/** Devicehub uses Weasyprint to generate the PDF. This print.css provides helpful markup to generate the PDF (pages, margins, etc). The most important things to remember are: - DOM elements with a class `page-break` create a new page. - DOM elements with a class `no-page-break` do not break between pages. - Pages are in A4 by default an 12px. */ body { background-color: transparent !important; font-size: 12px !important } @page { size: A4; @bottom-right { font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Calibri, Candra, Sans serif; margin-right: 3em; content: counter(page) " / " counter(pages) !important } } /* Sections produce a new page*/ .page-break:not(section:first-of-type) { page-break-before: always } /* Do not break divs with not-break between pages*/ .no-page-break { page-break-inside: avoid } .print-only, .print-only * { display: none } /* Do not print divs with no-print in them */ @media print { .no-print, .no-print * { display: none !important; } .print-only, .print-only * { display: initial; } }