Inventory ######### Devicehub uses the same path to get devices and lots. To get all devices and groups: ``GET /inventory`` or the devices of a specific groups: ``GET /inventory/24``. You can **filter** devices ``GET /inventory/24?filter={"type": "Computer"}``, and **sort** them ``GET /inventory?sort={"created": 1}``, and of course you can combine both in the same query. You only get the groups that contain the devices that pass the filters. So, if a group contains only one device that is filtered, you don't get that group neither. Results are **paginated**; you get up to 30 devices and up to 30 groups in a page. Select the actual page by ``GET /inventory?page=3``. By default you get the page number ``1``. Query ***** The query consists of 4 optional params: - **search**: Filters devices by performing a full-text search over their physical properties, events, tags, and groups they are in: - Device.type - Device.serial_number - Device.model - Device.manufacturer - Device.color - - - Search is a string. - **filter**: Filters devices field-by-field. Each field can be filtered in different ways, see them in :class:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory.Filters`. Filter is a JSON-encoded object whose keys are the filters. By default is empty (no filter applied). - **sort**: Sorts the devices. You can specify multiple sort clauses as it is a JSON-encoded object whose keys are fields and values are truthy for *ascending* order, or falsy for *descending* order. By default it is sorted by ``Device.created`` descending (newest devices first). - **page**: A natural number that specifies the page to retrieve. By default is ``1``; the first page. Result ****** The result is a JSON object with the following fields: - **devices**: A list of devices. - **groups**: A list of groups. - **widgets**: A dictionary of widgets. - **pagination**: Pagination information: - **page**: The page you requested in the ``page`` param of the query, or ``1``. - **perPage**: How many devices are in every page, fixed to ``30``. - **total**: How many total devices passed the filters.