#Devicehub Devicehub is a distributed IT Asset Management System focused in reusing devices, created under the project [eReuse.org](https://www.ereuse.org) This README explains how to install and use Devicehub. [The documentation](http://devicehub.ereuse.org) explains the concepts and the API. Devicehub is built with [Teal](https://github.com/ereuse/teal) and [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org). # Installing The requirements are: - Python 3.7.3 or higher. In debian 10 is `# apt install python3`. - [PostgreSQL 11 or higher](https://www.postgresql.org/download/). - Weasyprint [dependencie](http://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install.html) Install Devicehub with *pip*: `pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt -e .` # Running Create a PostgreSQL database called *devicehub* by running [create-db](examples/create-db.sh): - In Linux, execute the following two commands (adapt them to your distro): 1. `sudo su - postgres`. 2. `bash examples/create-db.sh devicehub dhub`, and password `ereuse`. - In MacOS: `bash examples/create-db.sh devicehub dhub`, and password `ereuse`. Configure project using environment file (you can use provided example as quickstart): ```bash $ cp examples/env.example .env ``` Using the `dh` tool for set up with one or multiple inventories. Create the tables in the database by executing: ```bash $ export dhi=dbtest; dh inv add --common --name dbtest ``` Finally, run the app: ```bash $ export dhi=dbtest;dh run --debugger ``` The error ‘bdist_wheel’ can happen when you work with a *virtual environment*. To fix it, install in the *virtual environment* wheel package. `pip3 install wheel` ## Multiple instances Devicehub can run as a single inventory or with multiple inventories, each inventory being an instance of the `devicehub`. To add a new inventory execute: ```bash $ export dhi=dbtest; dh inv add --name dbtest ``` Note: The `dh` command is like `flask`, but it allows you to create and delete instances, and interface to them directly. # Testing 1. `git clone` this project. 2. Create a database for testing executing `create-db.sh` like the normal installation but changing the first parameter from `devicehub` to `dh_test`: `create-db.sh dh_test dhub` and password `ereuse`. 3. Execute at the root folder of the project `python3 setup.py test`. # Migrations At this stage, migration files are created manually. Set up the database: ```bash $ sudo su - postgres $ bash $PATH_TO_DEVIHUBTEAL/examples/create-db.sh devicehub dhub ``` Initialize the database: ```bash $ export dhi=dbtest; dh inv add --common --name dbtest ``` This command will create the schemas, tables in the specified database. Then we need to stamp the initial migration. ```bash $ alembic stamp head ``` This command will set the revision **fbb7e2a0cde0_initial** as our initial migration. For more info in migration stamping please see https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/cookbook.html Whenever a change needed eg to create a new schema, alter an existing table, column or perform any operation on tables, create a new revision file: ```bash $ alembic revision -m "A table change" ``` This command will create a new revision file with name `<revision_id>_a_table_change`. Edit the generated file with the necessary operations to perform the migration: ```bash $ alembic edit <revision_id> ``` Apply migrations using: ```bash $ alembic -x inventory=dbtest upgrade head ``` Then to go back to previous db version: ```bash $ alembic -x inventory=dbtest downgrade <revision_id> ``` To see a full list of migrations use ```bash $ alembic history ``` ## Generating the docs 1. `git clone` this project. 2. Install plantuml. In Debian 9 is `# apt install plantuml`. 3. Execute `pip3 install -e .[docs]` in the project root folder. 4. Go to `<project root folder>/docs` and execute `make html`. Repeat this step to generate new docs. To auto-generate the docs do `pip3 install -e .[docs-auto]`, then execute, in the root folder of the project `sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html`.