import uuid from collections import deque from enum import Enum from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union import marshmallow as ma from flask import Response, jsonify, request, g from marshmallow import Schema as MarshmallowSchema, fields as f from sqlalchemy import or_ from teal.marshmallow import EnumField from teal.resource import View from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.query import things_response from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Computer from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Trade, Confirm, Revoke, ConfirmRevoke from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot, Path class LotFormat(Enum): UiTree = 'UiTree' class LotView(View): class FindArgs(MarshmallowSchema): """Allowed arguments for the ``find`` method (GET collection) endpoint """ format = EnumField(LotFormat, missing=None) search = f.Str(missing=None) def post(self): l = request.get_json() lot = Lot(**l) db.session.add(lot) db.session().final_flush() ret = self.schema.jsonify(lot) ret.status_code = 201 db.session.commit() return ret def patch(self, id): patch_schema = self.resource_def.SCHEMA(only=( 'name', 'description', 'transfer_state', 'receiver_address', 'amount', 'devices', 'owner_address'), partial=True) l = request.get_json(schema=patch_schema) lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one() device_fields = ['transfer_state', 'receiver_address', 'amount', 'owner_address'] computers = [x for x in lot.all_devices if isinstance(x, Computer)] for key, value in l.items(): setattr(lot, key, value) if key in device_fields: for dev in computers: setattr(dev, key, value) db.session.commit() return Response(status=204) def one(self, id: uuid.UUID): """Gets one action.""" lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one() # type: Lot return self.schema.jsonify(lot, nested=2) # @teal.cache.cache(datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) def find(self, args: dict): """Gets lots. By passing the value `UiTree` in the parameter `format` of the query you get a recursive nested suited for ui-tree:: [ {title: 'lot1', nodes: [{title: 'child1', nodes:[]}] ] Note that in this format filters are ignored. Otherwise it just returns the standard flat view of lots that you can filter. """ if args['format'] == LotFormat.UiTree: lots = self.schema.dump(Lot.query, many=True, nested=2) ret = { 'items': {l['id']: l for l in lots}, 'tree': self.ui_tree(), 'url': request.path } else: query = Lot.query query = self.visibility_filter(query) if args['search']: query = query.filter(['search'] + '%')) lots = query.paginate(per_page=6 if args['search'] else query.count()) return things_response( self.schema.dump(lots.items, many=True, nested=2),, lots.per_page,, lots.prev_num, lots.next_num ) return jsonify(ret) def visibility_filter(self, query): query = query.outerjoin(Trade) \ .filter(or_(Trade.user_from == g.user, Trade.user_to == g.user, Lot.owner_id == return query def query(self, args): query = Lot.query.distinct() return query def delete(self, id): lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id, owner=g.user).one() lot.delete() db.session.commit() return Response(status=204) @classmethod def ui_tree(cls) -> List[Dict]: tree = [] for model in Path.query: # type: Path path = deque(model.path.path.split('.')) cls._p(tree, path) return tree @classmethod def _p(cls, nodes: List[Dict[str, Union[uuid.UUID, List]]], path: deque): """Recursively creates the nested lot structure. Every recursive step consumes path (a deque of lot_id), trying to find it as the value of id in nodes, otherwise it adds itself. Then moves to the node's children. """ lot_id = uuid.UUID(path.popleft().replace('_', '-')) try: # does lot_id exist already in node? node = next(part for part in nodes if lot_id == part['id']) except StopIteration: node = { 'id': lot_id, 'nodes': [] } nodes.append(node) if path: cls._p(node['nodes'], path) def get_lot_amount(self, l: Lot): """Return lot amount value""" return l.amount def change_state(self): """Change state of Lot""" pass def transfer_ownership_lot(self): """Perform a InitTransfer action to change author_id of lot""" pass class LotBaseChildrenView(View): """Base class for adding / removing children devices and lots from a lot. """ def __init__(self, definition: 'Resource', **kw) -> None: super().__init__(definition, **kw) self.list_args = self.ListArgs() def get_ids(self) -> Set[uuid.UUID]: args = self.QUERY_PARSER.parse(self.list_args, request, locations=('querystring',)) return set(args['id']) def get_lot(self, id: uuid.UUID) -> Lot: return Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one() # noinspection PyMethodOverriding def post(self, id: uuid.UUID): lot = self.get_lot(id) self._post(lot, self.get_ids()) db.session().final_flush() ret = self.schema.jsonify(lot) ret.status_code = 201 db.session.commit() return ret def delete(self, id: uuid.UUID): lot = self.get_lot(id) self._delete(lot, self.get_ids()) db.session().final_flush() response = self.schema.jsonify(lot) db.session.commit() return response def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]): raise NotImplementedError def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]): raise NotImplementedError class LotChildrenView(LotBaseChildrenView): """View for adding and removing child lots from a lot. Ex. ``lot/<id>/children/id=X&id=Y``. """ class ListArgs(ma.Schema): id = ma.fields.List(ma.fields.UUID()) def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]): lot.add_children(*ids) def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]): lot.remove_children(*ids) class LotDeviceView(LotBaseChildrenView): """View for adding and removing child devices from a lot. Ex. ``lot/<id>/devices/id=X&id=Y``. """ class ListArgs(ma.Schema): id = ma.fields.List(ma.fields.Integer()) def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # get only new devices ids -= { for x in lot.devices} if not ids: return devices = set(Device.query.filter( Device.owner==g.user)) lot.devices.update(devices) if = lot.devices if g.user in [,]: confirm = Confirm(, user=g.user, devices=devices) db.session.add(confirm) def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]): # if there are some devices in ids than not exist now in the lot, then exit if not ids.issubset({ for x in lot.devices}): return if return delete_from_trade(lot, ids) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if not g.user == lot.owner: txt = 'This is not your lot' raise ma.ValidationError(txt) devices = set(Device.query.filter( Device.owner_id == lot.devices.difference_update(devices) def delete_from_trade(lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]): users = [,] if not in users: # theoretically this case is impossible txt = 'This is not your trade' raise ma.ValidationError(txt) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() devices = set(Device.query.filter( Device.owner_id.in_(users))) # Now we need to know which devices we need extract of the lot without_confirms = set() # set of devs without confirms of user2 # if the trade need confirmation, then extract all devs than # have only one confirmation and is from the same user than try to do # now the revoke action if for dev in devices: # if have only one confirmation # then can be revoked and deleted of the lot # Confirm of mean that there are only one confirmation # and the first user than put this device in trade is the actual g.user if == 'Confirm': without_confirms.add(dev) dev.reset_owner() # we need to mark one revoke for every devs revoke = Revoke(, user=g.user, devices=devices) db.session.add(revoke) if not # if the trade is with phantom account without_confirms = devices if without_confirms: confirm_revoke = ConfirmRevoke( action=revoke, user=g.user, devices=without_confirms ) db.session.add(confirm_revoke) lot.devices.difference_update(without_confirms) = lot.devices return revoke