implementing the warnings and unnormal cases

This commit is contained in:
Cayo Puigdefabregas 2020-12-04 16:58:53 +01:00
parent c03d872d91
commit 7e41c66073
6 changed files with 291 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ def upgrade():
sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False),
sa.Column('serial_number', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True,
comment='The serial number of the Hard Disk in lower case.'),
sa.Column('time', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True),
sa.Column('usage_time_hdd', sa.Interval(), nullable=True),
sa.Column('snapshot_uuid', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False),
sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}'], ),

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ to a structure based on:
Within the above general classes are subclasses in A order.
import copy
from collections import Iterable
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
@ -1301,7 +1302,8 @@ class Live(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, ActionWithOneDevice):
serial_number = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('serial_number'))
serial_number.comment = """The serial number of the Hard Disk in lower case."""
time = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False)
usage_time_hdd = Column(Interval, nullable=True)
snapshot_uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True))
def final_user_code(self):
@ -1311,26 +1313,65 @@ class Live(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, ActionWithOneDevice):
for e in reversed(actions):
if isinstance(e, Allocate) and e.created < self.created:
return e.final_user_code
return ''
def hours_of_use(self):
def usage_time_allocate(self):
"""Show how many hours is used one device from the last check"""
actions = self.device.actions
actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
for e in reversed(actions):
if isinstance(e, Snapshot) and e.created < self.created:
return self.time - self.get_last_power_cycle(e)
if self.usage_time_hdd is None:
return self.last_usage_time_allocate()
delta_zero = timedelta(0)
diff_time = self.diff_time()
if diff_time is None:
return delta_zero
if diff_time < delta_zero:
return delta_zero
return diff_time
def sort_actions(self):
self.actions = copy.copy(self.device.actions)
self.actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
def last_usage_time_allocate(self):
"""If we don't have self.usage_time_hdd then we need search the last
usage_time_allocate valid"""
for e in self.actions:
if isinstance(e, Live) and e.created < self.created:
return self.time - e.time
if not e.usage_time_allocate:
return e.usage_time_allocate
return timedelta(0)
def get_last_power_cycle(self, snapshot):
def diff_time(self):
for e in self.actions:
if e.created > self.created:
if isinstance(e, Snapshot):
last_time = self.get_last_lifetime(e)
if not last_time:
return self.usage_time_hdd - last_time
if isinstance(e, Live):
if e.snapshot_uuid == self.snapshot_uuid:
if not e.usage_time_hdd:
return self.usage_time_hdd - e.usage_time_hdd
return None
def get_last_lifetime(self, snapshot):
for a in snapshot.actions:
if a.type == 'TestDataStorage' and a.device.serial_number == self.serial_number:
return a.power_cycle_count
return a.lifetime
return None
return 0
class Organize(JoinedTableMixin, ActionWithMultipleDevices):
"""The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling

View file

@ -414,8 +414,9 @@ class Live(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Live.__doc__
final_user_code = SanitizedStr(data_key="finalUserCode", dump_only=True)
serial_number = SanitizedStr(data_key="serialNumber", dump_only=True)
time = Integer(dump_only=False)
hours_of_use = Integer(dump_only=False)
usage_time_hdd = TimeDelta(data_key="usageTimeHdd", precision=TimeDelta.HOURS, dump_only=True)
usage_time_allocate = TimeDelta(data_key="usageTimeAllocate",
precision=TimeDelta.HOURS, dump_only=True)
class Organize(ActionWithMultipleDevices):

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import os
import json
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from uuid import UUID
from flask.json import jsonify
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from flask import current_app as app, request, g, redirect
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
from teal.resource import View
from teal.db import ResourceNotFound
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.query import things_response
@ -211,38 +212,69 @@ class ActionView(View):
return ret
def get_hdd_details(self, snapshot, device):
"""We get the liftime and serial_number of the disk"""
usage_time_hdd = None
serial_number = None
for hd in snapshot['components']:
if not isinstance(hd, DataStorage):
serial_number = hd.serial_number
for act in hd.actions:
if not act.type == "TestDataStorage":
usage_time_hdd = act.lifetime
if usage_time_hdd:
if not serial_number:
"There aren't any disk"
raise ResourceNotFound("There aren't any disk in this device {}".format(device))
return usage_time_hdd, serial_number
def live(self, snapshot):
"""If the device.allocated == True, then this snapshot create an action live."""
device = snapshot.get('device') # type: Computer
# TODO @cayop dependency of pulls 85 and 83
# if the pr/85 and pr/83 is merged, then you need change this way for get the device
if not device.hid or not Device.query.filter(Device.hid==device.hid).count():
return None
device = Device.query.filter(Device.hid==device.hid).one()
if not device.allocated:
return None
time = 0
serial_number = ''
for hd in snapshot['components']:
if not isinstance(hd, DataStorage):
for act in hd.actions:
if not act.type == "TestDataStorage":
time = act.power_cycle_count
serial_number = hd.serial_number
usage_time_hdd, serial_number = self.get_hdd_details(snapshot, device)
if not serial_number:
data_live = {'time': time,
data_live = {'usage_time_hdd': usage_time_hdd,
'serial_number': serial_number,
'snapshot_uuid': snapshot['uuid'],
'description': '',
'device': device}
return Live(**data_live)
live = Live(**data_live)
if not usage_time_hdd:
warning = f"We don't found any TestDataStorage for disk sn: {serial_number}"
live.severity = Severity.Warning
live.description = warning
return live
diff_time = live.diff_time()
if diff_time is None:
warning = "Don't exist one previus live or snapshot as reference"
live.description += warning
live.severity = Severity.Warning
elif diff_time < timedelta(0):
warning = "The difference with the last live/snapshot is negative"
live.description += warning
live.severity = Severity.Warning
return live
def transfer_ownership(self):
"""Perform a InitTransfer action to change author_id of device"""

View file

@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ class Sync:
if device.hid:
with suppress(ResourceNotFound):
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(hid=device.hid).one()
if db_device and db_device.allocated:
raise ResourceNotFound('device is actually allocated {}'.format(device))
tags = {Tag.from_an_id( for tag in device.tags} # type: Set[Tag]
except ResourceNotFound:

View file

@ -264,15 +264,193 @@ def test_live(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
hdd = [c for c in acer['components'] if c['type'] == 'HardDrive'][0]
hdd_action = [a for a in hdd['actions'] if a['type'] == 'TestDataStorage'][0]
hdd_action['powerCycleCount'] += 1000
hdd_action['lifetime'] += 1000
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
action_live = [a for a in db_device.actions if a.type == 'Live']
assert len(action_live) == 1
assert action_live[0].time == 6293
assert action_live[0].hours_of_use == 1000
assert action_live[0].usage_time_hdd == timedelta(hours=hdd_action['lifetime'])
assert action_live[0].usage_time_allocate == timedelta(hours=1000)
assert action_live[0].final_user_code == post_request['finalUserCode']
assert action_live[0].serial_number == 'wd-wx11a80w7430'
assert str(action_live[0].snapshot_uuid) == acer['uuid']
def test_live_without_TestDataStorage(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
If the live don't have a TestDataStorage, then save live and response None
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
actions = [a for a in acer['components'][7]['actions'] if a['type'] != 'TestDataStorage']
acer['components'][7]['actions'] = actions
live, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
assert live['type'] == 'Live'
assert live['serialNumber'] == 'wd-wx11a80w7430'
assert live['severity'] == 'Warning'
description = "We don't found any TestDataStorage for disk sn: wd-wx11a80w7430"
assert live['description'] == description
db_live = models.Live.query.filter_by(id=live['id']).one()
assert db_live.usage_time_hdd is None
def test_live_without_hdd_1(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
The snapshot have hdd but the live no, and response 404
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
components = [a for a in acer['components'] if a['type'] != 'HardDrive']
acer['components'] = components
response, _ =, res=models.Snapshot, status=404)
assert "The There aren't any disk in this device" in response['message']
def test_live_without_hdd_2(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
The snapshot haven't hdd and the live neither, and response 404
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
components = [a for a in acer['components'] if a['type'] != 'HardDrive']
acer['components'] = components
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
response, _ =, res=models.Snapshot, status=404)
assert "The There aren't any disk in this device" in response['message']
def test_live_without_hdd_3(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
The snapshot haven't hdd and the live have, and save the live
with usage_time_allocate == 0
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
components = [a for a in acer['components'] if a['type'] != 'HardDrive']
acer['components'] = components
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
live, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
assert live['type'] == 'Live'
assert live['serialNumber'] == 'wd-wx11a80w7430'
assert live['severity'] == 'Warning'
description = "Don't exist one previus live or snapshot as reference"
assert live['description'] == description
db_live = models.Live.query.filter_by(id=live['id']).one()
assert str(db_live.usage_time_hdd) == '195 days, 12:00:00'
assert str(db_live.usage_time_allocate) == '0:00:00'
def test_live_with_hdd_with_old_time(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
The snapshot hdd have a lifetime higher than lifetime of the live action
save the live with usage_time_allocate == 0
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
action = [a for a in acer['components'][7]['actions'] if a['type'] == 'TestDataStorage']
action[0]['lifetime'] -= 100
live, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
assert live['type'] == 'Live'
assert live['serialNumber'] == 'wd-wx11a80w7430'
assert live['severity'] == 'Warning'
description = "The difference with the last live/snapshot is negative"
assert live['description'] == description
db_live = models.Live.query.filter_by(id=live['id']).one()
assert str(db_live.usage_time_hdd) == '191 days, 8:00:00'
assert str(db_live.usage_time_allocate) == '0:00:00'
def test_live_search_last_allocate(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Tests inserting a Live into the database and GETting it.
acer = file('acer.happy.battery.snapshot')
snapshot, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
device_id = snapshot['device']['id']
db_device = Device.query.filter_by(id=1).one()
post_request = {"transaction": "ccc", "name": "John", "endUsers": 1,
"devices": [device_id], "description": "aaa",
"finalUserCode": "abcdefjhi",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T02:00:00+00:00",
"endTime": "2020-12-01T02:00:00+00:00"
}, data=post_request)
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec3"
hdd = [c for c in acer['components'] if c['type'] == 'HardDrive'][0]
hdd_action = [a for a in hdd['actions'] if a['type'] == 'TestDataStorage'][0]
hdd_action['lifetime'] += 1000
live, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
acer['uuid'] = "490fb8c0-81a1-42e9-95e0-5e7db7038ec4"
actions = [a for a in acer['components'][7]['actions'] if a['type'] != 'TestDataStorage']
acer['components'][7]['actions'] = actions
live, _ =, res=models.Snapshot)
assert live['usageTimeAllocate'] == 1000