Devicehub is a distributed IT Asset Management System focused on reusing digital devices, created under the []( initiative.
Devicehub is built with [Teal]( and [Flask](
Devicehub relies on the existence of an [API_DLT connector]( verifiable data registry service, where certain operations are recorded to keep an external track record (ledger).
Please visit the [Manual Installation]( instructions to understand the detailed steps to install it locally or deploy it on a server.
Otherwise, the device inventory of your DeviceHub instance will be empty and ready to add new devices. To register new devices, the [workbench software]( can be run on a device to generate a hardware snapshot that can be uploaded to your DeviceHub instance.
4. Modify the environment variables in the file .env You can find one example in examples/env.example.
If you don't have any, you can copy that example and modify the basic vars
You can use these parameters as default for a local test, but default values may not be suitable for an internet-exposed service for security reasons. However, these three variables need to be initialized:
On the terminal screen, you can follow the installation steps. If there are any problems, error messages will appear here. The appearance of several warnings is normal and can be ignored.
If the deployment was end-to-end successful (two running Devicehub instances successfully connected to the DLT backend selected in the .env file), you can see this text in the last lines:
devicehub-teal-devicehub-id-client-1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
devicehub-teal-devicehub-id-server-1 | * Running on all addresses.
devicehub-teal-devicehub-id-server-1 | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
devicehub-teal-devicehub-id-server-1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
with the demo user and then download the settings and ISO files. Follow the instructions that appear on the [help]( page.