from typing import Any, Iterable, Tuple, Type, Union from boltons.urlutils import URL from ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils.test import JSON from ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils.test import Client as EreuseUtilsClient from ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils.test import Res from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException from ereuse_devicehub.teal.marshmallow import ValidationError Status = Union[int, Type[HTTPException], Type[ValidationError]] Query = Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] class Client(EreuseUtilsClient): """A REST interface to a Teal app.""" def open( self, uri: str, res: str = None, status: Status = 200, query: Query = tuple(), accept=JSON, content_type=JSON, item=None, headers: dict = None, token: str = None, **kw, ) -> Res: headers = headers or {} if res: resource_url = self.application.resources[res].url_prefix + '/' uri = URL(uri).navigate(resource_url).to_text() if token: headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic {}'.format(token) res = super().open( uri, status, query, accept, content_type, item, headers, **kw ) # ereuse-utils checks for status code # here we check for specific type # (when response: {'type': 'foobar', 'code': 422}) _status = getattr(status, 'code', status) if not isinstance(status, int) and res[1].status_code == _status: assert ( status.__name__ == res[0]['type'] ), 'Expected exception {0} but it was {1}'.format( status.__name__, res[0]['type'] ) return res def get( self, uri: str = '', res: str = None, query: Query = tuple(), status: Status = 200, item=None, accept: str = JSON, headers: dict = None, token: str = None, **kw, ) -> Res: """ Performs GET. :param uri: The uri where to GET from. This is optional, as you can build the URI too through ``res`` and ``item``. :param res: The resource where to GET from, if any. If this is set, the client will try to get the url from the resource definition. :param query: The query params in a dict. This method automatically converts the dict to URL params, and if the dict had nested dictionaries, those are converted to JSON. :param status: A status code or exception to assert. :param item: The id of a resource to GET from, if any. :param accept: The accept headers. By default ``application/json``. :param headers: A dictionary of header name - header value. :param token: A token to add to an ``Authentication`` header. :return: A tuple containing 1. a dict (if content-type is JSON) or a str with the data, and 2. the ``Response`` object. """ kw['res'] = res kw['token'] = token return super().get(uri, query, item, status, accept, headers, **kw) def post( self, data: str or dict, uri: str = '', res: str = None, query: Query = tuple(), status: Status = 201, content_type: str = JSON, accept: str = JSON, headers: dict = None, token: str = None, **kw, ) -> Res: kw['res'] = res kw['token'] = token return super().post( uri, data, query, status, content_type, accept, headers, **kw ) def patch( self, data: str or dict, uri: str = '', res: str = None, query: Query = tuple(), item=None, status: Status = 200, content_type: str = JSON, accept: str = JSON, token: str = None, headers: dict = None, **kw, ) -> Res: kw['res'] = res kw['token'] = token return super().patch( uri, data, query, status, content_type, item, accept, headers, **kw ) def put( self, data: str or dict, uri: str = '', res: str = None, query: Query = tuple(), item=None, status: Status = 201, content_type: str = JSON, accept: str = JSON, token: str = None, headers: dict = None, **kw, ) -> Res: kw['res'] = res kw['token'] = token return super().put( uri, data, query, status, content_type, item, accept, headers, **kw ) def delete( self, uri: str = '', res: str = None, query: Query = tuple(), status: Status = 204, item=None, accept: str = JSON, headers: dict = None, token: str = None, **kw, ) -> Res: kw['res'] = res kw['token'] = token return super().delete(uri, query, item, status, accept, headers, **kw) def post_get( self, res: str, data: str or dict, query: Query = tuple(), status: Status = 200, content_type: str = JSON, accept: str = JSON, headers: dict = None, key='id', token: str = None, **kw, ) -> Res: """Performs post and then gets the resource through its key.""" r, _ = '', data, res, query, status, content_type, accept, token, headers, **kw ) return self.get(res=res, item=r[key])