import inspect from typing import Type import click_spinner import flask_cors from anytree import Node from apispec import APISpec from click import option from flask import Flask, jsonify from flask.globals import _app_ctx_stack from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from marshmallow import ValidationError from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException, UnprocessableEntity import ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils from ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils import ensure_utf8 from ereuse_devicehub.teal.auth import Auth from ereuse_devicehub.teal.cli import TealCliRunner from ereuse_devicehub.teal.client import Client from ereuse_devicehub.teal.config import Config as ConfigClass from ereuse_devicehub.teal.db import SchemaSQLAlchemy from ereuse_devicehub.teal.json_util import TealJSONEncoder from ereuse_devicehub.teal.request import Request from ereuse_devicehub.teal.resource import Converters, LowerStrConverter, Resource class Teal(Flask): """ An opinionated REST and JSON first server built on Flask using MongoDB and Marshmallow. """ test_client_class = Client request_class = Request json_encoder = TealJSONEncoder cli_context_settings = {'help_option_names': ('-h', '--help')} test_cli_runner_class = TealCliRunner def __init__( self, config: ConfigClass, db: SQLAlchemy, schema: str = None, import_name=__name__.split('.')[0], static_url_path=None, static_folder='static', static_host=None, host_matching=False, subdomain_matching=False, template_folder='templates', instance_path=None, instance_relative_config=False, root_path=None, use_init_db=True, Auth: Type[Auth] = Auth, ): """ :param config: :param db: :param schema: A string describing the main PostgreSQL's schema. ``None`` disables this functionality. If you use a factory of apps (for example by using :func:`teal.teal.prefixed_database_factory`) and then set this value differently per each app (as each app has a separate config) you effectively create a `multi-tenant app `_. Your models by default will be created in this ``SCHEMA``, unless you set something like:: class User(db.Model): __table_args__ = {'schema': 'users'} In which case this will be created in the ``users`` schema. Schemas are interesting over having multiple databases (i.e. using flask-sqlalchemy's data binding) because you can have relationships between them. Note that this only works with PostgreSQL. :param import_name: :param static_url_path: :param static_folder: :param static_host: :param host_matching: :param subdomain_matching: :param template_folder: :param instance_path: :param instance_relative_config: :param root_path: :param Auth: """ self.schema = schema ensure_utf8(self.__class__.__name__) super().__init__( import_name, static_url_path, static_folder, static_host, host_matching, subdomain_matching, template_folder, instance_path, instance_relative_config, root_path, ) self.config.from_object(config) flask_cors.CORS(self) # Load databases self.auth = Auth() self.url_map.converters[] = LowerStrConverter self.load_resources() self.register_error_handler(HTTPException, self._handle_standard_error) self.register_error_handler(ValidationError, self._handle_validation_error) self.db = db db.init_app(self) if use_init_db: self.cli.command('init-db', context_settings=self.cli_context_settings)( self.init_db ) self.spec = None # type: APISpec self.apidocs() # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def load_resources(self): self.resources = {} """ The resources definitions loaded on this App, referenced by their type name. """ self.tree = {} """ A tree representing the hierarchy of the instances of ResourceDefinitions. ResourceDefinitions use these nodes to traverse their hierarchy. Do not use the normal python class hierarchy as it is global, thus unreliable if you run different apps with different schemas (for example, an extension that is only added on the third app adds a new type of user). """ for ResourceDef in self.config['RESOURCE_DEFINITIONS']: resource_def = ResourceDef(self) # type: Resource self.register_blueprint(resource_def) if resource_def.cli_commands: resource_def.cli_name, context_settings=self.cli_context_settings, short_help='{} management.'.format(resource_def.type), ) def dummy_group(): pass for ( cli_command, *args, ) in resource_def.cli_commands: # Register CLI commands # todo cli commands with multiple arguments end-up reversed # when teal has been executed multiple times (ex. testing) # see _param_memo func in click package dummy_group.command(*args)(cli_command) # todo should we use instead of type? # are we going to have collisions? (2 resource_def -> 1 schema) self.resources[resource_def.type] = resource_def self.tree[resource_def.type] = Node(resource_def.type) # Link tree nodes between them for _type, node in self.tree.items(): resource_def = self.resources[_type] _, Parent, *superclasses = inspect.getmro(resource_def.__class__) if Parent is not Resource: node.parent = self.tree[Parent.type] @staticmethod def _handle_standard_error(e: HTTPException): """ Handles HTTPExceptions by transforming them to JSON. """ try: response = jsonify(e) response.status_code = e.code except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e: code = getattr(e, 'code', 500) response = jsonify( {'message': str(e), 'code': code, 'type': e.__class__.__name__} ) response.status_code = code return response @staticmethod def _handle_validation_error(e: ValidationError): data = { 'message': e.messages, 'code': UnprocessableEntity.code, 'type': e.__class__.__name__, } response = jsonify(data) response.status_code = UnprocessableEntity.code return response @option( '--erase/--no-erase', default=False, help='Delete all contents from the database (including common schemas)?', ) @option( '--exclude-schema', default=None, help='Schema to exclude creation (and deletion if --erase is set). ' 'Required the SchemaSQLAlchemy.', ) def init_db(self, erase: bool = False, exclude_schema=None): """ Initializes a database from scratch, creating tables and needed resources. Note that this does not create the database per se. If executing this directly, remember to use an app_context. Resources can hook functions that will be called when this method executes, by subclassing :meth:`teal.resource. Resource.load_resource`. """ assert, 'Use an app context.' print('Initializing database...'.ljust(30), end='') with click_spinner.spinner(): if erase: if exclude_schema: # Using then a schema teal sqlalchemy assert isinstance(self.db, SchemaSQLAlchemy) self.db.drop_schema() else: # using regular flask sqlalchemy self.db.drop_all() self._init_db(exclude_schema) self._init_resources() self.db.session.commit() print('done.') def _init_db(self, exclude_schema=None) -> bool: """Where the database is initialized. You can override this. :return: A flag stating if the database has been created (can be False in case check is True and the schema already exists). """ if exclude_schema: # Using then a schema teal sqlalchemy assert isinstance(self.db, SchemaSQLAlchemy) self.db.create_all(exclude_schema=exclude_schema) else: # using regular flask sqlalchemy self.db.create_all() return True def _init_resources(self, **kw): for resource in self.resources.values(): resource.init_db(self.db, **kw) def apidocs(self): """Apidocs configuration and generation.""" self.spec = APISpec( plugins=( 'apispec.ext.flask', 'apispec.ext.marshmallow', ), **self.config.get_namespace('API_DOC_CONFIG_'), ) for name, resource in self.resources.items(): if resource.SCHEMA: self.spec.definition( name, schema=resource.SCHEMA, extra_fields=self.config.get_namespace('API_DOC_CLASS_'), ) self.add_url_rule('/apidocs', view_func=self.apidocs_endpoint) def apidocs_endpoint(self): """An endpoint that prints a JSON OpenApi 2.0 specification.""" if not getattr(self, '_apidocs', None): # We are forced to to this under a request context for path, view_func in self.view_functions.items(): if path != 'static': self.spec.add_path(view=view_func) self._apidocs = self.spec.to_dict() return jsonify(self._apidocs) class DumpeableHTTPException(ereuse_devicehub.ereuse_utils.Dumpeable): """Exceptions that inherit this class will be able to dump to dicts and JSONs. """ def dump(self): # todo this is heavily ad-hoc and should be more generic value = super().dump() value['type'] = self.__class__.__name__ value['code'] = self.code value.pop('exc', None) value.pop('response', None) if 'data' in value: value['fields'] = value['data']['messages'] del value['data'] if 'message' not in value: value['message'] = value.pop('description', str(self)) return value # Add dump capacity to Werkzeug's HTTPExceptions HTTPException.__bases__ = HTTPException.__bases__ + (DumpeableHTTPException,)