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import { EVENT_REFRESH } from "@goauthentik/common/constants";
import { MessageLevel } from "@goauthentik/common/messages";
import { PFSize } from "@goauthentik/elements/Spinner";
import { ModalButton } from "@goauthentik/elements/buttons/ModalButton";
import "@goauthentik/elements/buttons/SpinnerButton";
import { showMessage } from "@goauthentik/elements/messages/MessageContainer";
import { PaginatedResponse } from "@goauthentik/elements/table/Table";
import { Table, TableColumn } from "@goauthentik/elements/table/Table";
import { msg, str } from "@lit/localize";
import { CSSResult, TemplateResult, html } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { until } from "lit/directives/until.js";
import PFList from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/List/list.css";
import { UsedBy, UsedByActionEnum } from "@goauthentik/api";
type BulkDeleteMetadata = { key: string; value: string }[];
export class DeleteObjectsTable<T> extends Table<T> {
expandable = true;
paginated = false;
@property({ attribute: false })
objects: T[] = [];
@property({ attribute: false })
metadata!: (item: T) => BulkDeleteMetadata;
@property({ attribute: false })
usedBy?: (item: T) => Promise<UsedBy[]>;
usedByData: Map<T, UsedBy[]> = new Map();
static get styles(): CSSResult[] {
return super.styles.concat(PFList);
async apiEndpoint(): Promise<PaginatedResponse<T>> {
return Promise.resolve({
pagination: {
count: this.objects.length,
current: 1,
totalPages: 1,
startIndex: 1,
endIndex: this.objects.length,
next: 0,
previous: 0,
results: this.objects,
columns(): TableColumn[] {
return this.metadata(this.objects[0]).map((element) => {
return new TableColumn(element.key);
row(item: T): TemplateResult[] {
return this.metadata(item).map((element) => {
return html`${element.value}`;
renderToolbarContainer(): TemplateResult {
return html``;
renderExpanded(item: T): TemplateResult {
const handler = async () => {
if (!this.usedByData.has(item) && this.usedBy) {
this.usedByData.set(item, await this.usedBy(item));
return this.renderUsedBy(this.usedByData.get(item) || []);
return html`<td role="cell" colspan="2">
<div class="pf-c-table__expandable-row-content">
? until(handler(), html`<ak-spinner size=${PFSize.Large}></ak-spinner>`)
: html``}
renderUsedBy(usedBy: UsedBy[]): TemplateResult {
if (usedBy.length < 1) {
return html`<span>${msg("Not used by any other object.")}</span>`;
return html`<ul class="pf-c-list">
${ => {
let consequence = "";
switch (ub.action) {
case UsedByActionEnum.Cascade:
consequence = msg("object will be DELETED");
case UsedByActionEnum.CascadeMany:
consequence = msg("connection will be deleted");
case UsedByActionEnum.SetDefault:
consequence = msg("reference will be reset to default value");
case UsedByActionEnum.SetNull:
consequence = msg("reference will be set to an empty value");
return html`<li>${msg(str`${} (${consequence})`)}</li>`;
export class DeleteBulkForm<T> extends ModalButton {
@property({ attribute: false })
objects: T[] = [];
objectLabel?: string;
actionLabel?: string;
actionSubtext?: string;
@property({ attribute: false })
metadata: (item: T) => BulkDeleteMetadata = (item: T) => {
const rec = item as Record<string, unknown>;
const meta = [];
if (, "name")) {
meta.push({ key: msg("Name"), value: as string });
if (, "pk")) {
meta.push({ key: msg("ID"), value: as string });
return meta;
@property({ attribute: false })
usedBy?: (item: T) => Promise<UsedBy[]>;
@property({ attribute: false })
delete!: (item: T) => Promise<unknown>;
async confirm(): Promise<void> {
try {
await Promise.all( => {
return this.delete(item);
this.onSuccess(); = false;
new CustomEvent(EVENT_REFRESH, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
} catch (e) {
this.onError(e as Error);
throw e;
onSuccess(): void {
message: msg(str`Successfully deleted ${this.objects.length} ${this.objectLabel}`),
level: MessageLevel.success,
onError(e: Error): void {
message: msg(str`Failed to delete ${this.objectLabel}: ${e.toString()}`),
level: MessageLevel.error,
renderModalInner(): TemplateResult {
return html`<section class="pf-c-modal-box__header pf-c-page__main-section pf-m-light">
<div class="pf-c-content">
<h1 class="pf-c-title pf-m-2xl">
? this.actionLabel
: msg(str`Delete ${this.objectLabel}`)}
<section class="pf-c-modal-box__body pf-m-light">
<form class="pf-c-form pf-m-horizontal">
<p class="pf-c-title">
? this.actionSubtext
: msg(
str`Are you sure you want to delete ${this.objects.length} ${this.objectLabel}?`,
<slot name="notice"></slot>
<section class="pf-c-modal-box__body pf-m-light">
<footer class="pf-c-modal-box__footer">
.callAction=${() => {
return this.confirm();
${msg("Delete")} </ak-spinner-button
.callAction=${async () => { = false;