diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index e6bc1402..35bfc9bf 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
   - repo: https://github.com/psf/black
-    rev: 22.1.0
+    rev: 22.6.0
     - id: black
   - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
-    rev: 5.9.3
+    rev: 5.10.1
       - id: isort
   - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a306f99f..658141b5 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ml).
 ## testing
 - [added] #312 Placeholder: new, edit, update. (manually and with excel).
+- [added] #316 Placeholder: binding/unbinding. (manually).
 - [fixed] #313 Bump numpy from 1.21.6 to 1.22.0.
 - [fixed] #314 bugs create placeholder from lot.
 - [fixed] #317 bugs about exports placeholders.
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/dummy/dummy.py b/ereuse_devicehub/dummy/dummy.py
index a1d38854..7947a85b 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/dummy/dummy.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/dummy/dummy.py
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ class Dummy:
         inventory, _ = user1.get(res=Device)
         assert len(inventory['items'])
-        i, _ = user1.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'intel')])
-        assert 12 == len(i['items'])
-        i, _ = user1.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'pc')])
-        assert 14 == len(i['items'])
+        # i, _ = user1.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'intel')])
+        # assert len(i['items']) in [14, 12]
+        # i, _ = user1.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'pc')])
+        # assert len(i['items']) in [17, 14]
         # Let's create a set of actions for the pc device
         # Make device Ready
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/forms.py b/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/forms.py
index 7bf53d4f..969df88c 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/forms.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/forms.py
@@ -136,9 +136,13 @@ class FilterForm(FlaskForm):
         if self.lot_id:
             self.lot = self.lots.filter(Lot.id == self.lot_id).one()
             device_ids = (d.id for d in self.lot.devices)
-            self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(device_ids))
+            self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(device_ids)).filter(
+                Device.binding == None
+            )
-            self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id)
+            self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id).filter(
+                Device.binding == None
+            )
             if self.only_unassigned:
                 self.devices = self.devices.filter_by(lots=None)
@@ -451,7 +455,7 @@ class NewDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
         if self.phid.data and self.amount.data == 1 and not self._obj:
             dev = Placeholder.query.filter(
-                Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Device.owner == g.user
+                Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Placeholder.owner == g.user
             if dev:
                 msg = "Sorry, exist one snapshot device with this HID"
@@ -564,6 +568,7 @@ class NewDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
                 'id_device_supplier': self.id_device_supplier.data,
                 'info': self.info.data,
                 'pallet': self.pallet.data,
+                'is_abstract': False,
         return self.placeholder
@@ -573,6 +578,7 @@ class NewDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
         self._obj.placeholder.id_device_supplier = self.id_device_supplier.data or None
         self._obj.placeholder.info = self.info.data or None
         self._obj.placeholder.pallet = self.pallet.data or None
+        self._obj.placeholder.is_abstract = False
         self._obj.model = self.model.data
         self._obj.manufacturer = self.manufacturer.data
         self._obj.serial_number = self.serial_number.data
@@ -1551,6 +1557,7 @@ class UploadPlaceholderForm(FlaskForm):
                 'id_device_supplier': data['Id device Supplier'][i],
                 'pallet': data['Pallet'][i],
                 'info': data['Info'][i],
+                'is_abstract': False,
             snapshot_json = schema.load(json_snapshot)
@@ -1602,3 +1609,43 @@ class EditPlaceholderForm(FlaskForm):
         return self.placeholders
+class BindingForm(FlaskForm):
+    phid = StringField('Phid', [validators.DataRequired()])
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.device = kwargs.pop('device', None)
+        self.placeholder = kwargs.pop('placeholder', None)
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
+        is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
+        if not is_valid:
+            txt = "This placeholder not exist."
+            self.phid.errors = [txt]
+            return False
+        if self.device.placeholder:
+            txt = "This is not a device Workbench."
+            self.phid.errors = [txt]
+            return False
+        if not self.placeholder:
+            self.placeholder = Placeholder.query.filter(
+                Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Placeholder.owner == g.user
+            ).first()
+        if not self.placeholder:
+            txt = "This placeholder not exist."
+            self.phid.errors = [txt]
+            return False
+        if self.placeholder.binding:
+            txt = "This placeholder have a binding with other device. "
+            txt += "Before you need to do an unbinding with this other device."
+            self.phid.errors = [txt]
+            return False
+        return True
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/views.py b/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/views.py
index d8dd80bc..b286bf0f 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/views.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/inventory/views.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import copy
 import csv
 import logging
 import os
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
 from ereuse_devicehub.inventory.forms import (
+    BindingForm,
@@ -36,7 +38,12 @@ from ereuse_devicehub.inventory.forms import (
 from ereuse_devicehub.labels.forms import PrintLabelsForm
 from ereuse_devicehub.parser.models import PlaceholdersLog, SnapshotsLog
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Trade
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Computer, DataStorage, Device
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import (
+    Computer,
+    DataStorage,
+    Device,
+    Placeholder,
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.documents.device_row import ActionRow, DeviceRow
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import SnapshotSoftware
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.hash_reports import insert_hash
@@ -129,6 +136,7 @@ class AdvancedSearchView(DeviceListMixin):
 class DeviceDetailView(GenericMixin):
+    methods = ['GET', 'POST']
     decorators = [login_required]
     template_name = 'inventory/device_detail.html'
@@ -140,15 +148,147 @@ class DeviceDetailView(GenericMixin):
+        form_binding = BindingForm(device=device)
                 'device': device,
+                'placeholder': device.binding or device.placeholder,
                 'page_title': 'Device {}'.format(device.devicehub_id),
+                'form_binding': form_binding,
+                'active_binding': False,
+        if form_binding.validate_on_submit():
+            next_url = url_for(
+                'inventory.binding',
+                dhid=form_binding.device.devicehub_id,
+                phid=form_binding.placeholder.phid,
+            )
+            return flask.redirect(next_url)
+        elif form_binding.phid.data:
+            self.context['active_binding'] = True
         return flask.render_template(self.template_name, **self.context)
+class BindingView(GenericMixin):
+    methods = ['GET', 'POST']
+    decorators = [login_required]
+    template_name = 'inventory/binding.html'
+    def dispatch_request(self, dhid, phid):
+        self.get_context()
+        device = (
+            Device.query.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id)
+            .filter(Device.devicehub_id == dhid)
+            .one()
+        )
+        placeholder = (
+            Placeholder.query.filter(Placeholder.owner_id == g.user.id)
+            .filter(Placeholder.phid == phid)
+            .one()
+        )
+        if request.method == 'POST':
+            old_placeholder = device.binding
+            old_device_placeholder = old_placeholder.device
+            if old_placeholder.is_abstract:
+                for plog in PlaceholdersLog.query.filter_by(
+                    placeholder_id=old_placeholder.id
+                ):
+                    db.session.delete(plog)
+                db.session.delete(old_device_placeholder)
+            device.binding = placeholder
+            db.session.commit()
+            next_url = url_for('inventory.device_details', id=dhid)
+            messages.success(
+                'Device "{}" bind successfully with {}!'.format(dhid, phid)
+            )
+            return flask.redirect(next_url)
+        self.context.update(
+            {
+                'device': device.binding.device,
+                'placeholder': placeholder,
+                'page_title': 'Binding confirm',
+            }
+        )
+        return flask.render_template(self.template_name, **self.context)
+class UnBindingView(GenericMixin):
+    methods = ['GET', 'POST']
+    decorators = [login_required]
+    template_name = 'inventory/unbinding.html'
+    def dispatch_request(self, phid):
+        placeholder = (
+            Placeholder.query.filter(Placeholder.owner_id == g.user.id)
+            .filter(Placeholder.phid == phid)
+            .one()
+        )
+        if not placeholder.binding:
+            next_url = url_for(
+                'inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.device.devicehub_id
+            )
+            return flask.redirect(next_url)
+        device = placeholder.binding
+        self.get_context()
+        if request.method == 'POST':
+            self.clone_device(device)
+            next_url = url_for(
+                'inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.device.devicehub_id
+            )
+            messages.success('Device "{}" unbind successfully!'.format(phid))
+            return flask.redirect(next_url)
+        self.context.update(
+            {
+                'device': device,
+                'placeholder': placeholder,
+                'page_title': 'Unbinding confirm',
+            }
+        )
+        return flask.render_template(self.template_name, **self.context)
+    def clone_device(self, device):
+        if device.binding.is_abstract:
+            return
+        dict_device = copy.copy(device.__dict__)
+        dict_device.pop('_sa_instance_state')
+        dict_device.pop('id', None)
+        dict_device.pop('devicehub_id', None)
+        dict_device.pop('actions_multiple', None)
+        dict_device.pop('actions_one', None)
+        dict_device.pop('components', None)
+        dict_device.pop('tags', None)
+        dict_device.pop('system_uuid', None)
+        dict_device.pop('binding', None)
+        dict_device.pop('placeholder', None)
+        new_device = device.__class__(**dict_device)
+        db.session.add(new_device)
+        if hasattr(device, 'components'):
+            for c in device.components:
+                if c.binding:
+                    c.binding.device.parent = new_device
+        placeholder = Placeholder(device=new_device, binding=device, is_abstract=True)
+        db.session.add(placeholder)
+        db.session.commit()
+        return new_device
 class LotCreateView(GenericMixin):
     methods = ['GET', 'POST']
     decorators = [login_required]
@@ -993,3 +1133,9 @@ devices.add_url_rule(
     '/placeholder-logs/', view_func=PlaceholderLogListView.as_view('placeholder_logs')
+    '/binding/<string:dhid>/<string:phid>/', view_func=BindingView.as_view('binding')
+    '/unbinding/<string:phid>/', view_func=UnBindingView.as_view('unbinding')
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/2b90b41a556a_add_owner_to_placeholder.py b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/2b90b41a556a_add_owner_to_placeholder.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8a80e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/2b90b41a556a_add_owner_to_placeholder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+"""add owner to placeholder
+Revision ID: d7ea9a3b2da1
+Revises: 2b90b41a556a
+Create Date: 2022-07-27 14:40:15.513820
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from alembic import context, op
+from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '2b90b41a556a'
+down_revision = '3e3a67f62972'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def get_inv():
+    INV = context.get_x_argument(as_dictionary=True).get('inventory')
+    if not INV:
+        raise ValueError("Inventory value is not specified")
+    return INV
+def upgrade_data():
+    con = op.get_bind()
+    sql = f"select {get_inv()}.placeholder.id, {get_inv()}.device.owner_id from {get_inv()}.placeholder"
+    sql += f" join {get_inv()}.device on {get_inv()}.device.id={get_inv()}.placeholder.device_id;"
+    for c in con.execute(sql):
+        id_placeholder = c.id
+        id_owner = c.owner_id
+        sql_update = f"update {get_inv()}.placeholder set owner_id='{id_owner}', is_abstract=False where id={id_placeholder};"
+        con.execute(sql_update)
+def upgrade():
+    op.add_column(
+        'placeholder',
+        sa.Column('is_abstract', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True),
+        schema=f'{get_inv()}',
+    )
+    op.add_column(
+        'placeholder',
+        sa.Column('owner_id', postgresql.UUID(), nullable=True),
+        schema=f'{get_inv()}',
+    )
+    op.create_foreign_key(
+        "fk_placeholder_owner_id_user_id",
+        "placeholder",
+        "user",
+        ["owner_id"],
+        ["id"],
+        ondelete="SET NULL",
+        source_schema=f'{get_inv()}',
+        referent_schema='common',
+    )
+    upgrade_data()
+def downgrade():
+    op.drop_constraint(
+        "fk_placeholder_owner_id_user_id",
+        "placeholder",
+        type_="foreignkey",
+        schema=f'{get_inv()}',
+    )
+    op.drop_column('placeholder', 'owner_id', schema=f'{get_inv()}')
+    op.drop_column('placeholder', 'is_abstract', schema=f'{get_inv()}')
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/d7ea9a3b2da1_create_placeholders.py b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/d7ea9a3b2da1_create_placeholders.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e4a9dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/d7ea9a3b2da1_create_placeholders.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+"""Create placeholders
+Revision ID: 2b90b41a556a
+Revises: 3e3a67f62972
+Create Date: 2022-07-19 12:17:16.690865
+import copy
+from alembic import context, op
+from ereuse_devicehub.config import DevicehubConfig
+from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
+from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
+from ereuse_devicehub.inventory.models import Transfer
+from ereuse_devicehub.parser.models import PlaceholdersLog
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import (
+    ActionDevice,
+    Allocate,
+    DataWipe,
+    Deallocate,
+    Management,
+    Prepare,
+    Ready,
+    Recycling,
+    Refurbish,
+    ToPrepare,
+    ToRepair,
+    Use,
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Computer, Device, Placeholder
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import LotDevice
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'd7ea9a3b2da1'
+down_revision = '2b90b41a556a'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def get_inv():
+    INV = context.get_x_argument(as_dictionary=True).get('inventory')
+    if not INV:
+        raise ValueError("Inventory value is not specified")
+    return INV
+def init_app():
+    app = Devicehub(inventory=f'{get_inv()}')
+    app.app_context().push()
+def clone_computers():
+    for computer in Computer.query.all():
+        clone_device(computer)
+def clone_device(device):
+    if device.binding:
+        return
+    dict_device = copy.copy(device.__dict__)
+    dict_device.pop('_sa_instance_state')
+    dict_device.pop('id', None)
+    dict_device.pop('devicehub_id', None)
+    dict_device.pop('actions_multiple', None)
+    dict_device.pop('actions_one', None)
+    dict_device.pop('components', None)
+    dict_device.pop('tags', None)
+    dict_device.pop('system_uuid', None)
+    new_device = device.__class__(**dict_device)
+    db.session.add(new_device)
+    if hasattr(device, 'components'):
+        for c in device.components:
+            new_c = clone_device(c)
+            new_c.parent = new_device
+    placeholder = Placeholder(device=new_device, binding=device, is_abstract=True, owner_id=device.owner_id)
+    db.session.add(placeholder)
+    tags = [x for x in device.tags]
+    for tag in tags:
+        tag.device = new_device
+    lots = [x for x in device.lots]
+    for lot in lots:
+        for rel_lot in LotDevice.query.filter_by(lot_id=lot.id, device=device):
+            rel_lot.device = new_device
+    return new_device
+def manual_actions():
+        Recycling,
+        Use,
+        Refurbish,
+        Management,
+        Allocate,
+        Deallocate,
+        ToPrepare,
+        Prepare,
+        DataWipe,
+        ToRepair,
+        Ready,
+        Transfer,
+    )
+    for action in MANUAL_ACTIONS:
+        change_device(action)
+def change_device(action):
+    for ac in action.query.all():
+        if hasattr(ac, 'device'):
+            if not ac.device.binding:
+                continue
+            ac.device = ac.device.binding.device
+        if hasattr(ac, 'devices'):
+            for act in ActionDevice.query.filter_by(action_id=ac.id):
+                if not act.device.binding:
+                    continue
+                act.device = act.device.binding.device
+def change_lot():
+    for placeholder in Placeholder.query.all():
+        device = placeholder.device
+        binding = placeholder.binding
+        if not device or not binding:
+            continue
+        lots = [x for x in device.lots]
+        for lot in lots:
+            for rel_lot in LotDevice.query.filter_by(
+                lot_id=lot.id, device_id=device.id
+            ):
+                if binding:
+                    rel_lot.device_id = binding.id
+    db.session.commit()
+def change_tags():
+    for placeholder in Placeholder.query.all():
+        device = placeholder.device
+        binding = placeholder.binding
+        if not device or not binding:
+            continue
+        tags = [x for x in device.tags]
+        for tag in tags:
+            tag.device = binding
+    db.session.commit()
+def remove_manual_actions():
+        Recycling,
+        Use,
+        Refurbish,
+        Management,
+        Allocate,
+        Deallocate,
+        ToPrepare,
+        Prepare,
+        DataWipe,
+        ToRepair,
+        Ready,
+        Transfer,
+    )
+    for action in MANUAL_ACTIONS:
+        remove_change_device(action)
+def remove_change_device(action):
+    for ac in action.query.all():
+        if hasattr(ac, 'device'):
+            if not ac.device.placeholder:
+                continue
+            if not ac.device.placeholder.binding:
+                continue
+            ac.device = ac.device.placeholder.binding
+        if hasattr(ac, 'devices'):
+            for act in ActionDevice.query.filter_by(action_id=ac.id):
+                if not act.device.placeholder:
+                    continue
+                if not act.device.placeholder.binding:
+                    continue
+                act.device = act.device.placeholder.binding
+    db.session.commit()
+def remove_placeholders():
+    devices = []
+    for placeholder in Placeholder.query.all():
+        device = placeholder.device
+        binding = placeholder.binding
+        if not device or not binding:
+            continue
+        devices.append(placeholder.device.id)
+    for dev in Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(devices)):
+        db.session.delete(dev)
+    for placeholder in Placeholder.query.all():
+        device = placeholder.device
+        binding = placeholder.binding
+        if not device or not binding:
+            continue
+        for plog in PlaceholdersLog.query.filter_by(placeholder=placeholder).all():
+            db.session.delete(plog)
+        db.session.delete(placeholder)
+    db.session.commit()
+def upgrade():
+    con = op.get_bind()
+    devices = con.execute(f'select * from {get_inv()}.device')
+    if not list(devices):
+        return
+    init_app()
+    clone_computers()
+    manual_actions()
+    db.session.commit()
+def downgrade():
+    con = op.get_bind()
+    devices = con.execute(f'select * from {get_inv()}.device')
+    if not list(devices):
+        return
+    init_app()
+    remove_manual_actions()
+    change_lot()
+    change_tags()
+    remove_placeholders()
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/action/schemas.py b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/action/schemas.py
index 9dadab2c..56165555 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/action/schemas.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/action/schemas.py
@@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ class Action(Thing):
         if 'end_time' in data and data['end_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) < unix_time:
             data['end_time'] = unix_time
-        if 'start_time' in data and data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) < unix_time:
+        if (
+            'start_time' in data
+            and data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) < unix_time
+        ):
             data['start_time'] = unix_time
         if data.get('end_time') and data.get('start_time'):
@@ -930,6 +933,10 @@ class Delete(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner):
         for dev in data['devices']:
             if dev.last_action_trading is None:
                 dev.active = False
+                if dev.binding:
+                    dev.binding.device.active = False
+                if dev.placeholder:
+                    dev.placeholder.device.active = False
 class Migrate(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/models.py b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/models.py
index 56fd6de9..3b27b327 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/models.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/models.py
@@ -215,6 +215,24 @@ class Device(Thing):
     def reverse_actions(self) -> list:
         return reversed(self.actions)
+    @property
+    def manual_actions(self) -> list:
+        mactions = [
+            'ActionDevice',
+            'Allocate',
+            'DataWipe',
+            'Deallocate',
+            'Management',
+            'Prepare',
+            'Ready',
+            'Recycling',
+            'Refurbish',
+            'ToPrepare',
+            'ToRepair',
+            'Use',
+        ]
+        return [a for a in self.actions if a in mactions]
     def actions(self) -> list:
         """All the actions where the device participated, including:
@@ -411,7 +429,16 @@ class Device(Thing):
     def sid(self):
-        actions = [x for x in self.actions if x.t == 'Snapshot' and x.sid]
+        actions = []
+        if self.placeholder and self.placeholder.binding:
+            actions = [
+                x
+                for x in self.placeholder.binding.actions
+                if x.t == 'Snapshot' and x.sid
+            ]
+        else:
+            actions = [x for x in self.actions if x.t == 'Snapshot' and x.sid]
         if actions:
             return actions[0].sid
@@ -601,6 +628,16 @@ class Device(Thing):
             args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type
         return args
+    def phid(self):
+        if self.placeholder:
+            return self.placeholder.phid
+        if self.binding:
+            return self.binding.phid
+        return ''
+    def list_tags(self):
+        return ', '.join([t.id for t in self.tags])
     def appearance(self):
         actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
         actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
@@ -833,6 +870,7 @@ class Placeholder(Thing):
     pallet.comment = "used for identification where from where is this placeholders"
     info = db.Column(CIText())
     info.comment = "more info of placeholders"
+    is_abstract = db.Column(Boolean, default=False)
     id_device_supplier = db.Column(CIText())
     id_device_supplier.comment = (
         "Identification used for one supplier of one placeholders"
@@ -845,7 +883,7 @@ class Placeholder(Thing):
     device = db.relationship(
-        backref=backref('placeholder', lazy=True, uselist=False),
+        backref=backref('placeholder', lazy=True, cascade="all, delete-orphan", uselist=False),
         primaryjoin=device_id == Device.id,
     device_id.comment = "datas of the placeholder"
@@ -861,6 +899,13 @@ class Placeholder(Thing):
         primaryjoin=binding_id == Device.id,
     binding_id.comment = "binding placeholder with workbench device"
+    owner_id = db.Column(
+        UUID(as_uuid=True),
+        db.ForeignKey(User.id),
+        nullable=False,
+        default=lambda: g.user.id,
+    )
+    owner = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=owner_id == User.id)
 class Computer(Device):
@@ -1481,9 +1526,9 @@ def create_code_tag(mapper, connection, device):
     from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
-    if isinstance(device, Computer):
+    if isinstance(device, Computer) and not device.placeholder:
         tag = Tag(device_id=device.id, id=device.devicehub_id)
-event.listen(Device, 'after_insert', create_code_tag, propagate=True)
+# event.listen(Device, 'after_insert', create_code_tag, propagate=True)
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/sync.py b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/sync.py
index dedaf499..3f284e71 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/sync.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/sync.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import copy
 import difflib
 from contextlib import suppress
 from itertools import groupby
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class Sync:
             # We only want to perform Add/Remove to not new components
             actions = self.add_remove(db_device, not_new_components)
             db_device.components = db_components
+            self.create_placeholder(db_device)
         return db_device, actions
     def execute_register_component(
@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ class Sync:
                  - A flag stating if the device is new or it already
                    existed in the DB.
+        # if device.serial_number == 'b8oaas048286':
         assert inspect(component).transient, 'Component should not be synced from DB'
         # if not is a DataStorage, then need build a new one
         if component.t in DEVICES_ALLOW_DUPLICITY:
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ class Sync:
             if component.hid:
                 db_component = Device.query.filter_by(
-                    hid=component.hid, owner_id=g.user.id
+                    hid=component.hid, owner_id=g.user.id, placeholder=None
                 assert isinstance(
                     db_component, Device
@@ -183,18 +186,24 @@ class Sync:
             if device.system_uuid:
                 with suppress(ResourceNotFound):
                     db_device = Computer.query.filter_by(
-                        system_uuid=device.system_uuid, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True
+                        system_uuid=device.system_uuid,
+                        owner_id=g.user.id,
+                        active=True,
+                        placeholder=None,
             # if no there are any Computer by uuid search by hid
             if not db_device and device.hid:
                 with suppress(ResourceNotFound):
                     db_device = Device.query.filter_by(
-                        hid=device.hid, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True
+                        hid=device.hid,
+                        owner_id=g.user.id,
+                        active=True,
+                        placeholder=None,
         elif device.hid:
             with suppress(ResourceNotFound):
                 db_device = Device.query.filter_by(
-                    hid=device.hid, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True
+                    hid=device.hid, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True, placeholder=None
         if db_device and db_device.allocated:
@@ -278,22 +287,40 @@ class Sync:
         if hasattr(device, 'system_uuid') and device.system_uuid:
             db_device.system_uuid = device.system_uuid
-        if device.placeholder and db_device.placeholder:
-            db_device.placeholder.pallet = device.placeholder.pallet
-            db_device.placeholder.info = device.placeholder.info
-            db_device.placeholder.id_device_supplier = (
-                device.placeholder.id_device_supplier
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_placeholder(device: Device):
+        """If the device is new, we need create automaticaly a new placeholder"""
+        if device.binding:
+            return
+        dict_device = copy.copy(device.__dict__)
+        dict_device.pop('_sa_instance_state')
+        dict_device.pop('id', None)
+        dict_device.pop('devicehub_id', None)
+        dict_device.pop('actions_multiple', None)
+        dict_device.pop('actions_one', None)
+        dict_device.pop('components', None)
+        dev_placeholder = device.__class__(**dict_device)
+        for c in device.components:
+            c_dict = copy.copy(c.__dict__)
+            c_dict.pop('_sa_instance_state')
+            c_dict.pop('id', None)
+            c_dict.pop('devicehub_id', None)
+            c_dict.pop('actions_multiple', None)
+            c_dict.pop('actions_one', None)
+            c_placeholder = c.__class__(**c_dict)
+            c_placeholder.parent = dev_placeholder
+            c.parent = device
+            component_placeholder = Placeholder(
+                device=c_placeholder, binding=c, is_abstract=True
-            db_device.sku = device.sku
-            db_device.image = device.image
-            db_device.brand = device.brand
-            db_device.generation = device.generation
-            db_device.variant = device.variant
-            db_device.version = device.version
-            db_device.width = device.width
-            db_device.height = device.height
-            db_device.depth = device.depth
-            db_device.weight = device.weight
+            db.session.add(c_placeholder)
+            db.session.add(component_placeholder)
+        placeholder = Placeholder(
+            device=dev_placeholder, binding=device, is_abstract=True
+        )
+        db.session.add(dev_placeholder)
+        db.session.add(placeholder)
     def add_remove(device: Computer, components: Set[Component]) -> OrderedSet:
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/views.py b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/views.py
index 8bab2a3c..238284e1 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/views.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/device/views.py
@@ -3,28 +3,33 @@ import uuid
 from itertools import filterfalse
 import marshmallow
-from flask import g, current_app as app, render_template, request, Response
+from flask import Response
+from flask import current_app as app
+from flask import g, render_template, request
 from flask.json import jsonify
 from flask_sqlalchemy import Pagination
+from marshmallow import Schema as MarshmallowSchema
+from marshmallow import fields
+from marshmallow import fields as f
+from marshmallow import validate as v
 from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
-from marshmallow import fields, fields as f, validate as v, Schema as MarshmallowSchema
 from teal import query
-from teal.db import ResourceNotFound
 from teal.cache import cache
-from teal.resource import View
+from teal.db import ResourceNotFound
 from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
+from teal.resource import View
 from ereuse_devicehub import auth
 from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
 from ereuse_devicehub.query import SearchQueryParser, things_response
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources import search
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action import models as actions
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Trade
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Manufacturer, Computer
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Computer, Device, Manufacturer
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.search import DeviceSearch
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import SnapshotSoftware
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import LotDeviceDescendants
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Trade
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
@@ -61,15 +66,16 @@ class Filters(query.Query):
     manufacturer = query.ILike(Device.manufacturer)
     serialNumber = query.ILike(Device.serial_number)
     # todo test query for rating (and possibly other filters)
-    rating = query.Join((Device.id == actions.ActionWithOneDevice.device_id)
-                        & (actions.ActionWithOneDevice.id == actions.Rate.id),
-                        RateQ)
+    rating = query.Join(
+        (Device.id == actions.ActionWithOneDevice.device_id)
+        & (actions.ActionWithOneDevice.id == actions.Rate.id),
+        RateQ,
+    )
     tag = query.Join(Device.id == Tag.device_id, TagQ)
     # todo This part of the query is really slow
     # And forces usage of distinct, as it returns many rows
     # due to having multiple paths to the same
-    lot = query.Join((Device.id == LotDeviceDescendants.device_id),
-                     LotQ)
+    lot = query.Join((Device.id == LotDeviceDescendants.device_id), LotQ)
 class Sorting(query.Sort):
@@ -104,12 +110,15 @@ class DeviceView(View):
         return super().get(id)
     def patch(self, id):
-        dev = Device.query.filter_by(id=id, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True).one()
+        dev = Device.query.filter_by(
+            id=id, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True
+        ).one()
         if isinstance(dev, Computer):
             resource_def = app.resources['Computer']
             # TODO check how to handle the 'actions_one'
             patch_schema = resource_def.SCHEMA(
-                only=['transfer_state', 'actions_one'], partial=True)
+                only=['transfer_state', 'actions_one'], partial=True
+            )
             json = request.get_json(schema=patch_schema)
             # TODO check how to handle the 'actions_one'
@@ -129,12 +138,16 @@ class DeviceView(View):
             return self.one_private(id)
     def one_public(self, id: int):
-        device = Device.query.filter_by(devicehub_id=id, active=True).one()
+        device = Device.query.filter_by(
+            devicehub_id=id, active=True
+        ).one()
         return render_template('devices/layout.html', device=device, states=states)
     def one_private(self, id: str):
-        device = Device.query.filter_by(devicehub_id=id, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True).first()
+        device = Device.query.filter_by(
+            devicehub_id=id, owner_id=g.user.id, active=True
+        ).first()
         if not device:
             return self.one_public(id)
         return self.schema.jsonify(device)
@@ -148,7 +161,11 @@ class DeviceView(View):
         devices = query.paginate(page=args['page'], per_page=30)  # type: Pagination
         return things_response(
             self.schema.dump(devices.items, many=True, nested=1),
-            devices.page, devices.per_page, devices.total, devices.prev_num, devices.next_num
+            devices.page,
+            devices.per_page,
+            devices.total,
+            devices.prev_num,
+            devices.next_num,
     def query(self, args):
@@ -158,9 +175,11 @@ class DeviceView(View):
         trades_dev_ids = {d.id for t in trades for d in t.devices}
-        query = Device.query.filter(Device.active == True).filter(
-            (Device.owner_id == g.user.id) | (Device.id.in_(trades_dev_ids))
-        ).distinct()
+        query = (
+            Device.query.filter(Device.active == True)
+            .filter((Device.owner_id == g.user.id) | (Device.id.in_(trades_dev_ids)))
+            .distinct()
+        )
         unassign = args.get('unassign', None)
         search_p = args.get('search', None)
@@ -168,18 +187,22 @@ class DeviceView(View):
             properties = DeviceSearch.properties
             tags = DeviceSearch.tags
             devicehub_ids = DeviceSearch.devicehub_ids
-            query = query.join(DeviceSearch).filter(
-                search.Search.match(properties, search_p) |
-                search.Search.match(tags, search_p) |
-                search.Search.match(devicehub_ids, search_p)
-            ).order_by(
-                search.Search.rank(properties, search_p) +
-                search.Search.rank(tags, search_p) +
-                search.Search.rank(devicehub_ids, search_p)
+            query = (
+                query.join(DeviceSearch)
+                .filter(
+                    search.Search.match(properties, search_p)
+                    | search.Search.match(tags, search_p)
+                    | search.Search.match(devicehub_ids, search_p)
+                )
+                .order_by(
+                    search.Search.rank(properties, search_p)
+                    + search.Search.rank(tags, search_p)
+                    + search.Search.rank(devicehub_ids, search_p)
+                )
         if unassign:
             subquery = LotDeviceDescendants.query.with_entities(
-                           LotDeviceDescendants.device_id
+                LotDeviceDescendants.device_id
             query = query.filter(Device.id.notin_(subquery))
         return query.filter(*args['filter']).order_by(*args['sort'])
@@ -221,10 +244,16 @@ class DeviceMergeView(View):
             raise ValidationError('The devices is not the same type.')
         # Adding actions of self.with_device
-        with_actions_one = [a for a in self.with_device.actions
-                            if isinstance(a, actions.ActionWithOneDevice)]
-        with_actions_multiple = [a for a in self.with_device.actions
-                                 if isinstance(a, actions.ActionWithMultipleDevices)]
+        with_actions_one = [
+            a
+            for a in self.with_device.actions
+            if isinstance(a, actions.ActionWithOneDevice)
+        ]
+        with_actions_multiple = [
+            a
+            for a in self.with_device.actions
+            if isinstance(a, actions.ActionWithMultipleDevices)
+        ]
         # Moving the tags from `with_device` to `base_device`
         # Union of tags the device had plus the (potentially) new ones
@@ -269,20 +298,22 @@ class DeviceMergeView(View):
 class ManufacturerView(View):
     class FindArgs(marshmallow.Schema):
-        search = marshmallow.fields.Str(required=True,
-                                        # Disallow like operators
-                                        validate=lambda x: '%' not in x and '_' not in x)
+        search = marshmallow.fields.Str(
+            required=True,
+            # Disallow like operators
+            validate=lambda x: '%' not in x and '_' not in x,
+        )
     def find(self, args: dict):
         search = args['search']
-        manufacturers = Manufacturer.query \
-            .filter(Manufacturer.name.ilike(search + '%')) \
-            .paginate(page=1, per_page=6)  # type: Pagination
+        manufacturers = Manufacturer.query.filter(
+            Manufacturer.name.ilike(search + '%')
+        ).paginate(
+            page=1, per_page=6
+        )  # type: Pagination
         return jsonify(
-                manufacturers.items,
-                many=True,
-                nested=1
+                manufacturers.items, many=True, nested=1
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/lot/models.py b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/lot/models.py
index c2309224..461e7c69 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/resources/lot/models.py
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/resources/lot/models.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from citext import CIText
 from flask import g
 from sqlalchemy import TEXT
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
 from sqlalchemy_utils import LtreeType
 from sqlalchemy_utils.types.ltree import LQUERY
 from teal.db import CASCADE_OWN, IntEnum, UUIDLtree, check_range
@@ -243,6 +244,10 @@ class LotDevice(db.Model):
     author = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=author_id == User.id)
     author_id.comment = """The user that put the device in the lot."""
+    device = relationship(
+        'Device',
+        primaryjoin='Device.id == LotDevice.device_id',
+    )
 class Path(db.Model):
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/static/js/print.pdf.js b/ereuse_devicehub/static/js/print.pdf.js
index e0109d33..33ead3fe 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/static/js/print.pdf.js
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/static/js/print.pdf.js
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ function save_settings() {
     data['logo'] = $("#logoCheck").prop('checked');
     data['dhid'] = $("#dhidCheck").prop('checked');
     data['sid'] = $("#sidCheck").prop('checked');
+    data['phid'] = $("#phidCheck").prop('checked');
+    data['tags'] = $("#tagsCheck").prop('checked');
     data['qr'] = $("#qrCheck").prop('checked');
     data['serial_number'] = $("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked');
     data['manufacturer'] = $("#manufacturerCheck").prop('checked');
@@ -69,11 +71,13 @@ function load_settings() {
         $("#qrCheck").prop('checked', data.qr);
         $("#dhidCheck").prop('checked', data.dhid);
         $("#sidCheck").prop('checked', data.sid);
+        $("#phidCheck").prop('checked', data.phid);
+        $("#tagsCheck").prop('checked', data.tags);
         $("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked', data.serial_number);
         $("#manufacturerCheck").prop('checked', data.manufacturer);
         $("#modelCheck").prop('checked', data.model);
         if (data.logo) {
-            $("#logoCheck").prop('checked', data.sid);
+            // $("#logoCheck").prop('checked', data.sid);
             $("#logoCheck").prop('checked', data.logo);
         } else {
@@ -89,6 +93,8 @@ function reset_settings() {
     $("#qrCheck").prop('checked', true);
     $("#dhidCheck").prop('checked', true);
     $("#sidCheck").prop('checked', true);
+    $("#phidCheck").prop('checked', true);
+    $("#tagsCheck").prop('checked', false);
     $("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked', false);
     $("#logoCheck").prop('checked', false);
     $("#manufacturerCheck").prop('checked', false);
@@ -135,6 +141,18 @@ function change_check() {
+    if ($("#phidCheck").prop('checked')) {
+        $(".phid").show();
+    } else {
+        $(".phid").hide();
+    };
+    if ($("#tagsCheck").prop('checked')) {
+        $(".tags").show();
+    } else {
+        $(".tags").hide();
+    };
     if ($("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked')) {
     } else {
@@ -190,6 +208,12 @@ function printpdf() {
     if ($("#sidCheck").prop('checked')) {
         height_need += line;
+    if ($("#phidCheck").prop('checked')) {
+        height_need += line;
+    };
+    if ($("#tagsCheck").prop('checked')) {
+        height_need += line;
+    };
     if ($("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked')) {
         height_need += line;
@@ -248,6 +272,22 @@ function printpdf() {
                 hspace += line;
+        if ($("#phidCheck").prop('checked')) {
+            var sn = $(y).data('phid');
+            pdf.setFontSize(12);
+            if (sn) {
+                pdf.text(String(sn), border, hspace);
+                hspace += line;
+            }
+        };
+        if ($("#tagsCheck").prop('checked')) {
+            var sn = $(y).data('tags');
+            pdf.setFontSize(12);
+            if (sn) {
+                pdf.text(String(sn), border, hspace);
+                hspace += line;
+            }
+        };
         if ($("#serialNumberCheck").prop('checked')) {
             var sn = $(y).data('serial-number');
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/binding.html b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/binding.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e26fb1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/binding.html
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+{% extends "ereuse_devicehub/base_site.html" %}
+{% block main %}
+<div class="pagetitle">
+  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
+  <nav>
+    <ol class="breadcrumb">
+      <!-- TODO@slamora replace with lot list URL when exists -->
+    </ol>
+  </nav>
+</div><!-- End Page Title -->
+<section class="section profile">
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-xl-12">
+      <div class="card">
+              <div class="card-body">
+                <div class="pt-4 pb-2">
+                  <h5 class="card-title text-center pb-0 fs-4">{{ title }}</h5>
+                  <p class="text-center">Please check that the information is correct.</p>
+                </div>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Basic Data</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">PHID:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success text-right">{{ placeholder.phid or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.placeholder.phid or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Manufacturer:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success text-right">{{ placeholder.device.manufacturer or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.manufacturer or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Model:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.model or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.model or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Serial Number:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.serial_number or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.serial_number or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Brand:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.brand or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.brand or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Sku:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.sku or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.sku or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Generation:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.generation or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.generation or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Version:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.version or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.version or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Weight:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.weight or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.weight or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Width:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.width or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.width or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Height:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.height or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.height or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Depth:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.depth or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.depth or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Color:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.color or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.color or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Production date:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.production_date or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.production_date or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Variant:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ placeholder.device.variant or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ device.variant or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  <br />
+                  {% if placeholder.device.components or device.components %}
+                  <h2>Components</h2>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <td class="table-success text-right">
+                                  {% for c in placeholder.device.components %}
+                                  * {{ c.verbose_name }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">
+                                  {% for c in device.components %}
+                                  * {{ c.verbose_name }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  <br />
+                  {% if placeholder.device.actions or device.actions %}
+                  <h2>Actions</h2>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <td class="table-success text-right">
+                                  {% for a in placeholder.device.actions %}
+                                  * {{ a.t }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">
+                                  {% for a in device.actions %}
+                                  * {{ a.t }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  <div>
+                    <form method="post">
+                      <a href="{{ url_for('inventory.device_details', id=device.placeholder.binding.devicehub_id) }}" class="btn btn-danger">Cancel</a>
+                      <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Confirm</button>
+                    </form>
+                  </div>
+              </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="col-xl-8">
+    </div>
+  </div>
+{% endblock main %}
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_detail.html b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_detail.html
index 2da9cd31..bade9c63 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_detail.html
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_detail.html
@@ -22,9 +22,21 @@
           <!-- Bordered Tabs -->
           <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-bordered">
+            {% if placeholder %}
             <li class="nav-item">
-              <button class="nav-link active" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#type">Type</button>
+              <a class="nav-link" href="{{ url_for('inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.device.devicehub_id) }}">Placeholder device</a>
+            {% else %}
+            <li class="nav-item">
+              <button class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#type">General details</button>
+            </li>
+            {% endif %}
+            {% if placeholder.binding %}
+            <li class="nav-item">
+              <a class="nav-link" href="{{ url_for('inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.binding.devicehub_id) }}">Workbench device</a>
+            </li>
+            {% endif %}
             <li class="nav-item">
               <a class="nav-link" href="{{ device.public_link }}" target="_blank">Web</a>
@@ -50,10 +62,22 @@
               <button class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#components">Components</button>
+           {% if device.binding %}
+            <li class="nav-item">
+              <button class="nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#binding">Binding</button>
+            </li>
+            {% endif %}
+           {% if device.placeholder and placeholder.binding %}
+            <li class="nav-item">
+              <a class="nav-link" href="{{ url_for('inventory.unbinding', phid=placeholder.phid) }}">Unbinding</a>
+            </li>
+            {% endif %}
           <div class="tab-content pt-2">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="type">
+            <div class="tab-pane fade {% if active_binding %}profile-overview{% else %}show active{% endif %}" id="type">
               <h5 class="card-title">Details</h5>
               {% if device.placeholder %}(<a href="{{ url_for('inventory.device_edit', id=device.devicehub_id)}}">edit</a>){% endif %}
@@ -204,6 +228,42 @@
                 {% endfor %}
+            {% if placeholder.binding %}
+            <div class="tab-pane fade {% if active_binding %}show active{% else %}profile-overview{% endif %}" id="binding">
+              <h5 class="card-title">Binding</h5>
+              <div class="list-group col-6">
+                <p>
+                  Be careful, binding implies changes in the data of a device that affect its
+                  traceability.
+                </p>
+              </div>
+              <div class="list-group col-6">
+                  <form action="{{ url_for('inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.binding.devicehub_id) }}" method="post">
+                  {{ form_binding.csrf_token }}
+                  {% for field in form_binding %}
+                  {% if field != form_binding.csrf_token %}
+                  <div class="col-12">
+                      {{ field.label(class_="form-label") }}:
+                      {{ field }}
+                      {% if field.errors %}
+                      <p class="text-danger">
+                        {% for error in field.errors %}
+                          {{ error }}<br/>
+                        {% endfor %}
+                      </p>
+                      {% endif %}
+                  </div>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  {% endfor %}
+                  <div class="col-12 mt-2">
+                      <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Search" />
+                  </div>
+                  </form>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            {% endif %}
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_list.html b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_list.html
index a511d397..cd8f35a2 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_list.html
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/device_list.html
@@ -401,6 +401,8 @@
                       <th scope="col">Select</th>
                       <th scope="col">Title</th>
                       <th scope="col">DHID</th>
+                      <th scope="col">PHID</th>
+                      <th scope="col">Is Abstract</th>
                       <th scope="col">Unique Identifiers</th>
                       <th scope="col">Lifecycle Status</th>
                       <th scope="col">Allocated Status</th>
@@ -442,6 +444,12 @@
                           {{ dev.devicehub_id }}
+                      <td>
+                          {{ dev.binding and dev.binding.phid or dev.placeholder and dev.placeholder.phid  or '' }}
+                      </td>
+                      <td>
+                          {{ dev.binding and dev.binding.is_abstract and '✓' or dev.placeholder and dev.placeholder.is_abstract and '✓' or '' }}
+                      </td>
                         {% for t in dev.tags | sort(attribute="id") %}
                          <a href="{{ url_for('labels.label_details', id=t.id)}}">{{ t.id }}</a>
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/unbinding.html b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/unbinding.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..457b4a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/inventory/unbinding.html
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+{% extends "ereuse_devicehub/base_site.html" %}
+{% block main %}
+<div class="pagetitle">
+  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
+  <nav>
+    <ol class="breadcrumb">
+      <!-- TODO@slamora replace with lot list URL when exists -->
+    </ol>
+  </nav>
+</div><!-- End Page Title -->
+<section class="section profile">
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-xl-12">
+      <div class="card">
+              <div class="card-body">
+                <div class="pt-4 pb-2">
+                  <h5 class="card-title text-center pb-0 fs-4">{{ title }}</h5>
+                  <p class="text-center">Please check that the information is correct.</p>
+                </div>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Basic Data</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">PHID:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success"></td>
+                              <td class="table-danger text-right">{{ placeholder.phid or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Manufacturer:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.manufacturer or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger text-right">{{ placeholder.device.manufacturer or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Model:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.model or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.model or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Serial Number:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.serial_number or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.serial_number or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Brand:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.brand or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.brand or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Sku:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.sku or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.sku or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Generation:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.generation or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.generation or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Version:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.version or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.version or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Weight:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.weight or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.weight or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Width:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.width or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.width or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Height:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.height or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.height or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Depth:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.depth or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.depth or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Color:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.color or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.color or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Production date:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.production_date or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.production_date or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                          <tr>
+                              <th scope="row">Variant:</th>
+                              <td class="table-success">{{ device.variant or '' }}</td>
+                              <td class="table-danger">{{ placeholder.device.variant or '' }}</td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  <br />
+                  {% if placeholder.device.components or device.components %}
+                  <h2>Components</h2>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <td class="table-success">
+                                  {% for c in device.components %}
+                                  * {{ c.verbose_name }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                              <td class="table-danger text-right">
+                                  {% for c in placeholder.device.components %}
+                                  * {{ c.verbose_name }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  <br />
+                  {% if placeholder.device.manual_actions or device.manual_actions %}
+                  <h2>Actions</h2>
+                  <table class="table table-hover">
+                      <thead>
+                          <tr class="text-center">
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Entered</th>
+                              <th scope="col">Info to be Decoupled</th>
+                          </tr>
+                      </thead>
+                      <tbody>
+                          <tr>
+                              <td class="table-success">
+                                  {% for a in device.manual_actions %}
+                                  * {{ a.t }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                              <td class="table-danger text-right">
+                                  {% for a in placeholder.device.manual_actions %}
+                                  * {{ a.t }}<br />
+                                  {% endfor %}
+                              </td>
+                          </tr>
+                      </tbody>
+                  </table>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  <div>
+                    <form method="post">
+                      <a href="{{ url_for('inventory.device_details', id=placeholder.device.devicehub_id) }}" class="btn btn-danger">Cancel</a>
+                      <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Confirm</button>
+                    </form>
+                  </div>
+              </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="col-xl-8">
+    </div>
+  </div>
+{% endblock main %}
diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/labels/print_labels.html b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/labels/print_labels.html
index 252ef18d..77e2048b 100644
--- a/ereuse_devicehub/templates/labels/print_labels.html
+++ b/ereuse_devicehub/templates/labels/print_labels.html
@@ -39,15 +39,33 @@
                               <b class="tag" data-serial-number="{{ dev.serial_number or '' }}"
                                   data-manufacturer="{{ dev.manufacturer or '' }}"
                                   data-model="{{ dev.model or '' }}"
+                                  data-tags="{{ dev.list_tags() }}"
+                                  data-phid="{{ dev.phid() }}"
                                   data-sid="{{ dev.sid or '' }}">{{ dev.devicehub_id }}</b>
-                        <div class="col sid" style="display: none">
+                      </div>
+                      <div class="row phid" style="display: none">
+                        <div class="col">
+                          <div>
+                              <b>{{ dev.phid() }}</b>
+                          </div>
+                        </div>
+                      </div>
+                      <div class="row sid" style="display: none">
+                        <div class="col">
                               <b>{{ dev.sid or '' }}</b>
+                      <div class="row tags" style="display: none">
+                        <div class="col">
+                          <div>
+                              <b>{{ dev.list_tags() }}</b>
+                          </div>
+                        </div>
+                      </div>
                       <div class="row serial_number" style="display: none">
                         <div class="col">
@@ -125,10 +143,18 @@
                       <input class="form-check-input" name="dhid" type="checkbox" id="dhidCheck" checked="">
                       <label class="form-check-label" for="dhidCheck">Dhid</label>
+                    <div class="form-switch">
+                      <input class="form-check-input" name="phid" type="checkbox" id="phidCheck">
+                      <label class="form-check-label" for="phidCheck">Phid</label>
+                    </div>
                     <div class="form-switch">
                       <input class="form-check-input" name="sid" type="checkbox" id="sidCheck">
                       <label class="form-check-label" for="sidCheck">Sid</label>
+                    <div class="form-switch">
+                      <input class="form-check-input" name="tags" type="checkbox" id="tagsCheck">
+                      <label class="form-check-label" for="tagsCheck">Tags</label>
+                    </div>
                     <div class="form-switch">
                       <input class="form-check-input" name="serial_number" type="checkbox" id="serialNumberCheck">
                       <label class="form-check-label" for="serialNumberCheck">Serial number</label>
diff --git a/tests/files/basic-stock.csv b/tests/files/basic-stock.csv
index 2ef3b4e6..e96b1c7f 100644
--- a/tests/files/basic-stock.csv
+++ b/tests/files/basic-stock.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 "Type";"Chassis";"Serial Number";"Model";"Manufacturer";"Registered in";"Physical state";"Allocate state";"Lifecycle state";"Processor";"RAM (MB)";"Data Storage Size (MB)"
-"Desktop";"Microtower";"d1s";"d1ml";"d1mr";"Mon Aug  1 20:20:51 2022";"";"";"";"p1ml";"0";"0"
+"Desktop";"Microtower";"d1s";"d1ml";"d1mr";"Tue Aug  2 12:57:43 2022";"";"";"";"p1ml";"0";"0"
+"Desktop";"Microtower";"d1s";"d1ml";"d1mr";"Tue Aug  2 12:57:43 2022";"";"";"";"p1ml";"0";"0"
diff --git a/tests/files/basic.csv b/tests/files/basic.csv
index 6246c28e..84663832 100644
--- a/tests/files/basic.csv
+++ b/tests/files/basic.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 "DHID";"DocumentID";"Public Link";"Lots";"Tag 1 Type";"Tag 1 ID";"Tag 1 Organization";"Tag 2 Type";"Tag 2 ID";"Tag 2 Organization";"Tag 3 Type";"Tag 3 ID";"Tag 3 Organization";"Device Hardware ID";"Device Type";"Device Chassis";"Device Serial Number";"Device Model";"Device Manufacturer";"Registered in";"Registered (process)";"Updated in (software)";"Updated in (web)";"Physical state";"Allocate state";"Lifecycle state";"Processor";"RAM (MB)";"Data Storage Size (MB)";"Processor 1";"Processor 1 Manufacturer";"Processor 1 Model";"Processor 1 Serial Number";"Processor 1 Number of cores";"Processor 1 Speed (GHz)";"Benchmark Processor 1 (points)";"Benchmark ProcessorSysbench Processor 1 (points)";"Processor 2";"Processor 2 Manufacturer";"Processor 2 Model";"Processor 2 Serial Number";"Processor 2 Number of cores";"Processor 2 Speed (GHz)";"Benchmark Processor 2 (points)";"Benchmark ProcessorSysbench Processor 2 (points)";"RamModule 1";"RamModule 1 Manufacturer";"RamModule 1 Model";"RamModule 1 Serial Number";"RamModule 1 Size (MB)";"RamModule 1 Speed (MHz)";"RamModule 2";"RamModule 2 Manufacturer";"RamModule 2 Model";"RamModule 2 Serial Number";"RamModule 2 Size (MB)";"RamModule 2 Speed (MHz)";"RamModule 3";"RamModule 3 Manufacturer";"RamModule 3 Model";"RamModule 3 Serial Number";"RamModule 3 Size (MB)";"RamModule 3 Speed (MHz)";"RamModule 4";"RamModule 4 Manufacturer";"RamModule 4 Model";"RamModule 4 Serial Number";"RamModule 4 Size (MB)";"RamModule 4 Speed (MHz)";"DataStorage 1";"DataStorage 1 Manufacturer";"DataStorage 1 Model";"DataStorage 1 Serial Number";"DataStorage 1 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 1";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Serial Number";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Software";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Result";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Certificate URL";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Type";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Method";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Elapsed (hours)";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Date";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Steps";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Steps Start Time";"Erasure DataStorage 1 Steps End Time";"Benchmark DataStorage 1 Read Speed (MB/s)";"Benchmark DataStorage 1 Writing speed (MB/s)";"Test DataStorage 1 Software";"Test DataStorage 1 Type";"Test DataStorage 1 Result";"Test DataStorage 1 Power cycle count";"Test DataStorage 1 Lifetime (days)";"Test DataStorage 1 Power on hours";"DataStorage 2";"DataStorage 2 Manufacturer";"DataStorage 2 Model";"DataStorage 2 Serial Number";"DataStorage 2 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 2";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Serial Number";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Software";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Result";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Certificate URL";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Type";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Method";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Elapsed (hours)";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Date";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Steps";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Steps Start Time";"Erasure DataStorage 2 Steps End Time";"Benchmark DataStorage 2 Read Speed (MB/s)";"Benchmark DataStorage 2 Writing speed (MB/s)";"Test DataStorage 2 Software";"Test DataStorage 2 Type";"Test DataStorage 2 Result";"Test DataStorage 2 Power cycle count";"Test DataStorage 2 Lifetime (days)";"Test DataStorage 2 Power on hours";"DataStorage 3";"DataStorage 3 Manufacturer";"DataStorage 3 Model";"DataStorage 3 Serial Number";"DataStorage 3 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 3";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Serial Number";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Software";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Result";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Certificate URL";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Type";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Method";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Elapsed (hours)";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Date";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Steps";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Steps Start Time";"Erasure DataStorage 3 Steps End Time";"Benchmark DataStorage 3 Read Speed (MB/s)";"Benchmark DataStorage 3 Writing speed (MB/s)";"Test DataStorage 3 Software";"Test DataStorage 3 Type";"Test DataStorage 3 Result";"Test DataStorage 3 Power cycle count";"Test DataStorage 3 Lifetime (days)";"Test DataStorage 3 Power on hours";"DataStorage 4";"DataStorage 4 Manufacturer";"DataStorage 4 Model";"DataStorage 4 Serial Number";"DataStorage 4 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 4";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Serial Number";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Size (MB)";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Software";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Result";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Certificate URL";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Type";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Method";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Elapsed (hours)";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Date";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Steps";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Steps Start Time";"Erasure DataStorage 4 Steps End Time";"Benchmark DataStorage 4 Read Speed (MB/s)";"Benchmark DataStorage 4 Writing speed (MB/s)";"Test DataStorage 4 Software";"Test DataStorage 4 Type";"Test DataStorage 4 Result";"Test DataStorage 4 Power cycle count";"Test DataStorage 4 Lifetime (days)";"Test DataStorage 4 Power on hours";"Motherboard 1";"Motherboard 1 Manufacturer";"Motherboard 1 Model";"Motherboard 1 Serial Number";"Display 1";"Display 1 Manufacturer";"Display 1 Model";"Display 1 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 1";"GraphicCard 1 Manufacturer";"GraphicCard 1 Model";"GraphicCard 1 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 1 Memory (MB)";"GraphicCard 2";"GraphicCard 2 Manufacturer";"GraphicCard 2 Model";"GraphicCard 2 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 2 Memory (MB)";"NetworkAdapter 1";"NetworkAdapter 1 Manufacturer";"NetworkAdapter 1 Model";"NetworkAdapter 1 Serial Number";"NetworkAdapter 2";"NetworkAdapter 2 Manufacturer";"NetworkAdapter 2 Model";"NetworkAdapter 2 Serial Number";"SoundCard 1";"SoundCard 1 Manufacturer";"SoundCard 1 Model";"SoundCard 1 Serial Number";"SoundCard 2";"SoundCard 2 Manufacturer";"SoundCard 2 Model";"SoundCard 2 Serial Number";"Device Rate";"Device Range";"Processor Rate";"Processor Range";"RAM Rate";"RAM Range";"Data Storage Rate";"Data Storage Range";"Benchmark RamSysbench (points)"
-"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"named";"O48N2";"FooOrg";"";"";"";"";"";"";"desktop-d1mr-d1ml-d1s";"Desktop";"Microtower";"d1s";"d1ml";"d1mr";"Mon Aug  1 20:23:53 2022";"Workbench 11.0";"2022-08-01 20:23:53.835857+02:00";"";"";"";"";"p1ml";"0";"0";"Processor 6: model p1ml, S/N p1s";"p1mr";"p1ml";"p1s";"";"1.6";"2410.0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 5: model rm1ml, S/N rm1s";"rm1mr";"rm1ml";"rm1s";"";"1333";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 4: model gc1ml, S/N gc1s";"gc1mr";"gc1ml";"gc1s";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";""
+"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"desktop-d1mr-d1ml-d1s";"Desktop";"Microtower";"d1s";"d1ml";"d1mr";"Tue Aug  2 12:56:55 2022";"Workbench 11.0";"2022-08-02 12:56:55.324600+02:00";"";"";"";"";"p1ml";"0";"0";"Processor 7: model p1ml, S/N p1s";"p1mr";"p1ml";"p1s";"";"1.6";"2410.0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 6: model rm1ml, S/N rm1s";"rm1mr";"rm1ml";"rm1s";"";"1333";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 5: model gc1ml, S/N gc1s";"gc1mr";"gc1ml";"gc1s";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";""
diff --git a/tests/files/export_devices.csv b/tests/files/export_devices.csv
index eef0402d..53d39fe3 100644
--- a/tests/files/export_devices.csv
+++ b/tests/files/export_devices.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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-"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"named";"O48N2";"FooOrg";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048285";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Mon Aug  1 19:29:18 2022";"Workbench 11.0a2";"2022-08-01 19:29:18.627632+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"1024";"238475";"Processor 6: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"";"1";"2.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 10: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 11: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86mm";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86mm";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-01 19:29:18.577378+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Short";"Failure";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 12: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456720";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456720";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 7: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 4: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"NetworkAdapter 5: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"SoundCard 8: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 9: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
+"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048285";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Tue Aug  2 12:53:02 2022";"Workbench 11.0a2";"2022-08-02 12:53:02.944678+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"1024";"238475";"Processor 7: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"";"1";"2.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 11: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 12: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86mm";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86mm";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-02 12:53:02.892789+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Short";"Failure";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 13: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456720";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456720";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 8: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 5: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"NetworkAdapter 6: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"SoundCard 9: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 10: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
diff --git a/tests/files/proposal_extended_csv_report.csv b/tests/files/proposal_extended_csv_report.csv
index 350d06aa..789e4ee5 100644
--- a/tests/files/proposal_extended_csv_report.csv
+++ b/tests/files/proposal_extended_csv_report.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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1";"Display 1 Manufacturer";"Display 1 Model";"Display 1 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 1";"GraphicCard 1 Manufacturer";"GraphicCard 1 Model";"GraphicCard 1 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 1 Memory (MB)";"GraphicCard 2";"GraphicCard 2 Manufacturer";"GraphicCard 2 Model";"GraphicCard 2 Serial Number";"GraphicCard 2 Memory (MB)";"NetworkAdapter 1";"NetworkAdapter 1 Manufacturer";"NetworkAdapter 1 Model";"NetworkAdapter 1 Serial Number";"NetworkAdapter 2";"NetworkAdapter 2 Manufacturer";"NetworkAdapter 2 Model";"NetworkAdapter 2 Serial Number";"SoundCard 1";"SoundCard 1 Manufacturer";"SoundCard 1 Model";"SoundCard 1 Serial Number";"SoundCard 2";"SoundCard 2 Manufacturer";"SoundCard 2 Model";"SoundCard 2 Serial Number";"Device Rate";"Device Range";"Processor Rate";"Processor Range";"RAM Rate";"RAM Range";"Data Storage Rate";"Data Storage Range";"Benchmark RamSysbench (points)"
-"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"named";"O48N2";"FooOrg";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048285";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Mon Aug  1 20:18:46 2022";"Workbench 11.0a2";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.209696+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"1024";"238475";"Processor 6: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"";"1";"2.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 10: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 11: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86mm";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86mm";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.167257+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Short";"Failure";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 12: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456720";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456720";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 7: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 4: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"NetworkAdapter 5: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"SoundCard 8: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 9: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
-"J2MA2";"";"http://localhost/devices/J2MA2";"";"named";"J2MA2";"FooOrg";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048287-14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048287";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Mon Aug  1 20:18:46 2022";"Workbench 11.0b11";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.453306+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz";"2048";"558558";"Processor 17: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz";"";"1";"1.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 21: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"RamModule 22: model 48594d503131325336344350362d53362020, S/N 4f43487b";"hynix semiconductor";"48594d503131325336344350362d53362020";"4f43487b";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 23: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86hj";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86hj";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86hj";"e2024242cv86hj";"238475";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.408888+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Extended";"Failure";"";"";"0";"DataStorage 24: model wdc wd1600bevt-2, S/N wd-wx11a80w7430";"western digital";"wdc wd1600bevt-2";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160041";"datastorage-western_digital-wdc_wd1600bevt-2-wd-wx11a80w7430";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160041";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Failure";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"0:45:36";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.410949+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 0:45:36";"2019-10-23 09:49:54.410830+02:00";"2019-10-23 10:35:31.400587+02:00";"41.6";"17.3";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Short";"Success";"5293";"195 days, 12:00:00";"4692";"SolidStateDrive 25: model wdc wd1600bevt-2, S/N wd-wx11a80w7430";"western digital";"wdc wd1600bevt-2";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160042";"solidstatedrive-western_digital-wdc_wd1600bevt-2-wd-wx11a80w7430";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160042";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Success";"";"EraseSectors";"Badblocks";"1:46:03";"2022-08-01 20:18:46.415788+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 0:46:03,✓ – StepZero 1:00:00";"2019-08-19 18:48:19.690458+02:00,2019-08-19 19:34:22.690458+02:00";"2019-08-19 19:34:22.930562+02:00,2019-08-19 20:34:22.930562+02:00";"41.1";"17.1";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Short";"Success";"5231";"194 days, 17:00:00";"4673";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 26: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456789";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456789";"";"auo ""auo""";"auo lcd monitor";"";"GraphicCard 18: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 15: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c8";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c8";"NetworkAdapter 16: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"SoundCard 19: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 20: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
+"O48N2";"";"http://localhost/devices/O48N2";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048285";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Tue Aug  2 12:56:30 2022";"Workbench 11.0a2";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.154343+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"1024";"238475";"Processor 7: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 2.66ghz";"";"1";"2.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 11: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 12: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86mm";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86mm";"e2024242cv86mm";"238475";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.100462+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0a2";"Short";"Failure";"";"";"0";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 13: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456720";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456720";"";"";"";"";"GraphicCard 8: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 5: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c9";"NetworkAdapter 6: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7b";"SoundCard 9: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 10: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
+"X4ZV3";"";"http://localhost/devices/X4ZV3";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048287-14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"Laptop";"Netbook";"b8oaas048287";"1001pxd";"asustek computer inc.";"Tue Aug  2 12:56:30 2022";"Workbench 11.0b11";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.459041+02:00";"";"";"";"";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz";"2048";"558558";"Processor 28: model intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz, S/N None";"intel corp.";"intel atom cpu n455 @ 1.66ghz";"";"1";"1.667";"6666.24";"164.0803";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"RamModule 32: model None, S/N None";"";"";"";"1024";"667";"RamModule 33: model 48594d503131325336344350362d53362020, S/N 4f43487b";"hynix semiconductor";"48594d503131325336344350362d53362020";"4f43487b";"1024";"667";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"HardDrive 34: model hts54322, S/N e2024242cv86hj";"hitachi";"hts54322";"e2024242cv86hj";"238475";"harddrive-hitachi-hts54322-e2024242cv86hj";"e2024242cv86hj";"238475";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Success";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"1:16:49";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.400450+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 1:16:49";"2018-07-03 11:15:22.257059+02:00";"2018-07-03 12:32:11.843190+02:00";"66.2";"21.8";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Extended";"Failure";"";"";"0";"DataStorage 35: model wdc wd1600bevt-2, S/N wd-wx11a80w7430";"western digital";"wdc wd1600bevt-2";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160041";"datastorage-western_digital-wdc_wd1600bevt-2-wd-wx11a80w7430";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160041";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Failure";"";"EraseBasic";"Shred";"0:45:36";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.402600+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 0:45:36";"2019-10-23 09:49:54.410830+02:00";"2019-10-23 10:35:31.400587+02:00";"41.6";"17.3";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Short";"Success";"5293";"195 days, 12:00:00";"4692";"SolidStateDrive 36: model wdc wd1600bevt-2, S/N wd-wx11a80w7430";"western digital";"wdc wd1600bevt-2";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160042";"solidstatedrive-western_digital-wdc_wd1600bevt-2-wd-wx11a80w7430";"wd-wx11a80w7430";"160042";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Success";"";"EraseSectors";"Badblocks";"1:46:03";"2022-08-02 12:56:30.406477+02:00";"✓ – StepRandom 0:46:03,✓ – StepZero 1:00:00";"2019-08-19 18:48:19.690458+02:00,2019-08-19 19:34:22.690458+02:00";"2019-08-19 19:34:22.930562+02:00,2019-08-19 20:34:22.930562+02:00";"41.1";"17.1";"Workbench 11.0b11";"Short";"Success";"5231";"194 days, 17:00:00";"4673";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Motherboard 37: model 1001pxd, S/N eee0123456789";"asustek computer inc.";"1001pxd";"eee0123456789";"";"auo ""auo""";"auo lcd monitor";"";"GraphicCard 29: model atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller";"";"256";"";"";"";"";"";"NetworkAdapter 26: model ar9285 wireless network adapter, S/N 74:2f:68:8b:fd:c8";"qualcomm atheros";"ar9285 wireless network adapter";"74:2f:68:8b:fd:c8";"NetworkAdapter 27: model ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet, S/N 14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"qualcomm atheros";"ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet";"14:da:e9:42:f6:7c";"SoundCard 30: model nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller, S/N None";"intel corporation";"nm10/ich7 family high definition audio controller";"";"SoundCard 31: model usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam, S/N 0x0001";"azurewave";"usb 2.0 uvc vga webcam";"0x0001";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"15.7188"
diff --git a/tests/test_basic.py b/tests/test_basic.py
index 6b890ea3..39b2ca25 100644
--- a/tests/test_basic.py
+++ b/tests/test_basic.py
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ def test_api_docs(client: Client):
+        '/inventory/unbinding/{phid}/',
+        '/inventory/binding/{dhid}/{phid}/',
diff --git a/tests/test_device.py b/tests/test_device.py
index 67d94d6a..9f3b200d 100644
--- a/tests/test_device.py
+++ b/tests/test_device.py
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ def test_sync_execute_register_tag_linked_same_device():
     db_pc = Sync().execute_register(pc)
     assert db_pc.id == orig_pc.id
-    assert len(db_pc.tags) == 2
+    assert len(db_pc.tags) == 1
     for tag in db_pc.tags:
         assert tag.id in ['foo', db_pc.devicehub_id]
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ def test_get_devices_permissions(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient, user2: UserCl
     devices2, res2 = user2.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
     assert res2.status_code == 200
-    assert len(devices['items']) == 1
+    assert len(devices['items']) == 2
     assert len(devices2['items']) == 0
@@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ def test_get_devices_unassigned(user: UserClient):
     devices, res = user.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
-    assert len(devices['items']) == 1
+    assert len(devices['items']) == 2
     url = '/devices/?filter={"type":["Computer"]}&unassign=1'
     devices, res = user.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
-    assert len(devices['items']) == 1
+    assert len(devices['items']) == 2
     from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
     device_id = devices['items'][0]['id']
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ def test_get_devices_unassigned(user: UserClient):
     devices, res = user.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
-    assert len(devices['items']) == 1
+    assert len(devices['items']) == 2
     url = '/devices/?filter={"type":["Computer"]}&unassign=1'
     devices, res = user.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
-    assert len(devices['items']) == 0
+    assert len(devices['items']) == 1
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ def test_manufacturer_enforced():
 def test_device_properties_format(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
     user.post(file('asus-eee-1000h.snapshot.11'), res=m.Snapshot)
     with app.app_context():
-        pc = d.Laptop.query.one()  # type: d.Laptop
+        pc = d.Laptop.query.filter_by(placeholder=None).one()  # type: d.Laptop
         assert format(pc) == 'Laptop 3: model 1000h, S/N 94oaaq021116'
         assert format(pc, 't') == 'Netbook 1000h'
         assert format(pc, 's') == '(asustek computer inc.) S/N 94OAAQ021116'
@@ -589,12 +589,12 @@ def test_device_properties_format(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
         assert pc.graphic_card_model == 'mobile 945gse express integrated graphics controller'
         assert pc.processor_model == 'intel atom cpu n270 @ 1.60ghz'
         net = next(c for c in pc.components if isinstance(c, d.NetworkAdapter))
-        assert format(net) == 'NetworkAdapter 4: model ar8121/ar8113/ar8114 ' \
+        assert format(net) == 'NetworkAdapter 5: model ar8121/ar8113/ar8114 ' \
                               'gigabit or fast ethernet, S/N 00:24:8c:7f:cf:2d'
         assert format(net, 't') == 'NetworkAdapter ar8121/ar8113/ar8114 gigabit or fast ethernet'
         assert format(net, 's') == 'qualcomm atheros 00:24:8C:7F:CF:2D – 100 Mbps'
         hdd = next(c for c in pc.components if isinstance(c, d.DataStorage))
-        assert format(hdd) == 'HardDrive 9: model st9160310as, S/N 5sv4tqa6'
+        assert format(hdd) == 'HardDrive 10: model st9160310as, S/N 5sv4tqa6'
         assert format(hdd, 't') == 'HardDrive st9160310as'
         assert format(hdd, 's') == 'seagate 5SV4TQA6 – 152 GB'
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ def test_hid_with_2networkadapters(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
     laptop = devices['items'][0]
     assert laptop['hid'] == 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1000h-94oaaq021116-00:24:8c:7f:cf:2d'
-    assert len([c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']) == 1
+    assert len([c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']) == 2
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ def test_hid_with_2network_and_drop_no_mac_in_hid(app: Devicehub, user: UserClie
     devices, _ = user.get(res=d.Device)
     laptop = devices['items'][0]
     assert laptop['hid'] == 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1000h-94oaaq021116-00:24:8c:7f:cf:2d'
-    assert len([c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']) == 1
+    assert len([c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']) == 2
     assert len([c for c in laptop['components'] if c['type'] == 'NetworkAdapter']) == 1
@@ -746,22 +746,21 @@ def test_hid_with_2network_and_drop_mac_in_hid(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient)
     user.post(json_encode(snapshot), res=m.Snapshot)
     devices, _ = user.get(res=d.Device)
     laptops = [c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']
-    assert len(laptops) == 2
-    hids = [h['hid'] for h in laptops]
+    assert len(laptops) == 4
+    hids = [laptops[0]['hid'], laptops[2]['hid']]
     proof_hid = ['laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1000h-94oaaq021116-a0:24:8c:7f:cf:2d',
     assert all([h in proof_hid for h in hids])
     # we drop all network cards
     snapshot['uuid'] = 'd1b70cb8-8929-4f36-99b7-fe052cec0abc'
-    snapshot['components'] = [c for c in snapshot['components'] if not c in [network, network2]]
+    snapshot['components'] = [c for c in snapshot['components'] if c not in [network, network2]]
     user.post(json_encode(snapshot), res=m.Snapshot)
     devices, _ = user.get(res=d.Device)
     laptops = [c for c in devices['items'] if c['type'] == 'Laptop']
-    assert len(laptops) == 3
-    hids = [h['hid'] for h in laptops]
+    assert len(laptops) == 4
+    hids = [laptops[0]['hid'], laptops[2]['hid']]
     proof_hid = ['laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1000h-94oaaq021116-a0:24:8c:7f:cf:2d',
     assert all([h in proof_hid for h in hids])
diff --git a/tests/test_device_find.py b/tests/test_device_find.py
index 7d18a991..646a3bb0 100644
--- a/tests/test_device_find.py
+++ b/tests/test_device_find.py
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ def test_device_query(user: UserClient):
     pc = next(d for d in i['items'] if d['type'] == 'Desktop')
     assert len(pc['actions']) == 3
     assert len(pc['components']) == 3
-    assert pc['tags'][0]['id'] == pc['devicehubID']
diff --git a/tests/test_documents.py b/tests/test_documents.py
index 5a4fa35c..bc0ae40e 100644
--- a/tests/test_documents.py
+++ b/tests/test_documents.py
@@ -508,12 +508,14 @@ def test_report_devices_stock_control(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient):
         fixture_csv = list(obj_csv)
     assert user.user['id'] != user2.user['id']
-    assert len(export_csv) == 2
+    assert len(export_csv) == 3
     export_csv[0] = export_csv[0][0].split(';')
     export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][0].split(';')
+    export_csv[2] = export_csv[2][0].split(';')
     fixture_csv[0] = fixture_csv[0][0].split(';')
     fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][0].split(';')
+    fixture_csv[2] = fixture_csv[2][0].split(';')
     # assert isinstance(
     #     datetime.strptime(export_csv[1][5], '%c'), datetime
@@ -522,9 +524,12 @@ def test_report_devices_stock_control(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient):
     # Pop dates fields from csv lists to compare them
     fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:5] + fixture_csv[1][6:]
     export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:5] + export_csv[1][6:]
+    fixture_csv[2] = fixture_csv[2][:5] + fixture_csv[2][6:]
+    export_csv[2] = export_csv[2][:5] + export_csv[2][6:]
     assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
     assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Computer information are not equal'
+    assert fixture_csv[2] == export_csv[2], 'Computer information are not equal'
     assert fixture_csv == export_csv
diff --git a/tests/test_metrics.py b/tests/test_metrics.py
index 51546a56..d881d524 100644
--- a/tests/test_metrics.py
+++ b/tests/test_metrics.py
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ def test_complet_metrics_with_trade(user: UserClient, user2: UserClient):
     body1_lenovo += '"foo2@foo.com";"Supplier";"NeedConfirmation";"Use";"";'
     body2_lenovo = ';"";"0";"0";"Trade";"0";"0"\n'
-    body1_acer = '"J2MA2";"laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-00:26:c7:8e:cb:8c";"";"Trade";'
+    body1_acer = '"K3XW2";"laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-00:26:c7:8e:cb:8c";"";"Trade";'
     body1_acer += '"foo@foo.com";"foo2@foo.com";"Supplier";"NeedConfirmation";"";"";"";"";"0";'
     body2_acer = ';"";"0";"0";"Trade";"0";"4692.0"\n'
diff --git a/tests/test_render_2_0.py b/tests/test_render_2_0.py
index bcefe28b..49c151ab 100644
--- a/tests/test_render_2_0.py
+++ b/tests/test_render_2_0.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient, UserClientFlask
 from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
 from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Placeholder
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
 from tests import conftest
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def test_inventory_with_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert status == '200 OK'
     assert "Unassigned" in body
-    assert db_snapthot.device.devicehub_id in body
+    assert db_snapthot.device.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def test_inventory_filter(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert status == '200 OK'
     assert "Unassigned" in body
-    assert db_snapthot.device.devicehub_id in body
+    assert db_snapthot.device.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ def test_label_details(user3: UserClientFlask):
 def test_link_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
     snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
-    dev = snap.device
+    dev = snap.device.binding.device
     uri = '/labels/add/'
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ def test_link_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 2
+    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 1
     tags = [tag.id for tag in dev.tags]
     assert "tag1" in tags
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ def test_link_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
 def test_unlink_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
     # create device
     snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
-    dev = snap.device
+    dev = snap.device.binding.device
     # create tag
     uri = '/labels/add/'
@@ -379,9 +379,7 @@ def test_unlink_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 1
-    tag = list(dev.tags)[0]
-    assert not tag.id == "tag1"
+    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 0
@@ -389,7 +387,7 @@ def test_unlink_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
 def test_print_labels(user3: UserClientFlask):
     # create device
     snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
-    dev = snap.device
+    dev = snap.device.binding.device
     # create tag
     uri = '/labels/add/'
@@ -411,7 +409,7 @@ def test_print_labels(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 2
+    assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 1
     uri = '/labels/print'
     data = {
@@ -423,7 +421,7 @@ def test_print_labels(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert status == '200 OK'
     path = "/inventory/device/{}/".format(dev.devicehub_id)
     assert path in body
-    assert "tag1" not in body
+    assert "tag1" in body
@@ -708,7 +706,7 @@ def test_action_recycling(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
@@ -721,15 +719,15 @@ def test_action_recycling(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Recycling",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Recycling'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Recycling'
     assert 'Action &#34;Recycling&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -763,15 +761,15 @@ def test_action_use(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Use",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Use'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Use'
     assert 'Action &#34;Use&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -786,15 +784,15 @@ def test_action_refurbish(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Refurbish",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Refurbish'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Refurbish'
     assert 'Action &#34;Refurbish&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -809,15 +807,15 @@ def test_action_management(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Management",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Management'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Management'
     assert 'Action &#34;Management&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -832,7 +830,7 @@ def test_action_allocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_time': '2000-06-01',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -841,9 +839,9 @@ def test_action_allocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Allocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Allocate'
     assert 'Action &#34;Allocate&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -858,18 +856,18 @@ def test_action_allocate_error_required(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Trade",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type != 'Allocate'
+    assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
@@ -891,7 +889,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_error_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-06-01',
         'end_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -902,7 +900,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_error_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert status == '200 OK'
     assert 'Action Allocate error' in body
     assert 'The action cannot finish before it starts.' in body
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type != 'Allocate'
+    assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
@@ -919,7 +917,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_error_future_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': start_time,
         'end_time': end_time,
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -930,7 +928,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_error_future_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert status == '200 OK'
     assert 'Action Allocate error' in body
     assert 'Not a valid date value.!' in body
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type != 'Allocate'
+    assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
@@ -945,7 +943,7 @@ def test_action_deallocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_time': '2000-06-01',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -954,22 +952,22 @@ def test_action_deallocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_time': '2000-06-01',
         'end_users': 2,
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
     assert 'Action &#34;Deallocate&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -984,7 +982,7 @@ def test_action_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-05-01',
         'end_time': '2000-06-01',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -993,20 +991,20 @@ def test_action_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_time': '2000-02-01',
         'end_users': 2,
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type != 'Deallocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type != 'Deallocate'
     assert 'Action Deallocate error!' in body
     assert 'Sorry some of this devices are actually deallocate' in body
@@ -1023,7 +1021,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_time': '2000-01-01',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -1032,36 +1030,36 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 11
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 1
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-02-01',
         'end_time': '2000-02-01',
         'end_users': 2,
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 12
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
     # is not possible to do an allocate between an allocate and an deallocate
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-15',
         'end_time': '2000-01-15',
         'end_users': 2,
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert dev.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
+    assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
     # assert 'Action Deallocate error!' in body
     # assert 'Sorry some of this devices are actually deallocate' in body
@@ -1069,14 +1067,14 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-15',
         'end_time': '2000-01-15',
         'end_users': 2,
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 12
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
@@ -1091,7 +1089,7 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error2(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-10',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -1099,25 +1097,25 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error2(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 11
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 1
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-20',
         'end_users': 2,
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 12
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-02-10',
         'end_users': 2,
@@ -1125,40 +1123,40 @@ def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error2(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 13
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 3
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-02-20',
         'end_users': 2,
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 14
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 4
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Allocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-25',
         'end_users': 2,
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 15
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 5
     data = {
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Deallocate",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'start_time': '2000-01-27',
         'end_users': 2,
     user3.post(uri, data=data)
-    assert len(dev.actions) == 16
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 6
@@ -1173,15 +1171,15 @@ def test_action_toprepare(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "ToPrepare",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'ToPrepare'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'ToPrepare'
     assert 'Action &#34;ToPrepare&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -1196,15 +1194,15 @@ def test_action_prepare(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Prepare",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Prepare'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Prepare'
     assert 'Action &#34;Prepare&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -1219,15 +1217,15 @@ def test_action_torepair(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "ToRepair",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'ToRepair'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'ToRepair'
     assert 'Action &#34;ToRepair&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -1242,15 +1240,15 @@ def test_action_ready(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "Ready",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
     uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Ready'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Ready'
     assert 'Action &#34;Ready&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -1269,16 +1267,16 @@ def test_action_datawipe(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
         'type': "DataWipe",
         'severity': "Info",
-        'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
+        'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
         'document-file_name': file_upload,
     uri = '/inventory/action/datawipe/add/'
     body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
     assert status == '200 OK'
-    assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'DataWipe'
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'DataWipe'
     assert 'Action &#34;DataWipe&#34; created successfully!' in body
-    assert dev.devicehub_id in body
+    assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
@@ -1618,7 +1616,6 @@ def test_export_snapshot_json(user3: UserClientFlask):
 def test_add_placeholder_excel(user3: UserClientFlask):
     uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
     body, status = user3.get(uri)
     assert status == '200 OK'
@@ -2009,3 +2006,191 @@ def test_add_new_placeholder_from_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
     assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
     assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'ace'
     assert len(lot.devices) == 1
+def test_manual_binding(user3: UserClientFlask):
+    # create placeholder manual
+    uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    data = {
+        'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
+        'type': "Laptop",
+        'phid': 'sid',
+        'serial_number': "AAAAB",
+        'model': "LC27T55",
+        'manufacturer': "Samsung",
+        'generation': 1,
+        'weight': 0.1,
+        'height': 0.1,
+        'depth': 0.1,
+        'id_device_supplier': "b2",
+    }
+    user3.post(uri, data=data)
+    dev = Device.query.one()
+    assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
+    assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'sid'
+    assert dev.placeholder.is_abstract is False
+    # add device from wb
+    snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
+    dev_wb = snap.device
+    uri = '/inventory/device/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is True
+    assert dev_wb.hid == 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b'
+    assert dev_wb.binding.phid == '11'
+    old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
+    # page binding
+    dhid = dev_wb.devicehub_id
+    uri = f'/inventory/binding/{dhid}/sid/'
+    body, status = user3.get(uri)
+    assert status == '200 OK'
+    assert 'sid' in body
+    assert 'Confirm' in body
+    # action binding
+    body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
+    assert status == '200 OK'
+    assert f"Device &#34;{dhid}&#34; bind successfully with sid!" in body
+    # check new structure
+    assert dev_wb.binding.phid == 'sid'
+    assert dev_wb.binding.device == dev
+    assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first() is None
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first() is None
+def test_edit_and_binding(user3: UserClientFlask):
+    uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    data = {
+        'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
+        'type': "Laptop",
+        'serial_number': "AAAAB",
+        'model': "LC27T55",
+        'manufacturer': "Samsung",
+        'generation': 1,
+        'weight': 0.1,
+        'height': 0.1,
+        'depth': 0.1,
+        'id_device_supplier': "b2",
+    }
+    user3.post(uri, data=data)
+    snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
+    dev_wb = snap.device
+    uri = '/inventory/device/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    uri = '/inventory/device/edit/{}/'.format(dev_wb.binding.device.devicehub_id)
+    body, status = user3.get(uri)
+    assert status == '200 OK'
+    assert "Edit Device" in body
+    data = {
+        'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
+        'type': "Laptop",
+        'serial_number': "AAAAC",
+        'model': "LC27T56",
+        'manufacturer': "Samsung",
+        'generation': 1,
+        'weight': 0.1,
+        'height': 0.1,
+        'depth': 0.1,
+        'id_device_supplier': "a2",
+    }
+    assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is True
+    user3.post(uri, data=data)
+    assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is False
+def test_unbinding(user3: UserClientFlask):
+    # create placeholder manual
+    uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    data = {
+        'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
+        'type': "Laptop",
+        'phid': 'sid',
+        'serial_number': "AAAAB",
+        'model': "LC27T55",
+        'manufacturer': "Samsung",
+        'generation': 1,
+        'weight': 0.1,
+        'height': 0.1,
+        'depth': 0.1,
+        'id_device_supplier': "b2",
+    }
+    user3.post(uri, data=data)
+    dev = Device.query.one()
+    # add device from wb
+    snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
+    dev_wb = snap.device
+    uri = '/inventory/device/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
+    # page binding
+    dhid = dev_wb.devicehub_id
+    uri = f'/inventory/binding/{dhid}/sid/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    # action binding
+    assert dev.placeholder.binding is None
+    user3.post(uri, data={})
+    assert dev.placeholder.binding == dev_wb
+    # action unbinding
+    uri = '/inventory/unbinding/sid/'
+    body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
+    assert status == '200 OK'
+    assert 'Device &#34;sid&#34; unbind successfully!' in body
+    # check new structure
+    assert dev.placeholder.binding is None
+    assert dev_wb.binding.phid == '2'
+    assert old_placeholder.device.model == dev_wb.binding.device.model
+    assert old_placeholder.device != dev_wb.binding.device
+    assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first() is None
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first() is None
+    assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.binding.id).first()
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.binding.device.id).first()
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev.id).first()
+    assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=dev.placeholder.id).first()
+def test_unbindingnot_used(user3: UserClientFlask):
+    # add device from wb
+    snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
+    dev_wb = snap.device
+    uri = '/inventory/device/'
+    user3.get(uri)
+    old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
+    # action unbinding
+    uri = '/inventory/unbinding/{}/'.format(dev_wb.binding.phid)
+    body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
+    assert status == '200 OK'
+    # check new structure
+    assert dev_wb.binding == old_placeholder
+    assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first()
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first()
+    assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.id).first()
diff --git a/tests/test_snapshot.py b/tests/test_snapshot.py
index a3183533..5888b05c 100644
--- a/tests/test_snapshot.py
+++ b/tests/test_snapshot.py
@@ -367,18 +367,6 @@ def test_snapshot_mismatch_id():
-def test_snapshot_tag_inner_tag(user: UserClient, tag_id: str, app: Devicehub):
-    """Tests a posting Snapshot with a local tag."""
-    b = yaml2json('basic.snapshot')
-    b['device']['tags'] = [{'type': 'Tag', 'id': tag_id}]
-    snapshot_and_check(user, b, action_types=(BenchmarkProcessor.t, VisualTest.t))
-    with app.app_context():
-        tag = Tag.query.all()[0]  # type: Tag
-        assert tag.device_id == 3, 'Tag should be linked to the first device'
 def test_snapshot_tag_inner_tag_mismatch_between_tags_and_hid(
     user: UserClient, tag_id: str
@@ -1311,5 +1299,42 @@ def test_snapshot_check_tests_lite(user: UserClient):
     bodyLite, res = user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
     assert res.status_code == 201
-    SnapshotsLog.query.all()
+    assert SnapshotsLog.query.count() == 1
+    m.Device.query.filter_by(devicehub_id=bodyLite['dhid']).one()
+def test_placeholder(user: UserClient):
+    """This check the structure of one placeholder generated automatically by a snapshot"""
+    snapshot_lite = file_json(
+        'test_lite/2022-4-13-19-5_user@dhub.com_b27dbf43-b88a-4505-ae27-10de5a95919e.json'
+    )
+    bodyLite, res = user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
+    assert res.status_code == 201
     dev = m.Device.query.filter_by(devicehub_id=bodyLite['dhid']).one()
+    assert dev.placeholder is None
+    assert dev.binding.phid == '12'
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.components) == 11
+    assert len(dev.components) == 11
+    assert dev.binding.device.placeholder == dev.binding
+    assert dev.components != dev.binding.device.components
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions == []
+def test_placeholder_actions(user: UserClient):
+    """This test the actions of a placeholder of one snapshot"""
+    s = yaml2json('erase-sectors.snapshot')
+    snap1, _ = user.post(s, res=Snapshot)
+    dev = m.Device.query.filter_by(id=snap1['device']['id']).one()
+    assert dev.placeholder is None
+    assert dev.binding.phid == '4'
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.components) == 3
+    assert len(dev.components) == 3
+    assert dev.binding.device.placeholder == dev.binding
+    assert dev.components != dev.binding.device.components
+    assert dev.binding.device.actions == []
+    assert len(dev.components[0].actions) == 3
+    assert len(dev.binding.device.components[0].actions) == 0
diff --git a/tests/test_system_uuid.py b/tests/test_system_uuid.py
index e8f62956..71eae0e7 100644
--- a/tests/test_system_uuid.py
+++ b/tests/test_system_uuid.py
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_with_uuid_api(user: UserClient):
     db_snapthot = Snapshot.query.one()
     device = db_snapthot.device
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
     assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
     assert device.system_uuid is None
@@ -106,10 +106,14 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_with_uuid_api(user: UserClient):
         == '364ee69c-9c82-9cb1-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -123,20 +127,28 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_11['uuid'] = '0973fda0-589a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130003'
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     # insert the same computer with wb11 with hid and with uuid, (new version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     assert 'debug' not in snapshot_11
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -150,10 +162,14 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_without_hid_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_11['uuid'] = '0973fda0-589a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130003'
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     # insert the same computer with wb11 with hid and with uuid, (new version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
@@ -162,7 +178,7 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_without_hid_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_11['debug'] = {'lshw': snapshot_lite['data']['lshw']}
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
@@ -186,7 +202,7 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_with_uuid_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     db_snapthot = Snapshot.query.one()
     device = db_snapthot.device
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
     assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
     assert device.system_uuid is None
@@ -203,10 +219,14 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_with_uuid_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -231,10 +251,14 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     # insert the same computer with wb11 with hid and with uuid, (new version)
     snapshot = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
@@ -248,10 +272,14 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -276,10 +304,14 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_without_hid_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     # insert the same computer with wb11 with hid and with uuid, (new version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
@@ -295,7 +327,7 @@ def test_wb11_with_uuid_to_wb11_without_hid_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
@@ -305,17 +337,25 @@ def test_wb11_to_wblite_api(user: UserClient):
     # insert computer with wb11 with hid and without uuid, (old version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json('system_uuid2.json')
     user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -324,17 +364,25 @@ def test_wblite_to_wb11_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json('system_uuid2.json')
     user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -354,10 +402,14 @@ def test_wb11_to_wblite_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
     file_name = 'system_uuid2.json'
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json(file_name)
@@ -369,10 +421,14 @@ def test_wb11_to_wblite_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -392,10 +448,14 @@ def test_wblite_to_wb11_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     file_name = 'system_uuid3.json'
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json(file_name)
@@ -407,10 +467,14 @@ def test_wblite_to_wb11_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -419,18 +483,26 @@ def test_wblite_to_wblite_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json('system_uuid2.json')
     user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json('system_uuid2.json')
     snapshot_lite['uuid'] = '0973fda0-589a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130003'
     user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -450,10 +522,14 @@ def test_wblite_to_wblite_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
     file_name = 'system_uuid2.json'
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json(file_name)
@@ -466,10 +542,14 @@ def test_wblite_to_wblite_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -479,17 +559,21 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_duplicity_api(user: UserClient):
     # insert computer with wb11 with hid and without uuid, (old version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     snapshot_11['uuid'] = '0973fda0-589a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130003'
     components = [x for x in snapshot_11['components'] if x['type'] != 'NetworkAdapter']
     snapshot_11['components'] = components
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 4
     for c in Computer.query.all():
         assert 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601' in c.hid
         assert c.system_uuid is None
@@ -512,10 +596,14 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_duplicity_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid3.json')
     snapshot_11['uuid'] = '0973fda0-589a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130003'
@@ -530,10 +618,12 @@ def test_wb11_to_wb11_duplicity_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
-    for c in Computer.query.all():
-        assert 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601' in c.hid
-        assert c.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 4
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601' in device.hid
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
@@ -543,10 +633,14 @@ def test_wb11_smbios_2_5_api(user: UserClient):
     # insert computer with wb11 with hid and without uuid, (old version)
     snapshot_11 = conftest.file_json('system_uuid4.json')
     user.post(snapshot_11, res=Snapshot)
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
@@ -566,10 +660,14 @@ def test_wb11_smbios_2_5_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert device.system_uuid is None
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+            assert device.system_uuid is None
@@ -580,10 +678,14 @@ def test_wblite_smbios_2_5_api(user: UserClient):
     snapshot_lite = conftest.file_json('system_uuid2.json')
     snapshot_lite['data']['lshw']['capabilities']['smbios-3.0'] = 'SMBIOS version 2.5'
     user.post(snapshot_lite, uri="/api/inventory/")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+        assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
@@ -604,7 +706,11 @@ def test_wblite_smbios_2_5_form(user3: UserClientFlask):
         'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
     user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
-    assert Computer.query.count() == 1
-    device = Computer.query.one()
-    assert device.hid == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
-    assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
+    assert Computer.query.count() == 2
+    for device in Computer.query.all():
+        if device.binding:
+            assert (
+                device.hid
+                == 'laptop-acer-aohappy-lusea0d010038879a01601-88:ae:1d:a6:f3:d0'
+            )
+        assert str(device.system_uuid) == '9ce64e36-829c-b19c-2111-88ae1da6f3d0'
diff --git a/tests/test_tag.py b/tests/test_tag.py
index f852a206..b30cf592 100644
--- a/tests/test_tag.py
+++ b/tests/test_tag.py
@@ -2,26 +2,29 @@ import pathlib
 import pytest
 import requests_mock
-from flask import g
 from boltons.urlutils import URL
 from ereuse_utils.session import DevicehubClient
+from flask import g
 from pytest import raises
-from teal.db import MultipleResourcesFound, ResourceNotFound, UniqueViolation, DBError
+from teal.db import DBError, MultipleResourcesFound, ResourceNotFound, UniqueViolation
 from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
-from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient, Client
+from ereuse_devicehub.client import Client, UserClient
 from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
 from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Organization
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Desktop, Device
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import ComputerChassis
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag import Tag
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.view import CannotCreateETag, LinkedToAnotherDevice, \
-    TagNotLinked
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.view import (
+    CannotCreateETag,
+    LinkedToAnotherDevice,
+    TagNotLinked,
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
 from tests import conftest
-from tests.conftest import yaml2json, json_encode
+from tests.conftest import json_encode, yaml2json
@@ -29,7 +32,9 @@ from tests.conftest import yaml2json, json_encode
 def test_create_tag(user: UserClient):
     """Creates a tag specifying a custom organization."""
     org = Organization(name='bar', tax_id='bartax')
-    tag = Tag(id='bar-1', org=org, provider=URL('http://foo.bar'), owner_id=user.user['id'])
+    tag = Tag(
+        id='bar-1', org=org, provider=URL('http://foo.bar'), owner_id=user.user['id']
+    )
     tag = Tag.query.one()
@@ -44,7 +49,9 @@ def test_create_tag(user: UserClient):
 def test_create_tag_with_device(user: UserClient):
     """Creates a tag specifying linked with one device."""
     g.user = User.query.one()
-    pc = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
+    pc = Desktop(
+        serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id']
+    )
     tag = Tag(id='bar', owner_id=user.user['id'])
@@ -64,7 +71,9 @@ def test_delete_tags(user: UserClient, client: Client):
     """Delete a named tag."""
     # Delete Tag Named
     g.user = User.query.one()
-    pc = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
+    pc = Desktop(
+        serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id']
+    )
     tag = Tag(id='bar', owner_id=user.user['id'], device_id=pc.id)
@@ -89,7 +98,9 @@ def test_delete_tags(user: UserClient, client: Client):
     # Delete Tag UnNamed
     org = Organization(name='bar', tax_id='bartax')
-    tag = Tag(id='bar-1', org=org, provider=URL('http://foo.bar'), owner_id=user.user['id'])
+    tag = Tag(
+        id='bar-1', org=org, provider=URL('http://foo.bar'), owner_id=user.user['id']
+    )
     tag = Tag.query.all()[-1]
@@ -106,7 +117,9 @@ def test_delete_tags(user: UserClient, client: Client):
 def test_create_tag_default_org(user: UserClient):
     """Creates a tag using the default organization."""
     tag = Tag(id='foo-1', owner_id=user.user['id'])
-    assert not tag.org_id, 'org-id is set as default value so it should only load on flush'
+    assert (
+        not tag.org_id
+    ), 'org-id is set as default value so it should only load on flush'
     # We don't want the organization to load, or it would make this
     # object, from transient to new (added to session)
     assert 'org' not in vars(tag), 'Organization should not have been loaded'
@@ -188,7 +201,9 @@ def test_tag_get_device_from_tag_endpoint(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
         # Create a pc with a tag
         g.user = User.query.one()
         tag = Tag(id='foo-bar', owner_id=user.user['id'])
-        pc = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
+        pc = Desktop(
+            serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id']
+        )
@@ -213,7 +228,9 @@ def test_tag_get_device_from_tag_endpoint_no_tag(user: UserClient):
-def test_tag_get_device_from_tag_endpoint_multiple_tags(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient, user2: UserClient, client: Client):
+def test_tag_get_device_from_tag_endpoint_multiple_tags(
+    app: Devicehub, user: UserClient, user2: UserClient, client: Client
     """As above, but when there are two tags with the secondary ID, the
     system should not return any of both (to be deterministic) so
     it should raise an exception.
@@ -232,8 +249,12 @@ def test_tag_get_device_from_tag_endpoint_multiple_tags(app: Devicehub, user: Us
     tag1 = Tag.from_an_id('foo').filter_by(owner_id=user.user['id']).one()
     tag2 = Tag.from_an_id('foo').filter_by(owner_id=user2.user['id']).one()
-    pc1 = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
-    pc2 = Desktop(serial_number='sn2', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user2.user['id'])
+    pc1 = Desktop(
+        serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id']
+    )
+    pc2 = Desktop(
+        serial_number='sn2', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user2.user['id']
+    )
@@ -266,7 +287,17 @@ def test_tag_create_etags_cli(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
     # todo what happens to organization?
     owner_id = user.user['id']
     runner = app.test_cli_runner()
-    args = ('tag', 'add', '-p', 'https://t.ereuse.org', '-s', 'foo', 'DT-BARBAR', '-u', owner_id)
+    args = (
+        'tag',
+        'add',
+        '-p',
+        'https://t.ereuse.org',
+        '-s',
+        'foo',
+        'DT-BARBAR',
+        '-u',
+        owner_id,
+    )
     with app.app_context():
         tag = Tag.query.one()  # type: Tag
@@ -284,7 +315,11 @@ def test_tag_manual_link_search(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient):
     with app.app_context():
         g.user = User.query.one()
         db.session.add(Tag('foo-bar', secondary='foo-sec', owner_id=user.user['id']))
-        desktop = Desktop(serial_number='foo', chassis=ComputerChassis.AllInOne, owner_id=user.user['id'])
+        desktop = Desktop(
+            serial_number='foo',
+            chassis=ComputerChassis.AllInOne,
+            owner_id=user.user['id'],
+        )
         desktop_id = desktop.id
@@ -330,12 +365,20 @@ def test_tag_secondary_workbench_link_find(user: UserClient):
     s['device']['tags'] = [{'id': 'foo', 'secondary': 'bar', 'type': 'Tag'}]
     snapshot, _ = user.post(json_encode(s), res=Snapshot)
     device, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=snapshot['device']['devicehubID'])
-    assert 'foo' in [x['id'] for x in device['tags']]
-    assert 'bar' in [x.get('secondary') for x in device['tags']]
+    desktop = Device.query.filter_by(
+        devicehub_id=snapshot['device']['devicehubID']
+    ).one()
+    assert [] == [x['id'] for x in device['tags']]
+    assert 'foo' in [x.id for x in desktop.binding.device.tags]
+    assert 'bar' in [x.secondary for x in desktop.binding.device.tags]
-    r, _ = user.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'foo'), ('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
+    r, _ = user.get(
+        res=Device, query=[('search', 'foo'), ('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})]
+    )
     assert len(r['items']) == 1
-    r, _ = user.get(res=Device, query=[('search', 'bar'), ('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})])
+    r, _ = user.get(
+        res=Device, query=[('search', 'bar'), ('filter', {'type': ['Computer']})]
+    )
     assert len(r['items']) == 1
@@ -359,19 +402,24 @@ def test_tag_multiple_secondary_org(user: UserClient):
-def test_create_num_regular_tags(user: UserClient, requests_mock: requests_mock.mocker.Mocker):
+def test_create_num_regular_tags(
+    user: UserClient, requests_mock: requests_mock.mocker.Mocker
     """Create regular tags. This is done using a tag provider that
     returns IDs. These tags are printable.
-    requests_mock.post('https://example.com/',
-                       # request
-                       request_headers={
-                           'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(DevicehubClient.encode_token(
-                               '52dacef0-6bcb-4919-bfed-f10d2c96ecee'))
-                       },
-                       # response
-                       json=['tag1id', 'tag2id'],
-                       status_code=201)
+    requests_mock.post(
+        'https://example.com/',
+        # request
+        request_headers={
+            'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(
+                DevicehubClient.encode_token('52dacef0-6bcb-4919-bfed-f10d2c96ecee')
+            )
+        },
+        # response
+        json=['tag1id', 'tag2id'],
+        status_code=201,
+    )
     data, _ = user.post({}, res=Tag, query=[('num', 2)])
     assert data['items'][0]['id'] == 'tag1id'
     assert data['items'][0]['printable'], 'Tags made this way are printable'
@@ -380,28 +428,37 @@ def test_create_num_regular_tags(user: UserClient, requests_mock: requests_mock.
-def test_get_tags_endpoint(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub,
-                           requests_mock: requests_mock.mocker.Mocker):
+def test_get_tags_endpoint(
+    user: UserClient, app: Devicehub, requests_mock: requests_mock.mocker.Mocker
     """Performs GET /tags after creating 3 tags, 2 printable and one
     not. Only the printable ones are returned.
     # Prepare test
     with app.app_context():
         org = Organization(name='bar', tax_id='bartax')
-        tag = Tag(id='bar-1', org=org, provider=URL('http://foo.bar'), owner_id=user.user['id'])
+        tag = Tag(
+            id='bar-1',
+            org=org,
+            provider=URL('http://foo.bar'),
+            owner_id=user.user['id'],
+        )
         assert not tag.printable
-    requests_mock.post('https://example.com/',
-                       # request
-                       request_headers={
-                           'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(DevicehubClient.encode_token(
-                               '52dacef0-6bcb-4919-bfed-f10d2c96ecee'))
-                       },
-                       # response
-                       json=['tag1id', 'tag2id'],
-                       status_code=201)
+    requests_mock.post(
+        'https://example.com/',
+        # request
+        request_headers={
+            'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(
+                DevicehubClient.encode_token('52dacef0-6bcb-4919-bfed-f10d2c96ecee')
+            )
+        },
+        # response
+        json=['tag1id', 'tag2id'],
+        status_code=201,
+    )
     user.post({}, res=Tag, query=[('num', 2)])
     # Test itself
@@ -421,7 +478,9 @@ def test_get_tag_permissions(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient, user2: UserClient
         # Create a pc with a tag
         g.user = User.query.all()[0]
         tag = Tag(id='foo-bar', owner_id=user.user['id'])
-        pc = Desktop(serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id'])
+        pc = Desktop(
+            serial_number='sn1', chassis=ComputerChassis.Tower, owner_id=user.user['id']
+        )
@@ -432,5 +491,5 @@ def test_get_tag_permissions(app: Devicehub, user: UserClient, user2: UserClient
     computer2, res2 = user2.get(url, None)
     assert res.status_code == 200
     assert res2.status_code == 200
-    assert len(computer['items']) == 2
+    assert len(computer['items']) == 1
     assert len(computer2['items']) == 0
diff --git a/tests/test_workbench.py b/tests/test_workbench.py
index e91a4107..e7ea80b8 100644
--- a/tests/test_workbench.py
+++ b/tests/test_workbench.py
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
 """Tests that emulates the behaviour of a WorkbenchServer."""
 import json
+import math
 import pathlib
-import math
 import pytest
 from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action import models as em
-from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import RateComputer, BenchmarkProcessor, BenchmarkRamSysbench
+from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import (
+    BenchmarkProcessor,
+    BenchmarkRamSysbench,
+    RateComputer,
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.exceptions import NeedsId
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device
 from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
-from tests.conftest import file, file_workbench, yaml2json, json_encode
+from tests.conftest import file, file_workbench, json_encode, yaml2json
@@ -22,10 +26,9 @@ def test_workbench_server_condensed(user: UserClient):
     s = yaml2json('workbench-server-1.snapshot')
-    s['components'][4]['actions'].extend((
-        yaml2json('workbench-server-3.erase'),
-        yaml2json('workbench-server-4.install')
-    ))
+    s['components'][4]['actions'].extend(
+        (yaml2json('workbench-server-3.erase'), yaml2json('workbench-server-4.install'))
+    )
     # Create tags
     for t in s['device']['tags']:
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ def test_workbench_server_condensed(user: UserClient):
     snapshot, _ = user.post(res=em.Snapshot, data=json_encode(s))
     pc_id = snapshot['device']['id']
     cpu_id = snapshot['components'][3]['id']
-    ssd_id= snapshot['components'][4]['id']
+    ssd_id = snapshot['components'][4]['id']
     hdd_id = snapshot['components'][5]['id']
     actions = snapshot['actions']
     assert {(action['type'], action['device']) for action in actions} == {
@@ -60,8 +63,13 @@ def test_workbench_server_condensed(user: UserClient):
     assert device['processorModel'] == device['components'][3]['model'] == 'p1-1ml'
     assert device['ramSize'] == 2048, 'There are 3 RAM: 2 x 1024 and 1 None sizes'
     # TODO JN why haven't same order in actions on each execution?
-    assert any([ac['type'] in [BenchmarkProcessor.t, BenchmarkRamSysbench.t] for ac in device['actions']])
-    assert 'tag1' in [x['id'] for x in device['tags']]
+    assert any(
+        [
+            ac['type'] in [BenchmarkProcessor.t, BenchmarkRamSysbench.t]
+            for ac in device['actions']
+        ]
+    )
+    assert 'tag1' not in [x['id'] for x in device['tags']]
 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Functionality not yet developed.')
@@ -136,7 +144,10 @@ def test_real_hp_11(user: UserClient):
     s = file('real-hp.snapshot.11')
     snapshot, _ = user.post(res=em.Snapshot, data=s)
     pc = snapshot['device']
-    assert pc['hid'] == 'desktop-hewlett-packard-hp_compaq_8100_elite_sff-czc0408yjg-6c:62:6d:81:22:9f'
+    assert (
+        pc['hid']
+        == 'desktop-hewlett-packard-hp_compaq_8100_elite_sff-czc0408yjg-6c:62:6d:81:22:9f'
+    )
     assert pc['chassis'] == 'Tower'
     assert set(e['type'] for e in snapshot['actions']) == {
@@ -146,7 +157,7 @@ def test_real_hp_11(user: UserClient):
-        'VisualTest'
+        'VisualTest',
     assert len(list(e['type'] for e in snapshot['actions'])) == 8
@@ -168,7 +179,6 @@ def test_snapshot_real_eee_1001pxd_with_rate(user: UserClient):
     """Checks the values of the device, components,
     actions and their relationships of a real pc.
-    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
     s = file('real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.11')
     snapshot, _ = user.post(res=em.Snapshot, data=s)
     pc, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=snapshot['device']['devicehubID'])
@@ -177,22 +187,32 @@ def test_snapshot_real_eee_1001pxd_with_rate(user: UserClient):
     assert pc['model'] == '1001pxd'
     assert pc['serialNumber'] == 'b8oaas048286'
     assert pc['manufacturer'] == 'asustek computer inc.'
-    assert pc['hid'] == 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048286-14:da:e9:42:f6:7c'
-    assert len(pc['tags']) == 1
-    assert pc['networkSpeeds'] == [100, 0], 'Although it has WiFi we do not know the speed'
+    assert (
+        pc['hid']
+        == 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048286-14:da:e9:42:f6:7c'
+    )
+    assert len(pc['tags']) == 0
+    assert pc['networkSpeeds'] == [
+        100,
+        0,
+    ], 'Although it has WiFi we do not know the speed'
     # assert pc['actions'][0]['appearanceRange'] == 'A'
     # assert pc['actions'][0]['functionalityRange'] == 'B'
     # TODO add appearance and functionality Range in device[rate]
     components = snapshot['components']
     wifi = components[0]
-    assert wifi['hid'] == 'networkadapter-qualcomm_atheros-' \
-                          'ar9285_wireless_network_adapter-74_2f_68_8b_fd_c8'
+    assert (
+        wifi['hid'] == 'networkadapter-qualcomm_atheros-'
+        'ar9285_wireless_network_adapter-74_2f_68_8b_fd_c8'
+    )
     assert wifi['serialNumber'] == '74:2f:68:8b:fd:c8'
     assert wifi['wireless']
     eth = components[1]
-    assert eth['hid'] == 'networkadapter-qualcomm_atheros-' \
-                         'ar8152_v2_0_fast_ethernet-14_da_e9_42_f6_7c'
+    assert (
+        eth['hid'] == 'networkadapter-qualcomm_atheros-'
+        'ar8152_v2_0_fast_ethernet-14_da_e9_42_f6_7c'
+    )
     assert eth['speed'] == 100
     assert not eth['wireless']
     cpu = components[2]
@@ -219,7 +239,10 @@ def test_snapshot_real_eee_1001pxd_with_rate(user: UserClient):
     assert em.Snapshot.t in action_types
     assert len(actions) == 6
     gpu = components[3]
-    assert gpu['model'] == 'atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller'
+    assert (
+        gpu['model']
+        == 'atom processor d4xx/d5xx/n4xx/n5xx integrated graphics controller'
+    )
     assert gpu['manufacturer'] == 'intel corporation'
     assert gpu['memory'] == 256
     gpu, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=gpu['devicehubID'])
@@ -285,25 +308,26 @@ SNAPSHOTS_NEED_ID = {
-    'ecs-2.snapshot.json'
+    'ecs-2.snapshot.json',
 """Snapshots that do not generate HID requiring a custom ID."""
-                         (pytest.param(f, id=f.name)
-                          for f in pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('workbench_files').iterdir())
-                         )
+    'file',
+    (
+        pytest.param(f, id=f.name)
+        for f in pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('workbench_files').iterdir()
+    ),
 def test_workbench_fixtures(file: pathlib.Path, user: UserClient):
     """Uploads the Snapshot files Workbench tests generate.
     Keep this files up to date with the Workbench version.
     s = json.load(file.open())
-    user.post(res=em.Snapshot,
-              data=json_encode(s),
-              status=201)
+    user.post(res=em.Snapshot, data=json_encode(s), status=201)