deactivate manual merge

This commit is contained in:
Cayo Puigdefabregas 2021-02-11 20:38:18 +01:00
parent 1fff5cd32e
commit 91848a548c
2 changed files with 34 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class DeviceDef(Resource):
path = '/<{value}:dev1_id>/merge/<{value}:dev2_id>'.format(value=self.ID_CONVERTER.value)
self.add_url_rule(path, view_func=device_merge, methods={'POST'})
# self.add_url_rule(path, view_func=device_merge, methods={'POST'})
class ComputerDef(DeviceDef):

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@ -14,6 +14,38 @@ from tests.conftest import file as import_snap
def test_deactivate_merge(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
""" Check if is correct to do a manual merge """
snapshot1, _ ='real-custom.snapshot.11'), res=m.Snapshot)
snapshot2, _ ='real-hp.snapshot.11'), res=m.Snapshot)
pc1_id = snapshot1['device']['id']
pc2_id = snapshot2['device']['id']
with app.app_context():
pc1 = d.Device.query.filter_by(id=pc1_id).one()
pc2 = d.Device.query.filter_by(id=pc2_id).one()
n_actions1 = len(pc1.actions)
n_actions2 = len(pc2.actions)
action1 = pc1.actions[0]
action2 = pc2.actions[0]
assert not action2 in pc1.actions
tag = Tag(id='foo-bar', owner_id=user.user['id'])
components1 = [com for com in pc1.components]
components2 = [com for com in pc2.components]
components1_excluded = [com for com in pc1.components if not com in components2]
assert pc1.hid != pc2.hid
assert not tag in pc1.tags
uri = '/devices/%d/merge/%d' % (pc1_id, pc2_id)
_, code ={'id': 1}, uri=uri, status=404)
assert code.status == '404 NOT FOUND'
# @pytest.mark.mvp
def test_simple_merge(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
""" Check if is correct to do a manual merge """
snapshot1, _ ='real-custom.snapshot.11'), res=m.Snapshot)
@ -58,7 +90,7 @@ def test_simple_merge(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
for com in components1_excluded:
assert not com in pc1.components
# @pytest.mark.mvp
def test_merge_two_device_with_differents_tags(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
""" Check if is correct to do a manual merge of 2 diferents devices with diferents tags """
snapshot1, _ ='real-custom.snapshot.11'), res=m.Snapshot)