* docs: initial migration to docusaurus * website: add custom font, update blurbs and icons * website: update splash * root: update links to docs * flows: use .pbflow extension so docusaurus doesn't mangle the files * e2e: workaround prospector * Squashed commit of the following: commit1248585dca
Author: Jens Langhammer <jens.langhammer@beryju.org> Date: Sun Nov 15 20:46:53 2020 +0100 e2e: attempt to fix prospector error again commit1319c480c4
Author: Jens Langhammer <jens.langhammer@beryju.org> Date: Sun Nov 15 20:41:35 2020 +0100 ci: install previous python version for upgrade testing * web: update accent colours and format * website: format markdown files * website: fix colours for text * website: switch to temporary accent colour to improve readability * flows: fix path for TestTransferDocs * flows: fix formatting of tests
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79 lines
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