9. Add a new server to the 'api resolver' to be able to integrate it into the federation.
The domain name for this new server has to be unique. When installing two instances their domain name must differ: e.g. dpp.mydomain1.cxm, dpp.mydomain2.cxm.
2. Create a database for testing executing `create-db.sh` like the normal installation but changing the first parameter from `devicehub` to `dh_test`: `create-db.sh dh_test dhub` and password `ereuse`.
3. Execute at the root folder of the project `python3 setup.py test`.
We want to interconnect two devicehub instances already installed. One has a set of devices (OIDC client), the other has a set of users (OIDC identity server). Let's assume their domains are: dpp.mydomain1.cxm, dpp.mydomain2.cxm
20. In order to connect the two devicehub instances, it is necessary:
* 20.1. Register a user in the devicehub instance acting as OIDC identity server.
* 20.2. Fill in the openid connect form.
* 20.3. Add in the OIDC client inventory the data of client_id, client_secret.
For 20.1. This can be achieved on the terminal on the devicehub instance acting as OIDC identity server.
* 20.2. This is an example of how to fill in the form.
In the web interface of the OIDC identity service, click on the profile of the just added user, select "My Profile" and click on "OpenID Connect":
Then we can go to the "OpenID Connect" panel and fill out the form:
The important thing about this form is:
* "Client URL" The URL of the OIDC Client instance, as registered in point 12. dpp.mydomain1.cxm in our example.
* "Allowed Scope" has to have these three words:
openid profile rols
* "Redirect URIs" it has to be the URL that was put in "Client URL" plus "/allow_code"
* "Allowed Grant Types" has to be "authorization_code"
* "Allowed Response Types" has to be "code"
* "Token Endpoint Auth Method" has to be "Client Secret Basic"
After clicking on "Submit" the "OpenID Connect" tab of the user profile should now include details for "client_id" and "client_secret".
* 20.3. In the OIDC client inventory run: (in our example: url_domain is dpp.mydomain2.cxm, client_id and client_secret as resulting from the previous step)
After this step, both servers must be connected. Opening one DPP page on dpp.mydomain1.cxm (OIDC Client) the user can choose to authenticate using dpp.mydomain2.cxm (OIDC Server).