We have an end-to-end test harness that includes a trivially correct DSL for "This is what a user would do, do this": ``` const deleteProvider = (theSlug) => ([ ["button", '>>>ak-sidebar-item a[href="#/core/providers"]'], ["deletebox", `>>>a[href="#/core/applications/${theSlug}"]`], ["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk button[slot="trigger"]'], ["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk div[role="dialog"] ak-spinner-button'], ]); ``` It's now possible to target individual sequences of events this way. With a little creativity, we could have standalone functions that take parameters for our calls and just do them, without too much struggle.
25 lines
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25 lines
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.PHONY: help
help: ## Print out this help message.
@M=$$(perl -ne 'm/((\w|-)*):.*##/ && print length($$1)."\n"' Makefile | \
sort -nr | head -1) && \
perl -ne "m/^((\w|-)*):.*##\s*(.*)/ && print(sprintf(\"%s: %s\t%s\n\", \$$1, \" \"x($$M-length(\$$1)), \$$3))" Makefile
@echo ""
@echo "Set env NODE_ENV to 'development' to run this against the dev server"
@echo ""
.PHONY: update-local-chromedriver
update-local-chromedriver: ## Update the chrome driver to match the local chrome version, restoring package.json
@ scripts/update_local_chromedriver
.PHONY: check-chromedriver
check-chromedriver: ## Report if the chrome driver and the local chrome version match
@ scripts/check_local_chromedriver
RUNNER=npx wdio wdio.conf.js
.PHONY: application-plus-ldap
application-plus-ldap: check-chromedriver ## Run the "Wizard: Application With LDAP Provider, successful" test
@ ${RUNNER} --spec=./tests/application-plus-ldap.test.js