148 lines
4.2 KiB
148 lines
4.2 KiB
import json
import flask
from ereuseapi.methods import API
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import current_app as app
from flask import g, redirect, render_template, request, session
from flask.json import jsonify
from flask.views import View
from ereuse_devicehub import __version__
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.did.models import Dpp
did = Blueprint('did', __name__, url_prefix='/did')
class DidView(View):
methods = ['GET', 'POST']
template_name = 'did/layout.html'
def dispatch_request(self, id_dpp):
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
self.context = {
'version': __version__,
'oidc': 'oidc' in app.blueprints.keys(),
'user': g.user,
'path': request.path,
if 'json' in request.headers['Accept']:
return jsonify(self.get_result())
return render_template(self.template_name, **self.context)
def get_ids(self, id_dpp):
self.id_dpp = None
self.chid = id_dpp
if len(id_dpp.split(":")) == 2:
self.id_dpp = id_dpp
self.chid = id_dpp.split(':')[0]
def get_rols(self):
rols = session.get('rols')
if not g.user.is_authenticated and not rols:
return []
if rols:
return [(k, k) for k in rols]
if 'trublo' not in app.blueprints.keys():
return []
if not session.get('token_dlt'):
return []
token_dlt = session.get('token_dlt')
api_dlt = app.config.get('API_DLT')
if not token_dlt or not api_dlt:
return []
api = API(api_dlt, token_dlt, "ethereum")
result = api.check_user_roles()
if result.get('Status') != 200:
return []
if 'Success' not in result.get('Data', {}).get('status'):
return []
rols = result.get('Data', {}).get('data', {})
self.context['rols'] = [(k, k) for k, v in rols.items() if v]
def get_rol(self):
rols = self.context.get('rols', [])
rol = len(rols) == 1 and rols[0][0] or None
if 'rol' in request.args and not rol:
rol = dict(rols).get(request.args.get('rol'))
self.context['rol'] = rol
def get_device(self):
if self.id_dpp:
self.dpp = Dpp.query.filter_by(key=self.id_dpp).one()
device = Device.query.filter_by(chid=self.chid, active=True).first()
if not device:
return flask.abort(404)
abstract = None
if device.placeholder:
abstract = device.placeholder.binding
placeholder = device.binding or device.placeholder
device_abstract = placeholder and placeholder.binding or device
device_real = placeholder and placeholder.device or device
self.device = device_abstract
'placeholder': placeholder,
'device': self.device,
'device_abstract': device_abstract,
'device_real': device_real,
'abstract': abstract,
def get_last_dpp(self, dpp):
dpps = [
act.dpp[0] for act in dpp.device.actions if act.t == 'Snapshot' and act.dpp
last_dpp = ''
for d in dpps:
if d.key == dpp.key:
return last_dpp
last_dpp = d.key
return last_dpp
def get_result(self):
data = {
'hardware': {},
'dpp': self.id_dpp,
result = {'data': data}
if self.dpp:
data['hardware'] = json.loads(self.dpp.snapshot.json_hw)
last_dpp = self.get_last_dpp(self.id_dpp)
url_last = ''
if last_dpp:
url_last = 'http://did.ereuse.org/{did}'.format(did=last_dpp)
data['url_last'] = url_last
return result
dpps = []
for d in self.device.dpps:
rr = {'dpp': d.key, 'hardware': json.loads(d.snapshot.json_hw)}
return {'data': dpps}
did.add_url_rule('/<string:id_dpp>', view_func=DidView.as_view('did'))