{% extends "ereuse_devicehub/base_site.html" %} {% block main %}

{{ title }}

{{ title }}

Please check that the information is correct.

Basic Data Info to be Entered Info to be Decoupled
PHID: {{ placeholder.phid or '' }} {{ device.placeholder.phid or '' }}
Manufacturer: {{ placeholder.device.manufacturer or '' }} {{ device.manufacturer or '' }}
Model: {{ placeholder.device.model or '' }} {{ device.model or '' }}
Serial Number: {{ placeholder.device.serial_number or '' }} {{ device.serial_number or '' }}
Brand: {{ placeholder.device.brand or '' }} {{ device.brand or '' }}
Sku: {{ placeholder.device.sku or '' }} {{ device.sku or '' }}
Generation: {{ placeholder.device.generation or '' }} {{ device.generation or '' }}
Version: {{ placeholder.device.version or '' }} {{ device.version or '' }}
Weight: {{ placeholder.device.weight or '' }} {{ device.weight or '' }}
Width: {{ placeholder.device.width or '' }} {{ device.width or '' }}
Height: {{ placeholder.device.height or '' }} {{ device.height or '' }}
Depth: {{ placeholder.device.depth or '' }} {{ device.depth or '' }}
Color: {{ placeholder.device.color or '' }} {{ device.color or '' }}
Production date: {{ placeholder.device.production_date or '' }} {{ device.production_date or '' }}
Variant: {{ placeholder.device.variant or '' }} {{ device.variant or '' }}

{% if placeholder.device.components or device.components %}


Info to be Entered Info to be Decoupled
{% for c in placeholder.device.components %} * {{ c.verbose_name }}
{% endfor %}
{% for c in device.components %} * {{ c.verbose_name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if actions %}


Info to be Entered Info to be Decoupled
{% for a in actions %} * {{ a.t }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if tags %}


Info to be Entered Info to be Decoupled
{% for tag in tags %} * {{ tag.id }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock main %}