from distutils.version import StrictVersion from flask import current_app as app, request, jsonify from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError from teal.resource import View from ereuse_devicehub.db import db SUPPORTED_WORKBENCH = StrictVersion('11.0') class ProofView(View): def post(self): """Posts batches of proofs.""" json = request.get_json(validate=False) if not json: raise ValidationError('JSON is not correct.') # todo there should be a way to better get subclassess resource # defs proofs = list() if json['batch']: for prf in json['proofs']: resource_def = app.resources[prf['type']] p = resource_def.schema.load(prf) Model =[prf['type']]() proof = Model(**p) db.session.add(proof) proofs.append(resource_def.schema.dump(proof)) db.session().final_flush() db.session.commit() response = jsonify({ 'items': proofs, 'url': request.path }) response.status_code = 201 return response