540 lines
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540 lines
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import json
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from flask import g, request
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from wtforms import (DateField, FloatField, HiddenField, IntegerField,
MultipleFileField, SelectField, StringField,
TextAreaField, validators)
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import (Action, RateComputer,
Snapshot, VisualTest)
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.rate.v1_0 import CannotRate
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.schemas import \
Snapshot as SnapshotSchema
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.views.snapshot import (move_json,
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import (SAI, Cellphone, Computer,
Device, Keyboard,
Monitor, Mouse,
Smartphone, Tablet)
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.sync import Sync
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import Severity, SnapshotSoftware
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.exceptions import InsufficientPermission
class LotDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
lot = StringField(u'Lot', [validators.UUID()])
devices = StringField(u'Devices', [validators.length(min=1)])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
self._lot = Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == self.lot.data).filter(
Lot.owner_id == g.user.id).one()
devices = set(self.devices.data.split(","))
self._devices = Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(devices)).filter(
Device.owner_id == g.user.id).distinct().all()
return bool(self._devices)
def save(self):
def remove(self):
class LotForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField(u'Name', [validators.length(min=1)])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.id = kwargs.pop('id', None)
self.instance = None
if self.id:
self.instance = Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == self.id).filter(
Lot.owner_id == g.user.id).one()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance and not self.name.data:
self.name.data = self.instance.name
def save(self):
if not self.id:
self.instance = Lot(name=self.name.data)
if not self.id:
self.id = self.instance.id
return self.id
return self.id
def remove(self):
if self.instance and not self.instance.devices:
return self.instance
class UploadSnapshotForm(FlaskForm):
snapshot = MultipleFileField(u'Select a Snapshot File', [validators.DataRequired()])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
data = request.files.getlist(self.snapshot.name)
if not data:
return False
self.snapshots = []
self.result = {}
for d in data:
filename = d.filename
self.result[filename] = 'Not processed'
d = d.stream.read()
if not d:
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot is empty'
d_json = json.loads(d)
except JSONDecodeError:
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot is not a json'
uuid_snapshot = d_json.get('uuid')
if Snapshot.query.filter(Snapshot.uuid == uuid_snapshot).all():
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot exist'
self.snapshots.append((filename, d_json))
if not self.snapshots:
return False
return True
def save(self):
if any([x == 'Error' for x in self.result.values()]):
# result = []
self.sync = Sync()
schema = SnapshotSchema()
# self.tmp_snapshots = app.config['TMP_SNAPSHOTS']
# TODO @cayop get correct var config
self.tmp_snapshots = '/tmp/'
for filename, snapshot_json in self.snapshots:
path_snapshot = save_json(snapshot_json, self.tmp_snapshots, g.user.email)
snapshot_json.pop('debug', None)
snapshot_json = schema.load(snapshot_json)
response = self.build(snapshot_json)
if hasattr(response, 'type'):
self.result[filename] = 'Ok'
self.result[filename] = 'Error'
move_json(self.tmp_snapshots, path_snapshot, g.user.email)
return response
def build(self, snapshot_json):
# this is a copy adaptated from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.views.snapshot
device = snapshot_json.pop('device') # type: Computer
components = None
if snapshot_json['software'] == (SnapshotSoftware.Workbench or SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid):
components = snapshot_json.pop('components', None) # type: List[Component]
if isinstance(device, Computer) and device.hid:
snapshot = Snapshot(**snapshot_json)
# Remove new actions from devices so they don't interfere with sync
actions_device = set(e for e in device.actions_one)
if components:
actions_components = tuple(set(e for e in c.actions_one) for c in components)
for component in components:
assert not device.actions_one
assert all(not c.actions_one for c in components) if components else True
db_device, remove_actions = self.sync.run(device, components)
del device # Do not use device anymore
snapshot.device = db_device
snapshot.actions |= remove_actions | actions_device # Set actions to snapshot
# commit will change the order of the components by what
# the DB wants. Let's get a copy of the list so we preserve order
ordered_components = OrderedSet(x for x in snapshot.components)
# Add the new actions to the db-existing devices and components
db_device.actions_one |= actions_device
if components:
for component, actions in zip(ordered_components, actions_components):
component.actions_one |= actions
snapshot.actions |= actions
if snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench:
# Check ownership of (non-component) device to from current.user
if db_device.owner_id != g.user.id:
raise InsufficientPermission()
# Compute ratings
rate_computer, price = RateComputer.compute(db_device)
except CannotRate:
if price:
elif snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid:
pass # TODO try except to compute RateMobile
# Check if HID is null and add Severity:Warning to Snapshot
if snapshot.device.hid is None:
snapshot.severity = Severity.Warning
return snapshot
class NewDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
type = StringField(u'Type', [validators.DataRequired()])
label = StringField(u'Label')
serial_number = StringField(u'Seria Number', [validators.DataRequired()])
model = StringField(u'Model', [validators.DataRequired()])
manufacturer = StringField(u'Manufacturer', [validators.DataRequired()])
appearance = StringField(u'Appearance', [validators.Optional()])
functionality = StringField(u'Functionality', [validators.Optional()])
brand = StringField(u'Brand')
generation = IntegerField(u'Generation')
version = StringField(u'Version')
weight = FloatField(u'Weight', [validators.DataRequired()])
width = FloatField(u'Width', [validators.DataRequired()])
height = FloatField(u'Height', [validators.DataRequired()])
depth = FloatField(u'Depth', [validators.DataRequired()])
variant = StringField(u'Variant', [validators.Optional()])
sku = StringField(u'SKU', [validators.Optional()])
image = StringField(u'Image', [validators.Optional(), validators.URL()])
imei = IntegerField(u'IMEI', [validators.Optional()])
meid = StringField(u'MEID', [validators.Optional()])
resolution = IntegerField(u'Resolution width', [validators.Optional()])
screen = FloatField(u'Screen size', [validators.Optional()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.devices = {"Smartphone": Smartphone,
"Tablet": Tablet,
"Cellphone": Cellphone,
"Monitor": Monitor,
"Mouse": Mouse,
"Keyboard": Keyboard,
"MemoryCardReader": MemoryCardReader}
if not self.generation.data:
self.generation.data = 1
if not self.weight.data:
self.weight.data = 0.1
if not self.height.data:
self.height.data = 0.1
if not self.width.data:
self.width.data = 0.1
if not self.depth.data:
self.depth.data = 0.1
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
error = ["Not a correct value"]
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if self.generation.data < 1:
self.generation.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.weight.data < 0.1:
self.weight.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.height.data < 0.1:
self.height.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.width.data < 0.1:
self.width.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.depth.data < 0.1:
self.depth.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.imei.data:
if not 13 < len(str(self.imei.data)) < 17:
self.imei.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.meid.data:
meid = self.meid.data
if not 13 < len(meid) < 17:
is_valid = False
int(meid, 16)
except ValueError:
self.meid.errors = error
is_valid = False
if not is_valid:
return False
if self.image.data == '':
self.image.data = None
if self.manufacturer.data:
self.manufacturer.data = self.manufacturer.data.lower()
if self.model.data:
self.model.data = self.model.data.lower()
if self.serial_number.data:
self.serial_number.data = self.serial_number.data.lower()
return True
def save(self):
json_snapshot = {
'type': 'Snapshot',
'software': 'Web',
'version': '11.0',
'device': {
'type': self.type.data,
'model': self.model.data,
'manufacturer': self.manufacturer.data,
'serialNumber': self.serial_number.data,
'brand': self.brand.data,
'version': self.version.data,
'generation': self.generation.data,
'sku': self.sku.data,
'weight': self.weight.data,
'width': self.width.data,
'height': self.height.data,
'depth': self.depth.data,
'variant': self.variant.data,
'image': self.image.data
if self.appearance.data or self.functionality.data:
json_snapshot['device']['actions'] = [{
'type': 'VisualTest',
'appearanceRange': self.appearance.data,
'functionalityRange': self.functionality.data
upload_form = UploadSnapshotForm()
upload_form.sync = Sync()
schema = SnapshotSchema()
self.tmp_snapshots = '/tmp/'
path_snapshot = save_json(json_snapshot, self.tmp_snapshots, g.user.email)
snapshot_json = schema.load(json_snapshot)
if self.type.data == 'Monitor':
snapshot_json['device'].resolution_width = self.resolution.data
snapshot_json['device'].size = self.screen.data
if self.type.data in ['Smartphone', 'Tablet', 'Cellphone']:
snapshot_json['device'].imei = self.imei.data
snapshot_json['device'].meid = self.meid.data
snapshot = upload_form.build(snapshot_json)
move_json(self.tmp_snapshots, path_snapshot, g.user.email)
if self.type.data == 'Monitor':
snapshot.device.resolution = self.resolution.data
snapshot.device.screen = self.screen.data
return snapshot
class TagForm(FlaskForm):
code = StringField(u'Code', [validators.length(min=1)])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
error = ["This value is being used"]
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
tag = Tag.query.filter(Tag.id==self.code.data).all()
if tag:
self.code.errors = error
return False
return True
def save(self):
self.instance = Tag(id=self.code.data)
return self.instance
def remove(self):
if not self.instance.device and not self.instance.provider:
return self.instance
class TagUnnamedForm(FlaskForm):
amount = IntegerField(u'amount')
def save(self):
num = self.amount.data
tags_id, _ = g.tag_provider.post('/', {}, query=[('num', num)])
tags = [Tag(id=tag_id, provider=g.inventory.tag_provider) for tag_id in tags_id]
return tags
class TagDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
tag = SelectField(u'Tag', choices=[])
device = StringField(u'Device', [validators.Optional()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.delete = kwargs.pop('delete', None)
self.device_id = kwargs.pop('device', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.delete:
tags = Tag.query.filter(Tag.owner_id==g.user.id).filter(Tag.device_id==self.device_id)
tags = Tag.query.filter(Tag.owner_id==g.user.id).filter(Tag.device_id==None)
self.tag.choices = [(tag.id, tag.id) for tag in tags]
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
self._tag = Tag.query.filter(Tag.id == self.tag.data).filter(
Tag.owner_id == g.user.id).one()
if not self.delete and self._tag.device_id:
self.tag.errors = [("This tag is actualy in use.")]
return False
if self.device.data:
self.device.data = int(self.device.data.split(',')[-1])
self.device.data = None
if self.device_id or self.device.data:
self.device_id = self.device_id or self.device.data
self._device = Device.query.filter(Device.id == self.device_id).filter(
Device.owner_id == g.user.id).one()
return True
def save(self):
self._tag.device_id = self._device.id
def remove(self):
self._tag.device = None
class NewActionForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField(u'Name', [validators.length(max=50)])
devices = HiddenField()
date = DateField(u'Date', validators=(validators.Optional(),))
severity = SelectField(u'Severity', choices=[(v.name, v.name) for v in Severity])
description = TextAreaField(u'Description')
lot = HiddenField()
type = HiddenField()
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
if self.devices.data:
devices = set(self.devices.data.split(","))
self._devices = OrderedSet(Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(devices)).filter(
Device.owner_id == g.user.id).all())
if not self._devices:
return False
return True
def save(self):
Model = db.Model._decl_class_registry.data[self.type.data]()
self.instance = Model()
devices = self.devices.data
severity = self.severity.data
self.devices.data = self._devices
self.severity.data = Severity[self.severity.data]
self.devices.data = devices
self.severity.data = severity
return self.instance
class AllocateForm(NewActionForm):
start_time = DateField(u'Start time')
end_time = DateField(u'End time')
final_user_code = StringField(u'Final user code', [validators.length(max=50)])
transaction = StringField(u'Transaction', [validators.length(max=50)])
end_users = IntegerField(u'End users')
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
start_time = self.start_time.data
end_time = self.end_time.data
if start_time and end_time and end_time < start_time:
error = ['The action cannot finish before it starts.']
self.start_time.errors = error
self.end_time.errors = error
is_valid = False
if not self.end_users.data:
self.end_users.errors = ["You need to specify a number of users"]
is_valid = False
return is_valid