{% extends "ereuse_devicehub/base_site.html" %} {% block main %}


{% for f in advanced_form %} {{ f }} {% endfor %}
{% if devices.count() %}
{% if lot and not lot.is_temporary %} {% endif %}
{% for dev in devices %} {% endfor %}
Select Title DHID PHID Type Unique Identifiers Lifecycle Status Allocated Status Physical Status Updated in Registered in
{% if dev.get_type_logo() %} {% endif %} {{ dev.verbose_name }} {% if dev.lots | length > 0 %}
{% for lot in dev.get_lots_for_template() %} {{ lot }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ dev.devicehub_id }} {{ dev.binding and dev.binding.phid or dev.placeholder and dev.placeholder.phid or '' }} {{ dev.is_abstract() }} {% for t in dev.tags | sort(attribute="id") %} {{ t.id }} {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if dev.status %}{{ dev.status.type }}{% endif %} {% if dev.allocated_status %}{{ dev.allocated_status.type }}{% endif %} {% if dev.physical_status %}{{ dev.physical_status.type }}{% endif %} {{ dev.updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}} {{ dev.created.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}}
{% if lot and not lot.is_temporary %}
{% for doc in lot.trade.documents %} {% endfor %}
File Uploaded on
{% if doc.url %} {{ doc.file_name}} {% else %} {{ doc.file_name}} {% endif %} {{ doc.created.strftime('%H:%M %d-%m-%Y')}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include "inventory/lot_delete_modal.html" %} {% include "inventory/actions.html" %} {% include "inventory/allocate.html" %} {% include "inventory/data_wipe.html" %} {% include "inventory/trade.html" %} {% include "inventory/alert_export_error.html" %} {% include "inventory/alert_lots_changes.html" %} {% endblock main %}