import ipaddress from distutils.version import LooseVersion from typing import Type, Union import colour from boltons import strutils, urlutils from flask import current_app as app from flask import g from marshmallow import utils from marshmallow.fields import Field from marshmallow.fields import Nested as MarshmallowNested from marshmallow.fields import String from marshmallow.fields import ValidationError as _ValidationError from marshmallow.fields import missing_ from marshmallow.validate import Validator from marshmallow_enum import EnumField as _EnumField from sqlalchemy_utils import PhoneNumber from ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils import if_none_return_none from ereuse_devicehub.teal import db as tealdb from ereuse_devicehub.teal.resource import Schema class Version(Field): """A python StrictVersion field, like '1.0.1'.""" @if_none_return_none def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): return str(value) @if_none_return_none def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): return LooseVersion(value) class Color(Field): """Any color field that can be accepted by the colour package.""" @if_none_return_none def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): return str(value) @if_none_return_none def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): return colour.Color(value) class URL(Field): def __init__( self, require_path=False, default=missing_, attribute=None, data_key=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=missing_, error_messages=None, **metadata, ): super().__init__( default, attribute, data_key, error, validate, required, allow_none, load_only, dump_only, missing, error_messages, **metadata, ) self.require_path = require_path @if_none_return_none def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): return value.to_text() @if_none_return_none def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): url = urlutils.URL(value) if url.scheme or if self.require_path: if url.path and url.path != '/': return url else: return url raise ValueError('Not a valid URL.') class IP(Field): @if_none_return_none def _serialize( self, value: Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address], attr, obj ): return str(value) @if_none_return_none def _deserialize(self, value: str, attr, data): return ipaddress.ip_address(value) class Phone(Field): @if_none_return_none def _serialize(self, value: PhoneNumber, attr, obj): return @if_none_return_none def _deserialize(self, value: str, attr, data): phone = PhoneNumber(value) if not phone.is_valid_number(): raise ValueError('The phone number is invalid.') return phone class SanitizedStr(String): """String field that only has regular user strings. A String that removes whitespaces, optionally makes it lower, and invalidates HTML or ANSI codes. """ def __init__( self, lower=False, default=missing_, attribute=None, data_key=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=missing_, error_messages=None, **metadata, ): super().__init__( default, attribute, data_key, error, validate, required, allow_none, load_only, dump_only, missing, error_messages, **metadata, ) self.lower = lower def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): out = super()._deserialize(value, attr, data) out = out.strip() if self.lower: out = out.lower() if strutils.html2text(out) != out:'invalid') elif strutils.strip_ansi(out) != out:'invalid') return out class NestedOn(MarshmallowNested): """A relationship with a resource schema that emulates the relationships in SQLAlchemy. It allows instantiating SQLA models when deserializing NestedOn values in two fashions: - If the :attr:`.only_query` is set, NestedOn expects a scalar (str, int...) value when deserializing, and tries to get an existing model that has such value. Typical case is setting :attr:`.only_query` to ``id``, and then pass-in the id of a nested model. In such case NestedOn will change the id for the model representing the ID. - If :attr:`.only_query` is not set, NestedOn expects the value to deserialize to be a dictionary, and instantiates the model with the values of the dictionary. In this case NestedOn requires :attr:`.polymorphic_on` to be set as a field, usually called ``type``, that references a subclass of Model; ex. {'type': 'SpecificDevice', ...}. When serializing from :meth:`teal.resource.Schema.jsonify` it serializes nested relationships up to a defined limit. :param polymorphic_on: The field name that discriminates the type of object. For example ``type``. Then ``type`` contains the class name of a subschema of ``nested``. """ NESTED_LEVEL = '_level' NESTED_LEVEL_MAX = '_level_max' def __init__( self, nested, polymorphic_on: str, db: tealdb.SQLAlchemy, collection_class=list, default=missing_, exclude=tuple(), only_query: str = None, only=None, **kwargs, ): self.polymorphic_on = polymorphic_on self.collection_class = collection_class self.only_query = only_query assert isinstance(polymorphic_on, str) assert isinstance(only, str) or only is None super().__init__(nested, default, exclude, only, **kwargs) self.db = db def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): if self.many and not utils.is_collection(value):'type', input=value, type=value.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(self.only, str): # self.only is a field name if self.many: value = self.collection_class({self.only: v} for v in value) else: value = {self.only: value} # New code: parent_schema = app.resources[super().schema.t].SCHEMA if self.many: return self.collection_class( self._deserialize_one(single, parent_schema, attr) for single in value ) else: return self._deserialize_one(value, parent_schema, attr) def _deserialize_one(self, value, parent_schema: Type[Schema], attr): if isinstance(value, dict) and self.polymorphic_on in value: type = value[self.polymorphic_on] resource = app.resources[type] if not issubclass(resource.SCHEMA, parent_schema): raise ValidationError( '{} is not a sub-type of {}'.format(type, parent_schema.t), field_names=[attr], ) schema = resource.SCHEMA( only=self.only, exclude=self.exclude, context=getattr(self.parent, 'context', {}), load_only=self._nested_normalized_option('load_only'), dump_only=self._nested_normalized_option('dump_only'), ) schema.ordered = getattr(self.parent, 'ordered', False) value = schema.load(value) model = self._model(type)(**value) elif self.only_query: # todo test only_query model = ( self._model(parent_schema.t) .query.filter_by(**{self.only_query: value}) .one() ) else: raise ValidationError( '\'Type\' field required to disambiguate resources.', field_names=[attr] ) assert isinstance(model, tealdb.Model) return model def _model(self, type: str) -> Type[tealdb.Model]: """Given the type of a model it returns the model class.""" return[type]() def serialize(self, attr: str, obj, accessor=None) -> dict: """See class docs.""" if g.get(NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL) == g.get(NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL_MAX): # Idea from # /en/latest/recipes.html#smart-nested-field # Gets the FK of the relationship instead of the full object # This won't work for many-many relationships (as they are lists) # In such case return None # todo is this the behaviour we want? return getattr(obj, attr + '_id', None) setattr(g, NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL, g.get(NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL) + 1) ret = super().serialize(attr, obj, accessor) setattr(g, NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL, g.get(NestedOn.NESTED_LEVEL) - 1) return ret class IsType(Validator): """ Validator which succeeds if the value it is passed is a registered resource type. :param parent: If set, type must be a subtype of such resource. By default accept any resource. """ # todo remove if not needed no_type = 'Type does not exist.' no_subtype = 'Type is not a descendant type of {parent}' def __init__(self, parent: str = None) -> None: self.parent = parent # type: str def _repr_args(self): return 'parent={0!r}'.format(self.parent) def __call__(self, type: str): assert not self.parent or self.parent in app.resources try: r = app.resources[type] if self.parent: if not issubclass(r.__class__, app.resources[self.parent].__class__): raise ValidationError(self.no_subtype.format(self.parent)) except KeyError: raise ValidationError(self.no_type) class ValidationError(_ValidationError): code = 422 class EnumField(_EnumField): """ An EnumField that allows generating OpenApi enums through Apispec. """ def __init__( self, enum, by_value=False, load_by=None, dump_by=None, error='', *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(enum, by_value, load_by, dump_by, error, *args, **kwargs) self.metadata['enum'] = [ for e in enum]