import csv import datetime import enum import uuid from collections import OrderedDict from io import StringIO from typing import Callable, Iterable, Tuple import boltons import flask import flask_weasyprint import teal.marshmallow from boltons import urlutils from flask import make_response, g, request from flask.json import jsonify from teal.cache import cache from teal.resource import Resource, View from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action import models as evs from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import models as devs from ereuse_devicehub.resources.deliverynote.models import Deliverynote from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.views import DeviceView from ereuse_devicehub.resources.documents.device_row import DeviceRow, StockRow, ActionRow from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot import LotView from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot from ereuse_devicehub.resources.hash_reports import insert_hash, ReportHash, verify_hash class Format(enum.Enum): HTML = 'HTML' PDF = 'PDF' class DocumentView(DeviceView): class FindArgs(DeviceView.FindArgs): format = teal.marshmallow.EnumField(Format, missing=None) def get(self, id): """Get a collection of resources or a specific one. --- parameters: - name: id in: path description: The identifier of the resource. type: string required: false responses: 200: description: Return the collection or the specific one. """ args = self.QUERY_PARSER.parse(self.find_args, flask.request, locations=('querystring',)) if id: # todo we assume we can pass both device id and action id # for certificates... how is it going to end up being? try: id = uuid.UUID(id) except ValueError: try: id = int(id) except ValueError: raise teal.marshmallow.ValidationError('Document must be an ID or UUID.') else: query = devs.Device.query.filter_by(id=id) else: query = evs.Action.query.filter_by(id=id) else: flask.current_app.auth.requires_auth(lambda: None)() # todo not nice query = self.query(args) type = urlutils.URL(flask.request.url).path_parts[-2] if type == 'erasures': template = self.erasure(query) if args.get('format') == Format.PDF: res = flask_weasyprint.render_pdf( flask_weasyprint.HTML(string=template), download_filename='{}.pdf'.format(type) ) else: res = flask.make_response(template) return res @staticmethod def erasure(query: db.Query): def erasures(): for model in query: if isinstance(model, devs.Computer): for erasure in model.privacy: yield erasure elif isinstance(model, devs.DataStorage): erasure = model.privacy if erasure: yield erasure else: assert isinstance(model, evs.EraseBasic) yield model url_pdf = boltons.urlutils.URL(flask.request.url) url_pdf.query_params['format'] = 'PDF' url_web = boltons.urlutils.URL(flask.request.url) url_web.query_params['format'] = 'HTML' params = { 'title': 'Erasure Certificate', 'erasures': tuple(erasures()), 'url_pdf': url_pdf.to_text(), 'url_web': url_web.to_text() } return flask.render_template('documents/erasure.html', **params) class DevicesDocumentView(DeviceView): @cache(datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)) def find(self, args: dict): query = (x for x in self.query(args) if x.owner_id == return self.generate_post_csv(query) def generate_post_csv(self, query): """Get device query and put information in csv format.""" data = StringIO() cw = csv.writer(data, delimiter=';', lineterminator="\n", quotechar='"') first = True document_ids = self.get_documents_id() for device in query: d = DeviceRow(device, document_ids) if first: cw.writerow(d.keys()) first = False cw.writerow(d.values()) bfile = data.getvalue().encode('utf-8') output = make_response(bfile) insert_hash(bfile) output.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=export.csv' output.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' return output def get_documents_id(self): # documentIds = {dev_id: document_id, ...} deliverys = Deliverynote.query.all() documentIds = { d.document_id for d in deliverys for x in d.lot.devices} return documentIds class ActionsDocumentView(DeviceView): @cache(datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)) def find(self, args: dict): query = (x for x in self.query(args) if x.owner_id == return self.generate_post_csv(query) def generate_post_csv(self, query): """Get device query and put information in csv format.""" data = StringIO() cw = csv.writer(data, delimiter=';', lineterminator="\n", quotechar='"') first = True for device in query: for allocate in device.get_metrics(): d = ActionRow(allocate) if first: cw.writerow(d.keys()) first = False cw.writerow(d.values()) bfile = data.getvalue().encode('utf-8') output = make_response(bfile) insert_hash(bfile) output.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=actions_export.csv' output.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' return output class LotsDocumentView(LotView): def find(self, args: dict): query = (x for x in self.query(args) if x.owner_id == return self.generate_lots_csv(query) def generate_lots_csv(self, query): """Get lot query and put information in csv format.""" data = StringIO() cw = csv.writer(data) first = True for lot in query: l = LotRow(lot) if first: cw.writerow(l.keys()) first = False cw.writerow(l.values()) output = make_response(data.getvalue()) output.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=lots-info.csv' output.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' return output class LotRow(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, lot: Lot) -> None: super().__init__() self.lot = lot # General information about lot self['Id'] = self['Name'] = self['Registered in'] = format(lot.created, '%c') try: self['Description'] = lot.description except: self['Description'] = '' class StockDocumentView(DeviceView): # @cache(datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)) def find(self, args: dict): query = (x for x in self.query(args) if x.owner_id == return self.generate_post_csv(query) def generate_post_csv(self, query): """Get device query and put information in csv format.""" data = StringIO() cw = csv.writer(data) first = True for device in query: d = StockRow(device) if first: cw.writerow(d.keys()) first = False cw.writerow(d.values()) output = make_response(data.getvalue()) output.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=devices-stock.csv' output.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' return output class CheckView(View): model = ReportHash def get(self): qry = dict(request.values) hash3 = qry.get('hash') result = False if hash3 and ReportHash.query.filter_by(hash3=hash3).count(): result = True return jsonify(result) class StampsView(View): """ This view render one public ans static page for see the links for to do the check of one csv file """ def get_url_path(self): url = urlutils.URL(request.url) url.normalize() url.path_parts = url.path_parts[:-2] + ['check', ''] return url.to_text() def get(self): result = ('', '') return flask.render_template('documents/stamp.html', rq_url=self.get_url_path(), result=result) def post(self): result = ('', '') if 'docUpload' in request.files: file_check = request.files['docUpload'] result = ('Bad', 'Sorry, this file has not been produced by this website') if file_check.mimetype in ['text/csv', 'application/pdf']: if verify_hash(file_check): result = ('Ok', 'Yes, this file has been produced by this website') return flask.render_template('documents/stamp.html', rq_url=self.get_url_path(), result=result) class DocumentDef(Resource): __type__ = 'Document' SCHEMA = None VIEW = None # We do not want to create default / documents endpoint AUTH = False def __init__(self, app, import_name=__name__, static_folder='static', static_url_path=None, template_folder='templates', url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None, root_path=None, cli_commands: Iterable[Tuple[Callable, str or None]] = tuple()): super().__init__(app, import_name, static_folder, static_url_path, template_folder, url_prefix, subdomain, url_defaults, root_path, cli_commands) d = {'id': None} get = {'GET'} view = DocumentView.as_view('main', definition=self, auth=app.auth) # TODO @cayop This two lines never pass if self.AUTH: view = app.auth.requires_auth(view) self.add_url_rule('/erasures/', defaults=d, view_func=view, methods=get) self.add_url_rule('/erasures/<{}:{}>'.format(self.ID_CONVERTER.value, self.ID_NAME), view_func=view, methods=get) devices_view = DevicesDocumentView.as_view('devicesDocumentView', definition=self, auth=app.auth) devices_view = app.auth.requires_auth(devices_view) stock_view = StockDocumentView.as_view('stockDocumentView', definition=self) stock_view = app.auth.requires_auth(stock_view) self.add_url_rule('/devices/', defaults=d, view_func=devices_view, methods=get) lots_view = LotsDocumentView.as_view('lotsDocumentView', definition=self) lots_view = app.auth.requires_auth(lots_view) self.add_url_rule('/lots/', defaults=d, view_func=lots_view, methods=get) stock_view = StockDocumentView.as_view('stockDocumentView', definition=self, auth=app.auth) stock_view = app.auth.requires_auth(stock_view) self.add_url_rule('/stock/', defaults=d, view_func=stock_view, methods=get) check_view = CheckView.as_view('CheckView', definition=self, auth=app.auth) self.add_url_rule('/check/', defaults={}, view_func=check_view, methods=get) stamps_view = StampsView.as_view('StampsView', definition=self, auth=app.auth) self.add_url_rule('/stamps/', defaults={}, view_func=stamps_view, methods={'GET', 'POST'}) actions_view = ActionsDocumentView.as_view('ActionsDocumentView', definition=self, auth=app.auth) actions_view = app.auth.requires_auth(actions_view) self.add_url_rule('/actions/', defaults=d, view_func=actions_view, methods=get)