* main: (21 commits) web: bump API Client version (#7964) release: 2023.10.5 web: bump API Client version (#7962) providers/scim: use lock for sync (#7948) stages/email: prevent authentik emails from being marked as spam (also add text template support) (#7949) website/docs: prepare 2023.10.5 (#7947) web: bump the sentry group in /web with 2 updates (#7955) web: bump the wdio group in /tests/wdio with 4 updates (#7957) core: bump goauthentik.io/api/v3 from 3.2023104.4 to 3.2023104.5 (#7958) web: bump API Client version (#7953) events: add ASN Database reader (#7793) translate: Updates for file web/xliff/en.xlf in fr (#7951) website/docs: add expression example for geoip (#7739) website: fix hosted API browser (#7946) core: bump github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 from 9.3.0 to 9.3.1 (#7942) web: bump the sentry group in /web with 2 updates (#7944) web: bump the storybook group in /web with 7 updates (#7945) core: bump goauthentik.io/api/v3 from 3.2023104.3 to 3.2023104.4 (#7943) providers/scim: set timeout based on page and page count (#7941) translate: Updates for file web/xliff/en.xlf in zh_CN (#7928) ...
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