import csv from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import Snapshot from tests.conftest import file def test_export_basic_snapshot(user: UserClient): """ Test export device information in a csv file """ snapshot, _ ='basic.snapshot'), res=Snapshot) csv_str, _ = user.get(res=Device, accept='text/csv') f = StringIO(csv_str) obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f) export_csv = list(obj_csv) # Open fixture csv and transform to list with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('basic.csv').open() as csv_file: obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file) fixture_csv = list(obj_csv) # Pop(datetime) field d[1x][9] fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:9] + fixture_csv[1][10:] export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:9] + export_csv[1][10:] assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal' assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Computer information are not equal' def test_export_full_snapshot(user: UserClient): """ Test a export device with all information and a lot of components """ snapshot, _ ='real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.11'), res=Snapshot) csv_str, _ = user.get(res=Device, accept='text/csv') f = StringIO(csv_str) obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f) export_csv = list(obj_csv) # Open fixture csv and transform to list with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('full-real-eee.csv').open() as csv_file: obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file) fixture_csv = list(obj_csv) # todo one pop for each devices # One pop(datetime) fields d[1x][9] fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:9] + fixture_csv[1][10:] export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:9] + export_csv[1][10:] assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal' assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Computer information are not equal' def test_export_empty(user: UserClient): """ Test to check works correctly exporting csv without any information (no snapshot) """ csv_str, _ = user.get(res=Device, accept='text/csv') f = StringIO(csv_str) obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f) export_csv = list(obj_csv) assert len(export_csv) == 0, 'Csv is not empty' def test_export_computer_monitor(user: UserClient): """ Test a export device type computer monitor """ snapshot, _ ='computer-monitor.snapshot'), res=Snapshot) csv_str, _ = user.get(res=Device, accept='text/csv') f = StringIO(csv_str) obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f) export_csv = list(obj_csv) # Open fixture csv and transform to list with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('computer-monitor.csv').open() as csv_file: obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file) fixture_csv = list(obj_csv) # One pop(datetime) fields fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:8] export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:8] assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal' assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Component information are not equal' def test_export_keyboard(user: UserClient): """ Test a export device type keyboard """ snapshot, _ ='keyboard.snapshot'), res=Snapshot) csv_str, _ = user.get(res=Device, accept='text/csv') f = StringIO(csv_str) obj_csv = csv.reader(f, f) export_csv = list(obj_csv) # Open fixture csv and transform to list with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('keyboard.csv').open() as csv_file: obj_csv = csv.reader(csv_file) fixture_csv = list(obj_csv) # One pop(datetime) fields fixture_csv[1] = fixture_csv[1][:8] export_csv[1] = export_csv[1][:8] assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal' assert fixture_csv[1] == export_csv[1], 'Component information are not equal' def test_export_multiple_devices(user: UserClient): """ Test a export multiple devices with different components and information """ # todo test multiple devices pass