import uuid import boltons.urlutils import click import ereuse_utils.cli from flask import current_app from teal.db import ResourceNotFound from teal.resource import Resource from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory import schema from ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory.model import Inventory class InventoryDef(Resource): SCHEMA = schema.Inventory VIEW = None def __init__(self, app, import_name=__name__.split('.')[0], static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None, url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None, root_path=None): cli_commands = ( (self.set_inventory_config_cli, 'set-inventory-config'), ) super().__init__(app, import_name, static_folder, static_url_path, template_folder, url_prefix, subdomain, url_defaults, root_path, cli_commands) @click.option('--name', '-n', default='Test 1', help='The human name of the inventory.') @click.option('--org-name', '-on', default=None, help='The name of the default organization that owns this inventory.') @click.option('--org-id', '-oi', default=None, help='The Tax ID of the organization.') @click.option('--tag-url', '-tu', type=ereuse_utils.cli.URL(scheme=True, host=True, path=False), default=None, help='The base url (scheme and host) of the tag provider.') @click.option('--tag-token', '-tt', type=click.UUID, default=None, help='The token provided by the tag provider. It is an UUID.') def set_inventory_config_cli(self, **kwargs): """Sets the inventory configuration. Only updates passed-in values. """ self.set_inventory_config(**kwargs) db.session.commit() @classmethod def set_inventory_config(cls, name: str = None, org_name: str = None, org_id: str = None, tag_url: boltons.urlutils.URL = None, tag_token: uuid.UUID = None): try: inventory = Inventory.current except ResourceNotFound: # No inventory defined in db yet inventory = Inventory(, name=name, tag_provider=tag_url, tag_token=tag_token) db.session.add(inventory) if org_name or org_id: from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Organization try: org = Organization.query.filter_by(tax_id=org_id, name=org_name).one() except ResourceNotFound: org = Organization(tax_id=org_id, name=org_name) org.default_of = inventory db.session.add(org) if tag_url: inventory.tag_provider = tag_url if tag_token: inventory.tag_token = tag_token