import copy from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import tzutc from flask import current_app as app from flask import g from marshmallow import Schema as MarshmallowSchema from marshmallow import ValidationError from marshmallow import fields as f from marshmallow import post_load, pre_load, validates_schema from marshmallow.fields import ( UUID, Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Float, Integer, Nested, String, TimeDelta, ) from marshmallow.validate import Length, OneOf, Range from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet from ereuse_devicehub.marshmallow import NestedOn from ereuse_devicehub.resources import enums from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action import models as m from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent import schemas as s_agent from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import schemas as s_device from ereuse_devicehub.resources.documents import schemas as s_generic_document from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import ( R_POSITIVE, AppearanceRange, BiosAccessRange, FunctionalityRange, PhysicalErasureMethod, RatingRange, Severity, SnapshotSoftware, TestDataStorageLength, ) from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import STR_BIG_SIZE, STR_SIZE from ereuse_devicehub.resources.schemas import Thing from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tradedocument import schemas as s_document from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tradedocument.models import TradeDocument from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user import schemas as s_user from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User from ereuse_devicehub.teal.enums import Currency from ereuse_devicehub.teal.marshmallow import URL, EnumField, SanitizedStr, Version from ereuse_devicehub.teal.resource import Schema class Action(Thing): __doc__ = m.Action.__doc__ id = UUID(dump_only=True) name = SanitizedStr( default='', validate=Length(max=STR_BIG_SIZE), ) closed = Boolean(missing=True, description=m.Action.closed.comment) severity = EnumField(Severity, description=m.Action.severity.comment) description = SanitizedStr(default='', description=m.Action.description.comment) start_time = DateTime(data_key='startTime', description=m.Action.start_time.comment) end_time = DateTime(data_key='endTime', description=m.Action.end_time.comment) snapshot = NestedOn('Snapshot', dump_only=True) agent = NestedOn(s_agent.Agent, description=m.Action.agent_id.comment) author = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, exclude=('token',)) components = NestedOn(s_device.Component, dump_only=True, many=True) parent = NestedOn( s_device.Computer, dump_only=True, description=m.Action.parent_id.comment ) url = URL(dump_only=True, description=m.Action.url.__doc__) @validates_schema def validate_times(self, data: dict): unix_time = datetime.fromisoformat("1970-01-02 00:00:00+00:00") if 'end_time' in data and data['end_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) < unix_time: data['end_time'] = unix_time if ( 'start_time' in data and data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) < unix_time ): data['start_time'] = unix_time if data.get('end_time') and data.get('start_time'): if data['start_time'] > data['end_time']: raise ValidationError('The action cannot finish before it starts.') class ActionWithOneDevice(Action): __doc__ = m.ActionWithOneDevice.__doc__ device = NestedOn(s_device.Device, only_query='id') class ActionWithMultipleDocuments(Action): __doc__ = m.ActionWithMultipleTradeDocuments.__doc__ documents = NestedOn( s_document.TradeDocument, many=True, required=True, # todo test ensuring len(devices) >= 1 only_query='id', collection_class=OrderedSet, ) class ActionWithMultipleDevices(Action): __doc__ = m.ActionWithMultipleDevices.__doc__ devices = NestedOn( s_device.Device, many=True, required=True, # todo test ensuring len(devices) >= 1 only_query='id', collection_class=OrderedSet, ) class ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner(ActionWithMultipleDevices): @post_load def check_owner_of_device(self, data): for dev in data['devices']: if dev.owner != g.user: raise ValidationError("Some Devices not exist") class Add(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Add.__doc__ class Remove(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Remove.__doc__ class Allocate(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Allocate.__doc__ start_time = DateTime( data_key='startTime', required=True, description=m.Action.start_time.comment ) end_time = DateTime( data_key='endTime', required=False, description=m.Action.end_time.comment ) final_user_code = SanitizedStr( data_key="finalUserCode", validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE), required=False, description='This is a internal code for mainteing the secrets of the \ personal datas of the new holder', ) transaction = SanitizedStr( validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE), required=False, description='The code used from the owner for \ relation with external tool.', ) end_users = Integer( data_key='endUsers', validate=[Range(min=1, error="Value must be greater than 0")], ) @validates_schema def validate_allocate(self, data: dict): txt = "You need to allocate for a day before today" delay = timedelta(days=1) today = + delay start_time = data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) if start_time > today: raise ValidationError(txt) txt = "You need deallocate before allocate this device again" for device in data['devices']: if device.allocated: raise ValidationError(txt) device.allocated = True class Deallocate(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Deallocate.__doc__ start_time = DateTime( data_key='startTime', required=True, description=m.Action.start_time.comment ) transaction = SanitizedStr( validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE), required=False, description='The code used from the owner for \ relation with external tool.', ) @validates_schema def validate_deallocate(self, data: dict): txt = "You need to deallocate for a day before today" delay = timedelta(days=1) today = + delay start_time = data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) if start_time > today: raise ValidationError(txt) txt = "Sorry some of this devices are actually deallocate" for device in data['devices']: if not device.allocated: raise ValidationError(txt) device.allocated = False class EraseBasic(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.EraseBasic.__doc__ steps = NestedOn('Step', many=True) standards = f.List(EnumField(enums.ErasureStandards), dump_only=True) certificate = URL(dump_only=True) class EraseSectors(EraseBasic): __doc__ = m.EraseSectors.__doc__ class ErasePhysical(EraseBasic): __doc__ = m.ErasePhysical.__doc__ method = EnumField(PhysicalErasureMethod, description=PhysicalErasureMethod.__doc__) class Step(Schema): __doc__ = m.Step.__doc__ type = String(description='Only required when it is nested.') start_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='startTime') end_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='endTime') severity = EnumField(Severity, description=m.Action.severity.comment) class StepZero(Step): __doc__ = m.StepZero.__doc__ class StepRandom(Step): __doc__ = m.StepRandom.__doc__ class Benchmark(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Benchmark.__doc__ elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) class BenchmarkDataStorage(Benchmark): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkDataStorage.__doc__ read_speed = Float(required=True, data_key='readSpeed') write_speed = Float(required=True, data_key='writeSpeed') class BenchmarkWithRate(Benchmark): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkWithRate.__doc__ rate = Float(required=True) class BenchmarkProcessor(BenchmarkWithRate): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkProcessor.__doc__ class BenchmarkProcessorSysbench(BenchmarkProcessor): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkProcessorSysbench.__doc__ class BenchmarkRamSysbench(BenchmarkWithRate): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkRamSysbench.__doc__ class BenchmarkGraphicCard(BenchmarkWithRate): __doc__ = m.BenchmarkGraphicCard.__doc__ class Test(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Test.__doc__ class MeasureBattery(Test): __doc__ = m.MeasureBattery.__doc__ size = Integer(required=True, description=m.MeasureBattery.size.comment) voltage = Integer(required=True, description=m.MeasureBattery.voltage.comment) cycle_count = Integer( data_key='cycleCount', description=m.MeasureBattery.cycle_count.comment ) health = EnumField(enums.BatteryHealth, class TestDataStorage(Test): __doc__ = m.TestDataStorage.__doc__ elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) length = EnumField(TestDataStorageLength, required=True) status = SanitizedStr(lower=True, validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), required=True) lifetime = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.HOURS) power_on_hours = Integer(data_key='powerOnHours', dump_only=True) assessment = Boolean() reallocated_sector_count = Integer(data_key='reallocatedSectorCount') power_cycle_count = Integer(data_key='powerCycleCount') reported_uncorrectable_errors = Integer(data_key='reportedUncorrectableErrors') command_timeout = Integer(data_key='commandTimeout') current_pending_sector_count = Integer(data_key='currentPendingSectorCount') offline_uncorrectable = Integer(data_key='offlineUncorrectable') remaining_lifetime_percentage = Integer(data_key='remainingLifetimePercentage') @post_load def default_remaining_lifetime_percentage(self, data): if not data.get('remaining_lifetime_percentage'): return if data.get('remaining_lifetime_percentage') > 100: data['remaining_lifetime_percentage'] = None class StressTest(Test): __doc__ = m.StressTest.__doc__ elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) class TestAudio(Test): __doc__ = m.TestAudio.__doc__ speaker = Boolean(description=m.TestAudio._speaker.comment) microphone = Boolean(description=m.TestAudio._microphone.comment) class TestConnectivity(Test): __doc__ = m.TestConnectivity.__doc__ class TestCamera(Test): __doc__ = m.TestCamera.__doc__ class TestKeyboard(Test): __doc__ = m.TestKeyboard.__doc__ class TestTrackpad(Test): __doc__ = m.TestTrackpad.__doc__ class TestBios(Test): __doc__ = m.TestBios.__doc__ bios_power_on = Boolean() access_range = EnumField(BiosAccessRange, data_key='accessRange') class VisualTest(Test): __doc__ = m.VisualTest.__doc__ appearance_range = EnumField(AppearanceRange, data_key='appearanceRange') functionality_range = EnumField(FunctionalityRange, data_key='functionalityRange') labelling = Boolean() class Rate(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Rate.__doc__ rating = Integer( validate=Range(*R_POSITIVE), dump_only=True, description=m.Rate._rating.comment ) version = Version(dump_only=True, description=m.Rate.version.comment) appearance = Integer( validate=Range(enums.R_NEGATIVE), dump_only=True, description=m.Rate._appearance.comment, ) functionality = Integer( validate=Range(enums.R_NEGATIVE), dump_only=True, description=m.Rate._functionality.comment, ) rating_range = EnumField( RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='ratingRange', description=m.Rate.rating_range.__doc__, ) class RateComputer(Rate): __doc__ = m.RateComputer.__doc__ processor = Float(dump_only=True) ram = Float(dump_only=True) data_storage = Float(dump_only=True, data_key='dataStorage') graphic_card = Float(dump_only=True, data_key='graphicCard') data_storage_range = EnumField( RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='dataStorageRange' ) ram_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='ramRange') processor_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='processorRange') graphic_card_range = EnumField( RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='graphicCardRange' ) class Price(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Price.__doc__ currency = EnumField(Currency, required=True, description=m.Price.currency.comment) price = Decimal( places=m.Price.SCALE, rounding=m.Price.ROUND, required=True, description=m.Price.price.comment, ) version = Version(dump_only=True, description=m.Price.version.comment) rating = NestedOn(Rate, dump_only=True, description=m.Price.rating_id.comment) class EreusePrice(Price): __doc__ = m.EreusePrice.__doc__ class Service(MarshmallowSchema): class Type(MarshmallowSchema): amount = Float() percentage = Float() standard = Nested(Type) warranty2 = Nested(Type) warranty2 = Float() refurbisher = Nested(Service) retailer = Nested(Service) platform = Nested(Service) class Install(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Install.__doc__ name = SanitizedStr( validate=Length(min=4, max=STR_BIG_SIZE), required=True, description='The name of the OS installed.', ) elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) address = Integer(validate=OneOf({8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256})) class Snapshot(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Snapshot.__doc__ """ The Snapshot updates the state of the device with information about its components and actions performed at them. See docs for more info. """ uuid = UUID() sid = String(required=False) software = EnumField( SnapshotSoftware, required=True, description='The software that generated this Snapshot.', ) version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.') actions = NestedOn(Action, many=True, dump_only=True) elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS) components = NestedOn( s_device.Component, many=True, description='A list of components that are inside of the device' 'at the moment of this Snapshot.' 'Order is preserved, so the component num 0 when' 'submitting is the component num 0 when returning it back.', ) settings_version = String(required=False) @validates_schema def validate_workbench_version(self, data: dict): if data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench: if data['version'] < app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH']: raise ValidationError( 'Min. supported Workbench version is ' '{} but yours is {}.'.format( app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH'], data['version'] ), field_names=['version'], ) @validates_schema def validate_components_only_workbench(self, data: dict): if (data['software'] != SnapshotSoftware.Workbench) and ( data['software'] != SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid ): if data.get('components', None) is not None: raise ValidationError( 'Only Workbench can add component info', field_names=['components'] ) @validates_schema def validate_only_workbench_fields(self, data: dict): """Ensures workbench has ``elapsed`` and ``uuid`` and no others.""" # todo test if data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench: if not data.get('uuid', None): raise ValidationError( 'Snapshots from Workbench and WorkbenchAndroid must have uuid', field_names=['uuid'], ) if data.get('elapsed', None) is None: raise ValidationError( 'Snapshots from Workbench must have elapsed', field_names=['elapsed'], ) elif data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid: if not data.get('uuid', None): raise ValidationError( 'Snapshots from Workbench and WorkbenchAndroid must have uuid', field_names=['uuid'], ) else: if data.get('uuid', None): raise ValidationError( 'Only Snapshots from Workbench or WorkbenchAndroid can have uuid', field_names=['uuid'], ) if data.get('elapsed', None): raise ValidationError( 'Only Snapshots from Workbench can have elapsed', field_names=['elapsed'], ) class ToRepair(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.ToRepair.__doc__ class Repair(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Repair.__doc__ class Ready(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Ready.__doc__ class ActionStatus(Action): rol_user = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, exclude=('token',)) devices = NestedOn( s_device.Device, many=True, required=False, # todo test ensuring len(devices) >= 1 only_query='id', collection_class=OrderedSet, ) documents = NestedOn( s_document.TradeDocument, many=True, required=False, # todo test ensuring len(devices) >= 1 only_query='id', collection_class=OrderedSet, ) @pre_load def put_devices(self, data: dict): if 'devices' not in data.keys(): data['devices'] = [] @post_load def put_rol_user(self, data: dict): for dev in data['devices']: trades = [ac for ac in dev.actions if ac.t == 'Trade'] if not trades: return data trade = trades[-1] if trade.user_from == g.user: data['rol_user'] = trade.user_to data['trade'] = trade class Recycling(ActionStatus): __doc__ = m.Recycling.__doc__ class Use(ActionStatus): __doc__ = m.Use.__doc__ class Refurbish(ActionStatus): __doc__ = m.Refurbish.__doc__ class Management(ActionStatus): __doc__ = m.Management.__doc__ class ToPrepare(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.ToPrepare.__doc__ class Prepare(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Prepare.__doc__ class DataWipe(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.DataWipe.__doc__ document = NestedOn(s_generic_document.DataWipeDocument, only_query='id') class EraseDataWipe(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.DataWipe.__doc__ document = NestedOn(s_generic_document.DataWipeDocument, only_query='id') class Live(ActionWithOneDevice): __doc__ = m.Live.__doc__ """ The Snapshot updates the state of the device with information about its components and actions performed at them. See docs for more info. """ uuid = UUID() software = EnumField( SnapshotSoftware, required=True, description='The software that generated this Snapshot.', ) version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.') final_user_code = SanitizedStr(data_key="finalUserCode", dump_only=True) licence_version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.') components = NestedOn( s_device.Component, many=True, description='A list of components that are inside of the device' 'at the moment of this Snapshot.' 'Order is preserved, so the component num 0 when' 'submitting is the component num 0 when returning it back.', ) usage_time_allocate = TimeDelta( data_key='usageTimeAllocate', required=False, precision=TimeDelta.HOURS, dump_only=True, ) class Organize(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.Organize.__doc__ class Reserve(Organize): __doc__ = m.Reserve.__doc__ class CancelReservation(Organize): __doc__ = m.CancelReservation.__doc__ class Confirm(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.Confirm.__doc__ action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id') @validates_schema def validate_revoke(self, data: dict): for dev in data['devices']: # if device not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong if dev not in data['action'].devices: txt = "Device {} not exist in the trade".format(dev.devicehub_id) raise ValidationError(txt) class Revoke(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.Revoke.__doc__ action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id') @validates_schema def validate_revoke(self, data: dict): for dev in data['devices']: # if device not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong if dev not in data['action'].devices: txt = "Device {} not exist in the trade".format(dev.devicehub_id) raise ValidationError(txt) for doc in data.get('documents', []): # if document not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong if doc not in data['action'].documents: txt = "Document {} not exist in the trade".format(doc.file_name) raise ValidationError(txt) @validates_schema def validate_documents(self, data): """Check if there are or no one before confirmation, This is not checked in the view becouse the list of documents is inmutable """ if not data['devices'] == OrderedSet(): return documents = [] for doc in data['documents']: actions = copy.copy(doc.actions) actions.reverse() for ac in actions: if ac == data['action']: # data['action'] is a Trade action, if this is the first action # to find mean that this document don't have a confirmation break if ac.t == 'Revoke' and ac.user == g.user: # this doc is confirmation jet break if ac.t == Confirm.t and ac.user == g.user: documents.append(doc) break if not documents: txt = 'No there are documents to revoke' raise ValidationError(txt) class ConfirmRevoke(Revoke): pass class ConfirmDocument(ActionWithMultipleDocuments): __doc__ = m.Confirm.__doc__ action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id') @validates_schema def validate_documents(self, data): """If there are one device than have one confirmation, then remove the list this device of the list of devices of this action """ if data['documents'] == OrderedSet(): return for doc in data['documents']: if not return data['action'] = if not doc.actions: continue if not == 'Need Confirmation': txt = 'No there are documents to confirm' raise ValidationError(txt) class RevokeDocument(ActionWithMultipleDocuments): __doc__ = m.RevokeDocument.__doc__ action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id') @validates_schema def validate_documents(self, data): """Check if there are or no one before confirmation, This is not checked in the view becouse the list of documents is inmutable """ if data['documents'] == OrderedSet(): return for doc in data['documents']: if not return data['action'] = if not doc.actions: continue if not in ['Document Confirmed', 'Confirm']: txt = 'No there are documents to revoke' raise ValidationError(txt) class ConfirmRevokeDocument(ActionWithMultipleDocuments): __doc__ = m.ConfirmRevokeDocument.__doc__ action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id') @validates_schema def validate_documents(self, data): """Check if there are or no one before confirmation, This is not checked in the view becouse the list of documents is inmutable """ if data['documents'] == OrderedSet(): return for doc in data['documents']: if not return if not doc.actions: continue if not == 'Revoke': txt = 'No there are documents with revoke for confirm' raise ValidationError(txt) data['action'] = doc.actions[-1] class Trade(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.Trade.__doc__ date = DateTime(data_key='date', required=False) price = Float(required=False, data_key='price') user_to_email = SanitizedStr( validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), data_key='userToEmail', missing='', required=False, ) user_to = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, data_key='userTo') user_from_email = SanitizedStr( validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), data_key='userFromEmail', missing='', required=False, ) user_from = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, data_key='userFrom') code = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), data_key='code', required=False) confirm = Boolean( data_key='confirms', missing=True, description="""If you need confirmation of the user you need actevate this field""", ) lot = NestedOn('Lot', many=False, required=True, only_query='id') @pre_load def adding_devices(self, data: dict): if 'devices' not in data.keys(): data['devices'] = [] @validates_schema def validate_lot(self, data: dict): if not in [data['user_from_email'], data['user_to_email']]: txt = "you need to be one of the users of involved in the Trade" raise ValidationError(txt) for dev in data['lot'].devices: if not dev.owner == g.user: txt = "you need to be the owner of the devices for to do a trade" raise ValidationError(txt) if not data['lot'].owner == g.user: txt = "you need to be the owner of the lot for to do a trade" raise ValidationError(txt) for doc in data['lot'].documents: if not doc.owner == g.user: txt = "you need to be the owner of the documents for to do a trade" raise ValidationError(txt) data['devices'] = data['lot'].devices data['documents'] = data['lot'].documents @validates_schema def validate_user_to_email(self, data: dict): """ - if user_to exist * confirmation * without confirmation - if user_to don't exist * without confirmation """ if data['user_to_email']: user_to = User.query.filter_by(email=data['user_to_email']).one() data['user_to'] = user_to else: data['confirm'] = False @validates_schema def validate_user_from_email(self, data: dict): """ - if user_from exist * confirmation * without confirmation - if user_from don't exist * without confirmation """ if data['user_from_email']: user_from = User.query.filter_by(email=data['user_from_email']).one() data['user_from'] = user_from @validates_schema def validate_email_users(self, data: dict): """We need at least one user""" confirm = data['confirm'] user_from = data['user_from_email'] user_to = data['user_to_email'] if not (user_from or user_to): txt = "you need one user from or user to for to do a trade" raise ValidationError(txt) if confirm and not (user_from and user_to): txt = "you need one user for to do a trade" raise ValidationError(txt) if not in [user_from, user_to]: txt = "you need to be one of participate of the action" raise ValidationError(txt) @validates_schema def validate_code(self, data: dict): """If the user not exist, you need a code to be able to do the traceability""" if data['user_from_email'] and data['user_to_email']: data['confirm'] = True return if not data['confirm'] and not data.get('code'): txt = "you need a code to be able to do the traceability" raise ValidationError(txt) if not data['confirm']: data['code'] = data['code'].replace('@', '_') class InitTransfer(Trade): __doc__ = m.InitTransfer.__doc__ class Sell(Trade): __doc__ = m.Sell.__doc__ class Donate(Trade): __doc__ = m.Donate.__doc__ class Rent(Trade): __doc__ = m.Rent.__doc__ class MakeAvailable(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.MakeAvailable.__doc__ class CancelTrade(Trade): __doc__ = m.CancelTrade.__doc__ class ToDisposeProduct(Trade): __doc__ = m.ToDisposeProduct.__doc__ class DisposeProduct(Trade): __doc__ = m.DisposeProduct.__doc__ class TransferOwnershipBlockchain(Trade): __doc__ = m.TransferOwnershipBlockchain.__doc__ class Delete(ActionWithMultipleDevicesCheckingOwner): __doc__ = m.Delete.__doc__ @post_load def deactivate_device(self, data): for dev in data['devices']: if dev.last_action_trading is None: = False if dev.binding: = False if dev.placeholder: = False class Migrate(ActionWithMultipleDevices): __doc__ = m.Migrate.__doc__ other = URL() class MigrateTo(Migrate): __doc__ = m.MigrateTo.__doc__ class MigrateFrom(Migrate): __doc__ = m.MigrateFrom.__doc__ class MoveOnDocument(Action): __doc__ = m.MoveOnDocument.__doc__ weight = Integer() container_from = NestedOn('TradeDocument', only_query='id') container_to = NestedOn('TradeDocument', only_query='id') @pre_load def extract_container(self, data): id_hash = data['container_to'] docs = TradeDocument.query.filter_by(owner=g.user, file_hash=id_hash).all() if len(docs) > 1: txt = 'This document it is associated in more than one lot' raise ValidationError(txt) if len(docs) < 1: txt = 'This document not exist' raise ValidationError(txt) data['container_to'] = docs[0].id @post_load def adding_documents(self, data): """Adding action in the 2 TradeDocuments""" docs = OrderedSet() docs.add(data['container_to']) docs.add(data['container_from']) data['documents'] = docs