After working with the navigation for awhile, I realized that it's a poor map; what I really wanted was a controller/view pair, where events flow up to the controller and then messages on "what to draw" flow down to the view. It work quite well, and the wizard frame is smaller and smarter for it. I've also moved the WDIO-driven tests into the 'tests' folder, because it (a) makes more sense to put them there, and (b) it prevents any confusion about who's in charge of node_modules.
23 lines
856 B
23 lines
856 B
.PHONY: help
help: ## Print out this help message.
@M=$$(perl -ne 'm/((\w|-)*):.*##/ && print length($$1)."\n"' Makefile | \
sort -nr | head -1) && \
perl -ne "m/^((\w|-)*):.*##\s*(.*)/ && print(sprintf(\"%s: %s\t%s\n\", \$$1, \" \"x($$M-length(\$$1)), \$$3))" Makefile
@echo ""
.PHONY: update-local-chromedriver
update-local-chromedriver: ## Update the chrome driver to match the local chrome version, restoring package.json
@ scripts/update_local_chromedriver
.PHONY: check-chromedriver
check-chromedriver: ## Report if the chrome driver and the local chrome version match
@ scripts/check_local_chromedriver
RUNNER=npx wdio wdio.conf.js
.PHONY: application-plus-ldap
application-plus-ldap: check-chromedriver ## Run the "Wizard: Application With LDAP Provider, successful" test
@ ${RUNNER} --spec=./tests/application-plus-ldap.test.js