from distutils.version import StrictVersion from flask import request from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.sync import Sync from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.enums import SoftwareType from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import Event, Snapshot, TestHardDrive from teal.resource import View class EventView(View): def one(self, id: int): """Gets one event.""" return Event.query.filter_by(id=id).one() SUPPORTED_WORKBENCH = StrictVersion('11.0') class SnapshotView(View): def post(self): """Creates a Snapshot.""" s = request.get_json() # Note that if we set the device / components into the snapshot # model object, when we flush them to the db we will flush # snapshot, and we want to wait to flush snapshot at the end device = s.pop('device') components = s.pop('components') if s['software'] == SoftwareType.Workbench else None # noinspection PyArgumentList snapshot = Snapshot(**s) snapshot.device, =, components, snapshot.force_creation) snapshot.components = snapshot.device.components db.session.add(snapshot) db.session.flush() # Take to DB so we get db-generated values ret = self.schema.jsonify(snapshot) # transform it back ret.status_code = 201 return ret class TestHardDriveView(View): def post(self): t = request.get_json() # type: dict # noinspection PyArgumentList test = TestHardDrive(snapshot_id=t.pop('snapshot'), device_id=t.pop('device'), **t) return test class StressTestView(View): def post(self): t = request.get_json() # type: dict