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
"""Get outpost's health status"""
key = self.health_cache_key
value = cache.get(key, None)
if value:
return datetime.fromtimestamp(value)
return None
def user(self) -> User:
"""Get/create user with access to all required objects"""
users = User.objects.filter(username=f"pb-outpost-{self.uuid.hex}")
if not users.exists():
user: User = User.objects.create(username=f"pb-outpost-{self.uuid.hex}")
user = users.first()
# To ensure the user only has the correct permissions, we delete all of them and re-add
# the ones the user needs
with transaction.atomic():
for model in self.get_required_objects():
code_name = f"{model._meta.app_label}.view_{model._meta.model_name}"
assign_perm(code_name, user, model)
return user
def token(self) -> Token:
"""Get/create token for auto-generated user"""
token = Token.filter_not_expired(user=self.user, intent=TokenIntents.INTENT_API)
if token.exists():
return token.first()
return Token.objects.create(
description=f"Autogenerated by passbook for Outpost {}",
def get_required_objects(self) -> Iterable[models.Model]:
"""Get an iterator of all objects the user needs read access to"""
objects = [self]
for provider in (
if isinstance(provider, OutpostModel):
return objects
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Outpost {}"