{% import 'devices/macros.html' as macros %} Devicehub | {{ device.__format__('t') }}
    {% for key, value in device.physical_properties.items() %}
  • {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %}
{% if isinstance(device, d.Computer) %}
{% if device.processor_model %} {% endif %} {% if device.ram_size %} {% endif %} {% if device.data_storage_size %} {% endif %} {% if device.graphic_card_model %} {% endif %} {% if device.network_speeds %} {% endif %} {% if device.rate %} {% endif %} {% if device.rate and device.rate.price %} {% endif %} {% if device.price %} {% endif %}
CPU – {{ device.processor_model }} Processor Rate = {% if device.rate %} {{ device.rate.processor_range }} ({{ device.rate.processor }}) {% endif %}
RAM – {{ device.ram_size // 1000 }} GB {{ macros.component_type(device.components, 'RamModule') }} RAM Rate = {% if device.rate %} {{ device.rate.ram_range }} ({{ device.rate.ram }}) {% endif %}
Data Storage – {{ device.data_storage_size // 1000 }} GB {{ macros.component_type(device.components, 'SolidStateDrive') }} {{ macros.component_type(device.components, 'HardDrive') }} Data Storage Rate = {% if device.rate %} {{ device.rate.data_storage_range }} ({{ device.rate.data_storage }}) {% endif %}
Graphics – {{ device.graphic_card_model }} {{ macros.component_type(device.components, 'GraphicCard') }}
Network – {% if device.network_speeds[0] %} Ethernet {% if device.network_speeds[0] != None %} max. {{ device.network_speeds[0] }} Mbps {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if device.network_speeds[0] and device.network_speeds[1] %} + {% endif %} {% if device.network_speeds[1] %} WiFi {% if device.network_speeds[1] != None %} max. {{ device.network_speeds[1] }} Mbps {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ macros.component_type(device.components, 'NetworkAdapter') }}
Total rate {{ device.rate.rating_range }} ({{ device.rate.rating }})
Algorithm price {{ device.rate.price }}
Actual price {{ device.price }}

Public traceability log of the device

Latest one.
    {% for action in device.actions|reverse %}
  1. {{ action.type }} — {{ action }}
    {{ action._date_str }}
    {% if action.certificate %} See the certificate {% endif %}
  2. {% endfor %}
Oldest one.
{% endif %}