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Ken Sternberg e807f9f12c
root: make postgres connection in makefile customizable ()
* core/allow alternative postgres credentials

This commit allows the `dev-reset` command in the Makefile to pick up and use credentials from the
`.env` file if they are present, or fallback to the defaults provided if they are not. This is the
only place in the Makefile where the database credentials are used directly against postgresql
binaries. The syntax was tested with bash, zsh, and csh, and did not fail under those.

The `$${:-}` syntax is a combination of a Makefile idiom for "Pass a single `$` to the environment
where this command will be executed," and the shell expresion `${VARIABLE:-default}` means
"dereference the environment variable; if it is undefined, used the default value provided."

* Re-arrange sequence to avoid recursive make.

Nothing wrong with recursive make; it just wasn't essential
here.  `migrate` is just a build target, not a task.

* Cleanup according to the Usage:
  checkmake [options] <makefile>...
  checkmake -h | --help
  checkmake --version
  checkmake --list-rules Makefile linting tool.

* core: added 'help' to the Makefile

* get postgres config from authentik config loader

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>

* don't set -x by default

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>

* sort help

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>

* update help strings

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>


Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <>
2023-09-26 12:10:18 +02:00

245 lines
7.5 KiB

.PHONY: gen dev-reset all clean test web website
PWD = $(shell pwd)
UID = $(shell id -u)
GID = $(shell id -g)
NPM_VERSION = $(shell python -m scripts.npm_version)
PY_SOURCES = authentik tests scripts lifecycle
DOCKER_IMAGE ?= "authentik:test"
pg_user := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config postgresql.user 2>/dev/null)
pg_host := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config 2>/dev/null)
pg_name := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config 2>/dev/null)
CODESPELL_ARGS = -D - -D .github/codespell-dictionary.txt \
-I .github/codespell-words.txt \
-S 'web/src/locales/**' \
authentik \
internal \
cmd \
web/src \
website/src \
website/blog \
website/developer-docs \
website/docs \
website/integrations \
all: lint-fix lint test gen web ## Lint, build, and test everything
help: ## Show this help
@echo "\nSpecify a command. The choices are:\n"
@grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " \033[0;36m%-24s\033[m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | \
@echo ""
go test -timeout 0 -v -race -cover ./...
test-docker: ## Run all tests in a docker-compose
echo "PG_PASS=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
echo "AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
docker-compose pull -q
docker-compose up --no-start
docker-compose start postgresql redis
docker-compose run -u root server test-all
rm -f .env
test: ## Run the server tests and produce a coverage report (locally)
coverage run test --keepdb authentik
coverage html
coverage report
lint-fix: ## Lint and automatically fix errors in the python source code. Reports spelling errors.
isort authentik $(PY_SOURCES)
black authentik $(PY_SOURCES)
ruff authentik $(PY_SOURCES)
codespell -w $(CODESPELL_ARGS)
lint: ## Lint the python and golang sources
pylint $(PY_SOURCES)
bandit -r $(PY_SOURCES) -x node_modules
golangci-lint run -v
migrate: ## Run the Authentik Django server's migrations
python -m lifecycle.migrate
i18n-extract: i18n-extract-core web-i18n-extract ## Extract strings that require translation into files to send to a translation service
ak makemessages --ignore web --ignore internal --ignore web --ignore web-api --ignore website -l en
install: web-install website-install ## Install all requires dependencies for `web`, `website` and `core`
poetry install
echo dropdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} ${pg_name}
# Also remove the test-db if it exists
dropdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} test_${pg_name} || true
echo redis-cli -n 0 flushall
createdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} ${pg_name}
dev-reset: dev-drop-db dev-create-db migrate ## Drop and restore the Authentik PostgreSQL instance to a "fresh install" state.
## API Schema
gen-build: ## Extract the schema from the database
AUTHENTIK_DEBUG=true ak make_blueprint_schema > blueprints/schema.json
AUTHENTIK_DEBUG=true ak spectacular --file schema.yml
gen-changelog: ## (Release) generate the changelog based from the commits since the last tag
git log --pretty=format:" - %s" $(shell git describe --tags $(shell git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))...$(shell git branch --show-current) | sort >
npx prettier --write
gen-diff: ## (Release) generate the changelog diff between the current schema and the last tag
git show $(shell git describe --tags $(shell git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)):schema.yml > old_schema.yml
docker run \
--rm -v ${PWD}:/local \
--user ${UID}:${GID} \ \
--markdown /local/ \
/local/old_schema.yml /local/schema.yml
rm old_schema.yml
npx prettier --write
rm -rf web/api/src/
rm -rf api/
gen-client-ts: ## Build and install the authentik API for Typescript into the authentik UI Application
docker run \
--rm -v ${PWD}:/local \
--user ${UID}:${GID} \ generate \
-i /local/schema.yml \
-g typescript-fetch \
-o /local/gen-ts-api \
-c /local/scripts/api-ts-config.yaml \
--additional-properties=npmVersion=${NPM_VERSION} \
--git-repo-id authentik \
--git-user-id goauthentik
mkdir -p web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api
cd gen-ts-api && npm i
\cp -rfv gen-ts-api/* web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api
gen-client-go: ## Build and install the authentik API for Golang
mkdir -p ./gen-go-api ./gen-go-api/templates
wget -O ./gen-go-api/config.yaml
wget -O ./gen-go-api/templates/README.mustache
wget -O ./gen-go-api/templates/go.mod.mustache
cp schema.yml ./gen-go-api/
docker run \
--rm -v ${PWD}/gen-go-api:/local \
--user ${UID}:${GID} \ generate \
-i /local/schema.yml \
-g go \
-o /local/ \
-c /local/config.yaml
go mod edit -replace
rm -rf ./gen-go-api/config.yaml ./gen-go-api/templates/
gen-dev-config: ## Generate a local development config file
python -m scripts.generate_config
gen: gen-build gen-clean gen-client-ts
## Web
web-build: web-install ## Build the Authentik UI
cd web && npm run build
web: web-lint-fix web-lint web-check-compile web-i18n-extract ## Automatically fix formatting issues in the Authentik UI source code, lint the code, and compile it
web-install: ## Install the necessary libraries to build the Authentik UI
cd web && npm ci
web-watch: ## Build and watch the Authentik UI for changes, updating automatically
rm -rf web/dist/
mkdir web/dist/
touch web/dist/.gitkeep
cd web && npm run watch
web-storybook-watch: ## Build and run the storybook documentation server
cd web && npm run storybook
cd web && npm run prettier
cd web && npm run lint
cd web && npm run lit-analyse
cd web && npm run tsc
cd web && npm run extract-locales
## Website
website: website-lint-fix website-build ## Automatically fix formatting issues in the Authentik website/docs source code, lint the code, and compile it
cd website && npm ci
cd website && npm run prettier
cd website && npm run build
website-watch: ## Build and watch the documentation website, updating automatically
cd website && npm run watch
## Docker
docker: ## Build a docker image of the current source tree
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --progress plain --tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}
## CI
# These targets are use by GitHub actions to allow usage of matrix
# which makes the YAML File a lot smaller
python -V
node --version
ci-pylint: ci--meta-debug
pylint $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-black: ci--meta-debug
black --check $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-ruff: ci--meta-debug
ruff check $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-codespell: ci--meta-debug
codespell $(CODESPELL_ARGS) -s
ci-isort: ci--meta-debug
isort --check $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-bandit: ci--meta-debug
bandit -r $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-pyright: ci--meta-debug
./web/node_modules/.bin/pyright $(PY_SOURCES)
ci-pending-migrations: ci--meta-debug
ak makemigrations --check